However, Chen Manman pretended not to understand. Hearing this, he grabbed Qin Tian's hand and said, "brother qintian, I really like you very much. After sister Xinran told me that day, I felt that I was very immoral, but I had no way to control my feelings and my heart. I like you. Please don't refuse my love, OK, me I just want to look at you from a distance, and I won't disturb you

Qin Tian was shocked to hear her saying that, but he could not give Chen Manman any hope. So Qin Tianshen said: "Manman, if you are not brother Jiao Cheng's relative, I will not persuade you. If I were an ordinary woman, I would have let her go. No one can destroy the relationship between me and Xinran, So don't think so much about it. Take your medicine and go. In the future, if you are ill, you should go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination, and I will not send you. "

When Chen Manman heard Qin Tian say this, his face sank. She knew that she had failed in this confession. He was not reconciled. Why can Li Xinran have all this, but she can't? Where is she worse than Li Xinran?

Chen Manman still wanted to talk. Suddenly, there was a footstep outside the door. She had to take the bag and leave.

After seeing Chen man man man go out, Zheng Hui can't help but be surprised. He comes back and asks, "who is she, brother Tian?"

"If we open the door of our hospital to do business, naturally there will be patients coming to visit, just one patient."

When Chen Manman came to the door, he heard Qin Tian say so, and immediately he was in a tight grip. It turned out that she was just a patient in Qin Tian's heart.

Why can Li Xinran be his wife and only be a patient? Chen Manman is unconvinced, but now there is no other way. Today's confession failed. She won't come again for a long time, so as not to offend Qin Tian.

What's more, Qin Tian will tell Jiao Cheng that if Jiao Cheng knows his mind, he won't be so concerned about himself.

Chen Manman thinks that he is really too reckless today, and should wait until the time is ripe. But now that it's said, it's no use regretting.

Think of here, Chen man man quickly back to the company, now she is the company's sales champion, there are many young men interested in her, but Chen man man did not heart.

If that's the case, why don't she ask a ghost to be her own shield?

Thinking of this, Chen Manman had an idea. Qin Tian saw Zheng Hui come in and asked, "what's the matter today?"

"In fact, I don't have anything to do. I just want to have a chat with you. I have nothing to do now. I have a hotel in the downtown area. I usually have nothing to do. My business is OK, so I just go around and have fun."

Qin Tian thought about it and said, "I'm going to go out in a few days. You can go to the club to help me have a look. What else needs to be improved?"

Hearing Qin Tian say so, Zheng Hui was pleased and immediately asked, "where are you going that day? Do you want to send some brothers with you?"

"No, it's not convenient for you to go to my place. Don't worry about my safety."

He said that Zheng Hui understood that some things were inconvenient for them to know, so Zheng Hui did not say much.

Zheng Hui stayed here, also did not delay qintian pharmaceutical, simply qintian finished the required herbs, Zheng Hui on the side of the visit.

He heard Jiao Cheng say something about Qin Tian. Now he really comes here to visit. Zheng Hui thinks Qin naivete is a good man. Let alone anything else, he says that Qin Tian knows how to cure. He has already left a lot of people.

No one bothered. Qin Tian soon made all the medicine into pills and put them in the bottle.

Zheng Hui strolled around, there was nothing to play with. Seeing these pills, he asked, "brother Tian, I didn't expect you would be able to cure. I don't know what these pills are for?"

Qin Tianshen said: "these are used to cure the disease and save people.

I will go out for a period of time, and there is no one in the hospital. I'll be glad to come over and take care of it when it's OK. If anyone comes to see a doctor for a medicine, just give them one. Although it is not a panacea, but if it can save people and crisis, it may play a role, harmless to the human body

When Qin Tian said this, Zheng Hui felt that he was Qin Tian's right arm. He immediately patted his chest to guarantee: "brother Tian, don't worry. I will take good care of the hospital and sister-in-law for you. You don't have to worry."

Seeing Zheng Hui's plump chest, Qin Tian laughed and said, "OK, I believe you."

A letter makes Zheng Hui happy. In the past, Liu Xing was a little boy. He didn't get the respect of Liu Xing. However, after a few days with Qin Tiantian, Qin Tian trusted him so much, which made Zheng Hui feel that he was not with the wrong person.

After coming out of the hospital, Zheng Hui began to tell his men to take good care of the hospital and Qin Tian's home these days, so that he could protect Li Xinran's safety after Qin Tian left.

Hearing that Zheng Hui acted so seriously, Qin Tian was gratified. Zheng Hui was absolutely a good hand. When he was in front of him that day, he really moved himself.But I don't know what will happen after I go in this time. The old man mentioned it to himself that day, and he didn't take it seriously. But now it's time to go and have a look. It's not in vain for these contacts he has formed before. It really needs to be maintained.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian looked at Zheng Hui's back and sighed deeply. He didn't know whether Songshan city could be so stable after he left this time. If the situation could be maintained, it would be time for him to withdraw and let them manage the place by themselves.

In fact, Qin Tian had the intention of retiring for a long time. He put down these worldly things and concentrated on practicing martial arts, and was together with Li Xinran.

Just did not expect, a lot of things need him to solve personally, so Qin Tian also dare not leave easily.

Emperor Qin's tomb is not the same as that of the emperor.

Although Qin Tian knew that it was man-made, Qin Tian was worried that Qin Kuo and Qin Fen might not be aware of it, so it was time to go back and have a look.

It has been half a year since we met last time. Qin Tian went to the imperial capital to look for the remaining Zodiac jade. Maybe we can find it quickly with the help of Tongtian gourd? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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