This time, Zhang Xiaoxiao helped her again. How could she let them meet.

Besides, Qin Tian's ability is definitely not ordinary people. So it's good to have someone help you with your eyes.

So they put on their clothes and went on eating supper.

Chen Hong all the way to the hospital, once again hung up the number to see the doctor, but he was shocked. He can't touch a woman again in his life. What Qin Tian said is true.

Chen Hong can't accept the result. When the doctor told him, he still didn't give up and asked if he could take medicine. The answer was still negative. Chen Hong collapsed completely!

I didn't expect to be a useless man at a young age. What if you meet the woman you want?

He thought of his ten days in Songshan city. Every night, at least two women played the bottom and played with each other.

No wonder Qin Tian said that his time was the peak of his life, but it turned out that he was fighting this idea. He was not willing to admit defeat like this.

When he walked out of the hospital, Chen Hong took a look at the little gangsters who were smoking beside them. There were many such thugs in Mordor.

Chen Hong thought about it and went to them and said, "do you want to make money, man?"

With a cigarette in his mouth, he looked up and down at Chen Hong and puffed out his cigarette butt. "What's the matter, brother, do you have a way to make money?"

Hearing this, Chen Hong took out a stack of red tickets from his pocket and handed them to them, "help me teach a man a lesson. How about 100000 yuan?"

"How tall and how old is that man? It's not easy to clean up if the local ones do

"Don't worry. It's from other places. It's from Songshan city. As long as you teach him how to beat a half disabled man. It's just a matter of greeting the lower body. "

When Chen Hong spoke, he grinned his teeth and laughed, "my brother is cruel enough, so he is playing with your wife?"

Chen Hong's face was livid? He made me unable to touch women in my life. I want him to be the same as me. Please remember to do it quickly and keep away from the hospital when it is finished. Don't let him have a chance to climb to the hospital. "

After Chen Hong finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and showed them, "it's this man named Qin Tian. You have to look after it for me."

Watching them put the money into their backpacks, afraid they didn't remember, Chen Hong went to the nearby print shop to print all the photos to them.

"You stay around Huang's enterprise, and he will definitely go to Mr. Huang. Then you will know that there will be another hundred thousand when it is finished. "

Those gangsters are very open to money. Seeing that Chen Hong is so generous, and seeing Chen Hong gnashing his teeth, they will know that they have grown up.

So he quickly remembered the portrait of Qin Tian. One day later, Qin Tian appeared in the vicinity of Huang's enterprise. The gangsters recognized it at a glance and couldn't help laughing grimly.

When Qin Tiangang just wanted to go in, he was blocked in front of him.

Looking at these small hoodlums with cigarettes in their mouths, Qin Tian sneers in his heart. How dare someone dare to do it himself in Mordor?

"What are you guys going to do?"

"I don't do anything. I want to make friends with you."

The chief gangster still plays with the dagger in his hand, and Qin Tian is still.

"Make friends, OK, but I have something else to do today. When I'm finished, I'll invite some more to dinner."

As soon as he was about to leave, he was stopped. One of the gangsters' faces was close to Qin Tian. Qin Tian could smell the smell in his mouth and could not help frowning.

"My friend, I'll give you face. Now go to the coffee shop nearby. Let's go. Don't mention it!"

Then he put his arm on Qin Tian's shoulder. He was half a head taller than Qin Tian. He was so tall and powerful that he held Qin Tian in his arms.

Then he took Qin Tian to a nearby corner. Qin Tian didn't say anything. He just followed them and looked around. The environment here is really good. Few people see it. If you start to call later, no one will come.

Yes, Qin Tian nodded, "this is a good place."

He sighed.

"It's really good. No one can see it. If you are killed here, no one will know. "

Qin Tian looked around and asked, "is there no monitoring?" The gangster thought he was scared, and he said with a smile, "this is a dead corner for monitoring. My friend is very familiar with this area. If it is not for monitoring the dead corner, he will not bring you here. What about? See that? "

Qin Tian nodded, "it's really a good place for us to talk about."

"Of course, my brother is also a happy man. To tell you the truth, we are looking for you today!"

Qin Tian thought about it and said, "I offended you, or who is your boss?"

"You don't have to know that. You can't have a good life with us."Qin Tian shook his head, "if you don't tell me, I will be very sad! Why don't you tell me a surname and let me guess? "

Qin Tian suddenly wants to play with them.

The chief gangster laughed and said, "do you see that?" He shook the photo. "Some people said that you let him not touch women in the rest of his life, so he was angry. He wanted us to teach you a lesson and die! Take him over there and sit down. "

It turned out that there had been a worn-out chair. Several of them pressed Qin Tian down, and then one came over with a stick. It seemed that they wanted to be authentic.

Qin Tian looked at them and discussed: "that is my personal enmity with them, or don't implicate you."

"That's not good. You boy, don't talk nonsense. If we don't abolish you today, we can't pay the work! We're paid. "

"How much did you charge? I'll double it for you

Qin Tian deliberately pretended to be in a hurry, and the gangster shook his head. "That's not good. If it's bad for the morality of the river and lake, who dares to cooperate with us in the future, don't you?"

I can't see. These boys are very loyal, but if they offend him, they can't eat good fruit.

Qin Tianqiao up two legs, those people smile and start to work.

It's a pity that they found the wrong person today! These people are all half baked.

Qin Tian smiles, "you can not regret."

"Don't talk nonsense. I beat you today. What else can you do?"

Those people don't think so. This is magic city. Can he be arrogant as an outsider?

The big man took the stick and was about to hit Qin Tian's lower body. He drank a lot and looked at the stick coming down. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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