Did not expect to look irrelevant, even if not treated disease, has become a terminal disease eating people do not vomit bone!

On hearing this, Ding Jianguo and Li Yumei quickly asked Qin Tian, "Qin Tian, is it really so serious? So... Can you cure it? "

"It can be cured, but we can't do it too quickly. If we do it too quickly, it will alarm the insects and they will fight back on their deathbed. Ding Hanxue's fate will not be much better than his death. He can only rely on acupuncture and moxibustion to slowly regulate the insects, force the insects to the corner, and then get rid of them in one fell swoop!" Qin Tian said.

"Good! Take your time, don't worry As soon as Ding Jianguo listened to Qin Tianneng's governance, a hanging heart was put down.

The more slow the development of Qin's daughter, the slower the development!

"So... Is it still today?" Li Yumei looks at Ding Hanxue who is knocked unconscious by Qin Tian, and then looks at her exposed outside. She asks in embarrassment.

"Cough, I'm dizzy anyway. I'd better give it a shot." Qin Tian is also a little embarrassed.

Ding Jianguo closes the door and waits in the living room. Li Yumei accompanies Qin Tian to stay in the room and fiddles with Ding Hanxue's clothes for Qin Tian. Qin Tian slowly applies the needle. Fortunately, the needle dropping part does not involve such an inconvenient place. Otherwise, Li Xinran knows that Qin Tiantian is a hundred people who can't argue.


at the moment, in the western suburb of Songshan City, a Mercedes Benz slowly drove into a huge manor. At the gate, there were four big words on a large signboard: Guyue villa!

More than a dozen bodyguards in black stopped the car. A middle-aged man in a suit got out of the car and opened his arms to let the other party check.

Mr. Chen, Mr. Gu is taking a lunch break. Please wait here for a while

The head of the bodyguard said to the middle-aged man, there was no trace of respect in his tone, but the "general manager Chen" stood aside and did not show any dissatisfaction!

If Gu Yiming, Li Zheng and others are here, they will surely recognize this person. It is Chen Xiangdong, the president of Chen's jewelry and the father of Chen Kaige!

In his status, such a low-profile people take a nap!

About two hours later, a few faint sounds came from the head guard's earphone. He nodded slightly and said "yes" respectfully. Then he turned his head and looked at Chen Xiangdong.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Gu has already rested. Please follow me!"

Without waiting for Chen Xiangdong to agree, he turned around and walked towards the only villa in the manor.

After several layers of investigation, Chen Xiangdong was finally taken to a hall. In the middle of the hall is a huge mahogany chair with a whole white tiger skin on it. The tiger head is just above the back of the chair. It looks very fierce and frightening!

Around the hall, there is a circle of black opaque curtains, which gives Chen Xiangdong a feeling of hidden murder. It seems that in the next second, countless killers will rush out behind those black curtains and want to take their own lives!

For a moment, Chen Xiangdong's forehead was sweating!

After a while, a man in a white bathrobe came out and sat on the tiger's skin slowly. His sharp eyes scanned Chen Xiangdong back and forth with extraordinary momentum!

"See you, Mr. Koo!"

Seeing the visitor, Chen Xiangdong quickly bent down and bowed down to pay homage. He made a big ceremony!

First, he stood and waited, and then he bowed down to salute. The leader of Chen's jewelry was so respectful to him, which shows his identity and status!

The man sat on the tiger skin, and his chest muscles were exposed through the bathrobe. The scars showed his extraordinary past!

The man does not speak, Chen Xiangdong dare not get up!

"Sit down!" The man slowly spits out two words. Chen Xiangdong, like an amnesty, gently sits on the back chair after a sigh of relief, for fear of infuriating the Buddha in front of him!

"Come and see me for something." Men's voice is very deep, giving people a sense of oppression from the soul.

"Mr. Koo, my son... Has been abandoned!" Chen Xiangdong tried to suppress his anger.

Chen Kaige is one of his sons with the most outstanding ability and the most suitable person in charge of Chen's jewelry. However, he didn't expect to be abandoned by a stinking security guard!

"Oh?" The man eyebrows a pick, "in Pine Mountain this land boundary, still someone dares to move your Chen Xiangdong's son?"

The man sneered. Chen Kaige's character is not unknown to him. It would be nice if he didn't abandon others.

"Mr. Hui Gu's words are... A security guard of Medical College, named Qin Tian..." Chen Xiangdong's face was ferocious. When he said the word "security", his eyes were full of humiliation.

"A security guard?" Mr. Gu was slightly stunned, and his face showed a hint of intriguing smile, "can you come to me? Should this security guard be different? Hehe, it's really interesting... "

Chen Xiangdong trembled all over. He came to Mr. Gu for work, and the cost was not small. If Qin Tian couldn't solve the problem himself, he would not come here to look for someone!"Please give Mr. Gu a hand!" Chen Xiangdong bowed down and buried his head deeply.

"Your hall Chen jewelry, financial astonishing, all around the world, can not even a security guard look at the gate to solve?" Mr. Gu looked at Chen Xiangdong with a glance, and his tone was full of irony.

"It's true, Mr. Gu, that security guard... He can play!" Chen Xiangdong said, looking down.

"Oh? Can you play? How much can I play? " Mr. Gu was proud to lift his head.

"My son took dozens of people to block him, not only did not beat him, my son was abandoned..." Chen Xiangdong said more angry, full of hate in the tone.

"Dozens of hitters?" Mr. Gu laughed disdainfully, "then he can play."

Chen Xiangdong is an old fox. How can't you hear what Mr. Gu said outside? Obviously, Qin Tiantian is too weak to match their old moon villa!

Chen Xiangdong bit his teeth. "He can not only play, as if... He has also practiced special skills, and he can use the blade as a bullet every tens of meters. It has great strength and can easily break the bearing of the automobile."

"Oh? Can you do something? " Mr. Gu's disdain suddenly became sharp, and an interesting smile appeared on his face. "Yes, I haven't met such an interesting person for a long time."

"If he really has these special skills as you said, what about my ancient moon villa to help you solve it for free?"

Chen Xiangdong, who was shaking all over the world, was not afraid, but because of excitement and great excitement. He didn't expect that the ancient moon villa would have such a hobby. Is it the master silence. Lonely!?

A kind of unprecedented revenge fast. Feeling in Chen Xiangdong's heart expanded, his face of ferocious expression is full of, because he knows, abandoned his son, will die immediately!

It was afternoon when Qin Tian came out of Dingjian country. It was time to see it. It was just one week since Jiao Cheng was cured. It was also time to visit him.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian drove straight to Jiaocheng's residence.

Still that old house, Qin Tian pushed in the door, only a big man was naked, in the living room to do push ups, see that speed, a minute to do 100 do not breathe!

"Brother Qin, you are finally here!" Jiaocheng saw Qin Tian, excited tears are coming down, "I Jiaocheng this life other ability, is a can sell life! But if there is any assignment, I will not leave the fire in the sea! "

Since Qin Tian treated himself last time, Jiaocheng's physical strength has increased day by day. In the past week, his physical quality has returned to about 80% of the peak period!

Don't look down on the so-called 80% of the time, Jiaocheng, even if it is a general army, I am afraid that there is no way to take him safely!

He is the real top machine in China!

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