Hearing the sarcasm in her words, Lin Xiaoyao shook his head, "don't laugh. I don't have any ability to make him obedient. It's all made by Lin Zhi himself.

Since he wants to stay and talk with you, you can accompany him. Anyway, he can't do anything. There is still one last shot left for Lin Zhi to take a good rest. In the future, he must not go out and make trouble. Grandfather has already said that if it is not well done, he will be sent abroad. You say that it's really pitiful for someone who is optimistic about Duanduan to go abroad and stay away from his family! "

Her words made Mrs. Lin look calm. She couldn't help but say, "it's all because of you! If it wasn't for you, how could he have gone abroad? "

Thinking about what time it was abroad, Lin Xiaoyao snorted coldly when he saw that the second lady of Lin finally showed her true colors:

"second lady, I call you second lady. I feel sick. I don't want to call you second aunt for so many years. You don't have a point in your mind? How did you get there? The reason why Lin Zhi became this way today is that you only know how to buy clothes and things, and don't care about him at all. That's why he has become what he is today.

Now Lin Zhi can have the opportunity to go abroad to exercise, but you still can't bear it! No, you are not kind at all! You can't give up your little money when Lin Zhi is treating a disease!

As far as I know, there are still several billion in your stock account. Although it is still a little less than 5 billion, it is better than none. However, you dare not give it to Lin Zhiyong for a long time. You also say that you love Lin Zhi. Where do you love him? You love yourself

Lin Xiaoyao unkindly exposed the true face of the second lady Lin. she was furious and raised her hand to beat her. However, Lin Xiaoyao suddenly clasped her wrist,

"you must not hit me in the courtyard of our house, otherwise, my grandfather will blow out your second room together. If you don't believe it, try it!"

Lin Xiaoyao shook off Mrs. Lin's hand fiercely. Mrs. Lin was stunned and then laughed, "yes, I've been looked down upon all my life. Even you young people look up to me at ordinary times. But it doesn't matter. Our family Lin Zhi is better than you at any time. You girl film will not be married in the future. You will get out of the Lin family at that time. I see how you can get involved in the Lin family's affairs. "

Lin Xiaoyao gave a cold hum and stopped talking to her. Anyway, she didn't know what kind of status she would be in the Lin family.

Mrs. Lin didn't realize what she was saying. These words were heard by Mr. Lin.

Knowing that Mrs. Lin thought so, the master called Mr. Lin in and threw out a stack of materials for him to see. He didn't know why. After reading it, he felt cold on his back.

"What do you mean, father?"

"Can't you read it in black and white? It means that I have divided all the shares of the Lin family. You two rooms take 10% and the rest is divided by the big room. "

Hearing this, the second master of Lin jumped up!

"Why should the second room get 10%! I've been working hard for the Lin family for so many years. Why do I only take ten percent? "

"Because you are both black sheep

The old man pointed out the state of him and Lin Zhi without any politeness. Lin Er Ye's face was a little heavy. He was more and more angry when he thought of what Lin Zhi had done these days. He just wanted to spread his anger on him, but he was stopped by him.

"You take 10% with your wife to leave my house and start a new business. In the future, Lin Zhi will be in my charge. Don't ask. "

The master's words made Lin Er Ye's heart tremble. Hearing him mention his wife, the old man used to ignore the affairs of their house. I don't know what's going on today. It seems that she caused the disaster!

However, on second thought, it's good to take the woman out and have no one to take care of what he wants to play in the future.

Then the second master thought about it and said, "give me the villa in the east of the city, so that after I go out, I can have a place to live."

The old man thought it over and agreed.

"You can go and get the villa, but the Lin family will give you two million yuan a month's pocket money. Don't interfere in the Lin family's business in the future. Is that enough? You can live a good life for me in the future, and you don't have to worry about Lin Zhi's affairs. "

He indulged so long, now, Lin Xiaoyao is also big, this matter let the old man think for a long time, we must break Lin Zhi over!

It's not easy, but it's better than nothing. So Lin Zhi didn't expect that he was just a little bit thrown abroad for training. It took him many years to understand his good intentions. Of course, it's just a sequel.

With the share transfer certificate and some cash, Mr. Lin quickly packed up his things and took Mrs. Lin to the villa in the east of the city.

Mrs. Lin was still thinking about Lin Zhi, but she was stopped by Lin Er ye and satirized her: "don't pretend. You don't care about him. You don't want to give up your own money. What else do you want to install now?"

Mrs. Lin snorted: "because I'm just like you, but Lin Zhi is always a piece of meat from my stomach. I love him. However, as for money, he is clearly a child of your Lin family. Why should I be a married man to take the money? "Lin Er Ye snorted coldly and stopped talking. Anyway, when he mentioned money, Mrs. Lin didn't want to take it out. It was her private money.

For so many years, she stayed in the Lin family and watched Lin Er Yeh get involved outside. She had to leave a way for herself. He didn't expose her, but took her out to live.

Lin Zhi didn't know his parents were gone, so he left himself in the Lin family's mansion. When he was a little better, he was thrown out by the old man.

Qin Tian can't help sneering when he receives the news. It seems that the master of the Lin family still hasn't given up Lin Zhi.

In the end, it's how his grandson can let go, but it's beyond his expectation. It's also a good way for the old man to make Lin Zhi go abroad to experience. In a word, it would be good to keep Lin Zhi away from the Lin family.

When he comes back, Lin Xiaoyao must be almost mature and able to take charge of the affairs of the Lin family. After he finishes dealing with the affairs of the Lin family, Qin Tian thinks that there is still something to do at home.

These days, he has been paying attention to the old man's body. In any case, he left his phone number to Qin Fen. He thought that he would go back after a period of time. If there was anything else, we could call him. Qin Fen and Qin Kuo were in the Qin family. Because of this, Qin Kuo was ordered to move back to his old house and let him help his uncle and brother do business.

Qin Kuo's brain melon seeds are good at making business.

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