Lin Er Fu is so popular that he shivers all over his body. He can't do it now. Although Lin Zhi looks better, he still can't move his hands and feet because of the fracture, but the good leg can't stand up. He also knows that it's Qin Tian's hands and feet. But now there is no other way to cooperate with Qin Tian. Lin's face is white and his lips are trembling.

"OK, Lin Xiaoyao, you and I will wait. When Lin Zhizhi is cured, I will slowly clean up you little bitch!"

In front of Lin Xiaoyao's face, Mrs. Lin can't help but scold him. Lin Xiaoyao doesn't think so, "you little bitch, go slowly."


Lin Xiaoyao doesn't care, but she takes advantage of her words, but what she said is right. If Lin Zhili gets better, he will not give up and he doesn't know what Qin Tian will do!

Lin Xiaoyao thought of here, he felt a little uneasy, so he called Qin Tian. Qin Tian only said one sentence: "give it all to me. You can rest assured."

Lin Xiaoyao did not know how to rest assured, but Qin Tian's words could only be temporarily concealed.

Qin Tian went back to the Qin family and reported the incident to the old man. The old man's eyes widened as soon as he heard it. "You're trying to get both the Qin and Lin families into injustice. Do you know that the two families are friends of the world?"

"I know granddad, but listen to me! I asked grandfather Lin, but he didn't say anything. As for the 5 billion injections, that's my price. I'm a descendant of traditional Chinese medicine. I can cure the dead. It's nothing. "

Qin Tian said this, and he stopped talking. He just pondered for a moment and reminded him, "don't make things impossible. Although master Lin acquiesces that you are also because Lin Zhi doesn't strive for success, he will really hurt him. At that time, our two families will have a bad face."

Of course, Qin Tian knows that Lin Zhi is only the second wife. There are other people in the Lin family. What's more, the elder brother of the Lin family is now in charge. As for Lin Zhi, it's better to stand up. Don't make trouble in the future. He won't take care of other things.

So he asked for 15 billion 3 needles. This price could buy Lin Zhi's life and walk upright for the rest of his life. The master knew that he would not care.

However, the second room of the Lin family fell into a dispute. Seeing that another 10 billion yuan was needed for two injections, Lin Er Ye was immediately angry.

"No cure! Little brute, it costs me so much money to make him walk. I have already said that with so much money, I can find a woman to give me a new baby. If you want to cure, you can raise money by yourself. Don't worry about me again!

The money of the Lin family didn't come from the strong wind, for the sake of this beast... "

"Shut up All of a sudden, a sharp drink came from behind. Lin Er Ye looked back and saw that it was master Lin. he immediately lowered his head and stood aside. "Father, how did you come?"

"If I don't come, I don't know. You keep talking about a little animal, a little animal. Anyway, he is your child after all. If you didn't care about him and ignored him all the time, how could he have become like this? Son doesn't teach his father's fault, second, you really let me down. The money comes from the Lin family, but your husband and wife will discipline him in the future Don't worry about it. Lin Zhi will go abroad. If he can't, he will be thrown into the army to train for a period of time. "

Hearing this, Mrs. Lin was shocked, "that's no good!"

Mr. Lin's eyes are open! "Why not? If you don't think I'm good at teaching, you can pay for it yourself. "

Mrs. Lin's second wife was silent and retreated to one side in silence. It was more painful than gouging out her heart. All her money was used to buy jewelry and clothes. Where else could she have free money to cure Lin Zhi?

Now that master Lin has spoken, he and Mrs. Lin will no longer quarrel. Anyway, someone pays the bill and they are happy.

But whether Qin Tian can make Lin Zhi stand up is another question.

In the evening, Qin Tian's mobile phone received a 10 billion payment SMS reminder. He glanced at his mobile phone and couldn't help sneering. He didn't expect that the Lin family had actually paid for the money, but he never thought that it would be the acquiescence of master Lin.

However, it doesn't matter. Anyway, he is a descendant of a traditional Chinese medicine family, and he will certainly be able to cure Lin Zhi. As for how they treat Lin Zhi and Qin Tian, they don't care. After they get the money, Qin Tian cleans up his things and comes to the Lin family the next day. But this time, he takes the lead to let him go to the study.

Qin Tian knew that the old man was going to say to him, so he patted his silver needle cloth bag and went in with him.

Just arrived in the study, the old man turned back and gave him a fist. Qin Tian responded quickly and stretched out his hand to separate. Then he clasped his hands and said, "Mr. Lin, please speak up. If you don't like me, you can give me two punches. But it's not here. It's OK for us to go out and have a show. "

Seeing that Qin Tian easily separated himself, his strength and speed were just right, Mr. Lin burst out laughing, "I can't imagine that the old man of Qin family can still have such a grandson at this age. It's good!"Qin Tian was stunned, and then realized something. He said modestly, "the old man flattered me, but it was just some Kung Fu. Besides, the eldest son of the Lin family is also the leader of the Lin family. Why should he be too modest? Why envy others? "

Qin Tian's words made master Lin nod his head. It seems that he has an eye for seeing. He knows that Lin's eldest brother can handle it. So the old man turned around and asked him to sit down with a smile. Then he said in a deep voice: "how sure are you about Lin Zhi's body?"

Qin Tianyi Zheng said, "after treatment, 80% of the patients can be recovered. It is no problem to stand up again, and the appearance will return to normal.". But if there are hidden diseases in other bodies, I can't guarantee it. "

His words let old Lin frown, "do you mean there is any stubborn disease in his body?"

"I don't mean that, but if something really happened during the treatment, I can't guarantee it. Besides, he has been lying for such a long time. If there is any problem in the hospital, I can't see it. I can only say that I can make him walk on his own. As for the rest, I dare not promise. "

With Qin Tian's words, old Lin was relieved.

"Well, as long as he can live in this world. Qin Tian, tell me honestly whether this matter has anything to do with you? "

Mr. Lin just wants to know if the Qin family is involved in this. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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