Everything is ready, Qin day with money and Dai boss phone, Dai boss sitting down to hear Qin Tian's voice, this is at ease. This time, in order to support Qin Tian, he specially prepared checks and cash. He was worried that if Qin Tian didn't have enough money, he could still top it.

For the sake of his son's illness, he is willing to go broke as long as the child gets better.

The auction lasted for an hour or two, during which a lot of items were sold. Qin Tian also took an active part in the auction, but he did not pursue it.

Robert on the other side finally felt relieved. Looking at the boy, he seemed to have a big head, but in fact he didn't understand anything. He wanted to get involved in everything and photographed so many useless and messy things. It seemed that the threat was not great.

Qin Tian does this to let Robert relax his vigilance. If he doesn't shoot anything, it seems suspicious. It is precisely because of this that Qin Tian's next performance surprised Robert.

Qin Tian turns his head and asks the monkey to find Luo Yin again. He takes several number plates and sits on the first floor, waiting for the diamond necklace.

Robert seems to be interested. Luo Yin yelled on the stage: "the dazzling diamond necklace, starting at 10 million yuan, is made of pure natural South African diamonds, with a price increase of 3 million each time."

As soon as the voice dropped, people began to increase their prices. This is a normal phenomenon. Qin Tian also raised the number plate. The number on their side was number 23. Luo Yin's voice kept ringing. Qin Tian took a look at Robert on the opposite side. Robert was not willing to show weakness. It seemed that he was bound to win.

At first, the whole audience was interested in this diamond necklace. After all, it was an appreciation and value preserving thing. But in the end, they saw that it had broken through the 50 million mark, and gradually some people began to retreat.

However, the monkey with Zhao Donghui and Yang Bing cooperate with Qin Tian, and Qin Tian still does not retreat. The five fight. Robert sees that the people below have not withdrawn, so he can't help worrying.

"80 million!"

Robert took the lead in calling out, and the crowd was in a state of uproar. They didn't know why he had to get the necklace.

Monkey looked at the mobile phone, continued to raise the card, Qin Tian then raised the price, "85 million."

Robert took a look at Qin Tian, but he didn't expect that the young man had persisted to the present day. However, he was obviously unable to do what he wanted. He bought a diamond necklace for more than 80 million yuan. Did he look fat?

Robert raises the card again. At this time, Qin Tian sends a message to the monkey to give up. The people in the field have gradually given up and wait and see. In the end, there are only Qin Tian and Robert.

Robert can't help but be curious. Is this guy on purpose? I have to fight for this necklace with myself.

But thinking of the front, he also raises cards every time. Doesn't he know what the diamond necklace is worth this time?

Qin Tian didn't care. Insist on the necklace down, because he has not sent Li Xinran diamond necklace!

So take advantage of this opportunity to get the necklace.

Robert did not want to be outdone. He promised his wife to get this necklace. So no matter what the price is, he has to get it.

Two people you come and I fight for a while, each time Qin Tian is a little higher than Robert. Now he has won 90 million yuan, and Qin Tian raises a sign, "add one yuan."

His words made the whole audience uproar, but also let Robert opposite to spit blood.

This guy doesn't know. Three million more each time? Luo Yin also froze, Qin Tian explained: "93 million one yuan." It's a dollar higher than him.

Qin Tian finished, Robert eyebrows a pick, go on like this, if Qin Tian every time higher than his own a dollar words, oneself have to wait until when can take down this necklace?

So Robert yelled, "one hundred million!"

Directly added the price, Qin Tian did not look weak, again raised the card, "130 million one yuan!"

It was still one yuan higher than him. Such a price increase made Luo Yin look silly and Robert looked a little ugly. He immediately sent someone to Qin Tian. Qin Tianyan watched Robert's people come, not in a hurry or slow.

he raised his eyebrows at Robert. Robert also raised his hand and added three million yuan. Qin Tian raised his hand again.

After a while, Robert's bodyguard came and asked Qin Tian to pass. Li Xinran didn't know what had happened, so he was worried.

Qin Tian comforted Li Xinran with a smile: "wait for me here. I'll be back soon. It's OK."

Li Xinran nodded. Although he was worried, it should not be a problem to have bodyguards. Moreover, this is an auction house. Even if they want to fight, it is impossible.

So Li Xinran let Qin Tian pass.

To Robert's side, Robert actually changed his tongue to speak Chinese, which made Qin Tian a little surprised, did not expect that this boy is quite talented.

What's your name, sir

"Don't give me your name Qin. Mr. Robert has heard a lot about his name!"

Hearing Qin Tian say his name, Robert is a little surprised, but on second thought, he is also a director of a well-known pharmaceutical company, no one should not know him.

Robert just smiles. "Since Mr. Qin knows himself, he should also know my strength."Qin Tian frowned, fearless, "of course I know, but I also want this diamond necklace, which is prepared to give to my wife."

He raised his eyebrows and looked in the direction of Li Xinran and waved to her. Li Xinran gave a sweet smile, and Robert understood.

Although he has a wife, he has promised his wife to take this diamond necklace away. So Robert thought for a moment and said, "well, I'll give you 20 million. Will you give me this necklace? I want to give it to my wife, too.

This necklace is very important to us. "

"I'd like to hear more about it."

Seeing Robert's face full of sincerity, Qin Tian sat down and said, "I can't imagine that there are stories here. I like listening to stories best. Mr. Robert, tell me, what is the story that makes you have to take this diamond necklace?"

Seeing Qin Tian unwilling to leave, he sat down instead. It seems that 20 million yuan today is not enough to satisfy him.

Robert thought for a while, and then he said, "this necklace used to be a relic of my wife's family. For some reason, it was left out. Now I want to take it back and send it back."

The story made up by Robert makes Qin Tian laugh. This kind of lie is too clumsy!

Qin Tian sneered, "the story is so fresh and refined that you are one. Didn't you see what the host just introduced? It's made of South African diamonds, and it's only recently made. It's not a hundred year old diamond style, and the way it's made is modern.

If Mr. Robert wants it, he should make a better excuse

Qin Tian unconcerned him.

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