Besides, these days in the imperial capital, they basically did not do any work after a month or two. Now they can help Qin Tian. The monkey is naturally willing to help him. Qin Tian can't resist him, so he has to agree.

Let the monkey and Zhao Donghui follow them. The others will have a good rest at home. Monkey also agreed, until the evening, an hour before the auction, Qin Tian took Li Xinran past.

Luo Yin was very happy to see them. She was stunned when she saw Li Xinran. Then, with a trace of cunning in her eyes, she said with a smile, "I've brought my sister-in-law. Qin Tian, you really have you!"

Li Xinran looks at Luo in front of her. Luo Yin and Lin Wan Ru are two different types.

Although they are all strong women, Luo Yin is almost as tall as them, but her skeleton is very small, and she is also dressed in a very Chinese style. Her improved cheongsam makes her beautiful and graceful. She can't move her eyes when she sees Li Xinran.

Seeing this, Luo Yin said with a smile: "my sister-in-law looks at me stupidly. Do you think I look good in this way?"

Li Xinran nodded again and again. It was the first time that she saw someone wearing the improved cheongsam so beautiful.

Luo Yin smiles: "if you like, there are many similar clothes to be auctioned tonight. It's better for you to have a try."

Smell speech, Li Xinran in front of a bright!

"Really? But the size... " She was a little worried about not fitting.

"It doesn't matter. As long as you like it, you can take it. If it doesn't fit, I'll ask someone to change it for you, or ask the master to do it for you."

Luo Yin also loves her husband and her dog. Who makes her like Li Xinran so much?

No affectation at all. If she is graceful, charming and sexy, Li Xinran is that kind of plain faced and beautiful.

Smell speech Li Xinran of course agreed, Qin Tian also nodded, and then cut into the main topic and asked: "who put the snow meiguo you said?"

"I don't know who put it up, but one thing is that the channel is regular. It's said that it's someone's heirloom, so I came to auction because of the urgent need for money. The starting price is 30 million. However, as soon as the news was released, Mr. Robert from Wall company, the world's largest pharmaceutical company, came in person. They collected the world's famous medicinal materials. I think this time they are in a certain position. However, with you, I can see how I want to take pictures. "

Luo Yin's words are right. As the boss of the auction house, if she has the goods, she will certainly take them out for auction, and the reserve price of 30 million yuan will be put here. The seller means to get the best of a billion.

Because she was in urgent need of money, Luo Yin did not dare to swallow it privately. A billion yuan was not a small sum for her. So I hope to get a good price at the auction.

Of course, if it does, the percentage will be higher. So she told Qin Tian the news, which also made him prepare enough funds in advance.

Qin Tian calculated that he had about 20 billion yuan in hand.

According to the truth, it's enough to shoot a snow fruit, but if Robert is there, the price will be higher. The reserve price of 30 million is not high. But if you add it up, it may not be capped.

Robert is sure to get it, and he can't give up.

So tonight's auction is bound to be another bloody battle. Qin Tian has thought of all that should be thought of, and is waiting for the auction in the evening.

The reason why we want xuemeiguo is to Dai's family. The disease of Dai Gongzi depends on xuemeiguo as a drug guide. If you have this fruit, other herbs will be ready.

So Qin Tian must get xuemeiguo. Of course, he hasn't had time to talk to boss Dai about this matter. Qin Tian thinks that if the money is not enough, whether boss Dai can give some help, so Qin Tian dials boss Dai's phone and asks him to come and help.

Of course, Qin Tian didn't expect Robert's ability to be so great and brought so much money that at the beginning, Qin Tian didn't expect the price to be so high. Of course, this is just a later remark!

When everything is ready, he waits for the auction to begin. Qin Tian sits on the second floor where Luo Yin has prepared him. He can see the situation under the stage at a glance. He feels a gaze locked on his body. Qin Tian looks up and sees a foreigner staring at him.

it looks like he is only in his forties. Qin is such a foreigner Mr. Robert nodded at him. That's the day.

The foreign man on the opposite side also saluted him with a smile.

The auction house must have told Robert about the news, so now Robert wants to make a good relationship with him so that he can get the snow magic fruit at the auction later, but Qin Tian also wants it, so there is no need to do anything to please him.

At this time, Luo Yin changed a Chinese style cheongsam and stood on the stage. Her clear voice brought back their thoughts.

Li Xinran was very happy to see her dressed like this. She pulled Qin Tian's sleeve and said, "look at her and change her clothes. Have a good look!"

"If you like, there will be a qipao auction later, so you can auction more. Luo Yin behind the clothing team is also one of the best, let them give you tailor-made clothes. Luo Yin likes this kind of dress and has collected a lot in recent years. If you like, you can buy two from her"Really? The gentleman said not to please others

"But the gentleman also said that we should share the good things together. Besides, with the relationship between Luo Yin and me, there should be no problem for you."

Qin Tian's words made Li Xinran happy. She didn't expect that she could find her heart at an auction.

In fact, Li Xinran's figure has always been good, and she looks good in everything, but she has never tried this kind of improved cheongsam with Chinese style, especially this one color material, which is embroidered with traditional Chinese patterns, and its length reaches to ankle. With high-heeled shoes, it has a kind of graceful and graceful feeling.

So Li Xinran wants to know what she looks like when she puts it on. She thinks it's very beautiful just by looking at Luo Yin's clothes. She must be good after she changes.

Hearing Qin Tian say this, Li Xinran also knew that he should be no worse than Luo Yin, so he looked at Luo Yin with hope and waited for those qipaos to be put on the shelves.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to..."

On the stage, Luo Yin has also started, Qin Tian is not interested in listening, just looking at the color page.

Xuemeiguo is the final piece, put in the last one.

Qin Tian flipped through it to get a general idea of today's auction and locked his eyes on the diamond necklace in front of him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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