The driver on the Mercedes Benz had already shaken her legs. The woman who served Chen Kaige was also frightened!

Have they ever seen such punishment!? Without this ability, Chen Kaige not only abolished himself, but also lost his qualification to compete for family industry! No one will give the family property to a person who has no ability to inherit the family!

From today on, Chen Kaige is completely finished!

The driver left with Chen Kaige, who was turned into a eunuch by Qin Tian. Dozens of hoodlums were kneeling on the ground for such a long time that they didn't dare to move.

When the passing vehicles saw this kind of scene, they bravely stopped at a distance to watch, but the timid ones did not dare to look, so they just stepped on the accelerator to leave.

"Get out of here

Qin Tian hums. It's really a loss to beat these little bastards. Identity.

Hearing Qin Tian's words, such as amnesty, even if Qin Tian's voice is indolent, they are still regarded as the sounds of nature. They are all excited to rush up and kiss Qin Tian.

Li Xinran, sitting in the car, was stunned! But Qin Tian was calm, as if he was not the one who had just made great achievements.

On the way home, Li Xinran could not get rid of the shock brought by Qin Tiangang, but Lin Xiaoyao was much more calm. He calmly said to Qin Tian: "cut the grass, do not remove the roots. If you don't kill Chen Kaige today, you will be in trouble next time."

Qin Tian was stunned by Lin Xiaoyao's words.

He never thought of killing anyone, but Lin Xiaoyao, as a girl, could have such an idea. Was the imperial capital really so terrible that even a girl could be so cruel?

Qin Tian shook his head, "soldiers will block the water to Tutun, I can cure him once, I can cure him twice."

"Hum, I'm not afraid to come openly, but I'm afraid they'll do some shady business behind the scenes..."

Qin Tian doesn't listen to Lin Xiaoyao any more, and the accelerator blows to the end, and Huiteng gallops toward home.


Chen family manor.

A group of doctors in white coats are busy around the operating table, and lying on it is Chen Kaige, the heir of the Chen family!

Qin Tian's one hand has completely cut off some of his abilities!


Chen Xiangdong looked at the operating table has become the son of a disabled man, a string of his hand on the plate for decades fell to the ground, the huge force will be the tens of millions of pieces of play into countless pieces!

The driver driving for Chen Kaige has already dealt with the wound. He is kneeling on the ground and kowtow to Chen Xiangdong!

"Who did it?" Chen Xiangdong's eyes are red with blood, and the three words are squeezed out of his teeth!

My son is completely abandoned!

"Yes... It's the son-in-law of Li Cheng, President of the Affiliated Hospital, Qin Tian..." the driver's voice was shaking, and his face was full of fear of Chen Xiangdong!

Suddenly, the bodyguard standing behind him suddenly stabbed his heart with a knife. The sudden attack made the driver die instantly!

Looking at the driver with big eyes on the ground, Chen Xiangdong narrowed his eyes and said, "it's a loser's son-in-law... Very good, very good!"

The next day, Qin Tian was on duty. Ding Jianguo called and said that he had recovered from all the medicine prescribed by Qin Tian during this period of time. If he wanted to eat in Qing Dynasty, he was stubborn, but Qin Tian had to go to the door.

As soon as he opened the door, Qin Tian's eyes widened instantly!

The one who opened the door to herself was the little policewoman who just met yesterday, Ding Hanxue!

"It's you!" Ding Hanxue looked at people, and his face suddenly became cold. "It's really heaven has a way, you don't go, hell has no way, you come and vote! Stinky rascal, even if you tease my mother outside, you dare to come to the door and watch the fight! "

With that, Ding Hanxue also ignored her summer pajamas and kicked Qin Tian in the past!

"Well, don't get me wrong. I won't come for you!" Qin Tian held the grass and dodged in the narrow corridor.

"Dingju, help! Your daughter is going to kill! " Qin Tian shouts into the house with his throat, and he laughs bitterly from the bottom of his heart.

It seems to be disturbed by the outside, Ding Jianguo and his lover Li Yumei came out wearing aprons.

"Stop it! What are you doing, Xiaoxue? " Ding Jianguo quickly stopped Ding Hanxue and grabbed her. "Qin Tian is my guest. What are you doing?"

"Dad, is that the guest you invited? Let me stay at home to eat with this bastard? "

Ding Hanxue points to the tip of Qin Tian's nose and is a jerk.

Ding Jianguo was embarrassed to hear his daughter calling Qin Tian an asshole. He then falsely accused Ding Hanxue of saying, "Qin Tian is a guest I specially invited, so I can't be rude!"

"Can't you be rude? He just bullied me yesterday

"What?" On hearing this, Ding Jianguo immediately took out the posture of the director of public security and asked Qin Tian, "Qin Tian, what have you done to my daughter?"Qin Tian's heart is also flustered, he can tell Ding Jianguo, he yesterday from Ding Han snow fart?

When Ding Jianguo saw Qin Tian's guilty heart, he immediately seized Qin Tian's hand. "Qin Tian, a man can't be irresponsible. If you do something sorry for my daughter, you should be responsible for her! You know, my daughter is still a big girl

Ding Hanxue was flushed by her father's beautiful face, and quickly interrupted Ding Jianguo's words: "Dad, what are you talking about? I just had a fight with this bastard yesterday, but I didn't fight him..."

Ding Hanxue's voice became smaller and smaller. Obviously, she couldn't wipe away her face in front of Qin Tian, so she couldn't really tell her father that she was mixed up with this Did the egg slap the ass?

Qin Tian heard Ding Hanxue say so, and quickly nodded, such as pounding garlic, "right, right."

"Oh... It's like this..." Ding Jianguo's eyes turned and his heart began to smile.

You two young, one is a nervous face, the other is a blush, if there is nothing in it, the fool will not believe it!

Just because you want to hide the eyes of an old criminal policeman!?

Ding Jianguo smiles and greets Qin Tian into the door. He is eager for what happens to Qin Tian and his daughter. When he is in this position, he naturally knows what it means to be a miracle doctor with superb medical skills!

Even Qin Tian's second marriage doesn't matter!

During the meal, Li Yumei kept adding vegetables to Qin Tian. She felt that her mother-in-law looked at her son-in-law, and the more she looked at her son-in-law, the more she liked it. She made Qin Tian blush and wanted to find a way to get in.

After dinner, Ding Hanxue and Li Yumei are busy tidying up the table. Ding Hanxue, who lives in a family dress, is extremely thin, and her delicate posture is perfectly displayed in front of Qin Tian, which is enough to make any man crazy.

At this time, Ding Jianguo was pouring tea to Qin Tian by the side of Qin Tian. Looking at Qin Tian's eyes, he felt a burst of pride in his heart!

What does this daughter want? I'm afraid I can't hook up a young man of the same year!?

Soon, Ding Hanxue noticed Qin Tian's eyes and turned to glare at him: "asshole, what are you looking at! Look, dig out your eyes again

Qin Tian is embarrassed and speechless. It's really impolite to stare at people in front of their parents.

But at this time, Li Yumei said, "you child, take a look at it, and you can't miss a piece of meat!"

"Is, you are a girl's family, grow up like this is not to show men..." Ding Jianguo is also a smooth pestle to her.

Ding Hanxue was stunned! What's the situation?

"Am I still your daughter?" Ding Hanxue was extremely angry and fiercely gouged out Qin Tian, "smelly bastard, how can I deal with you next time?"

When Qin Tian looked at the atmosphere, he coughed twice and said, "in fact, I saw some problems, and I have been staring at them..."

in the end, he said , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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