If Huang Wu thinks about it, he nods and says, "he is right. If you fight here, you will be punished.

What's more, it's just a contest. They look down on him so much. They will seize the opportunity to teach him a good lesson and let him know how good he is

Huang Wu said the same thing. Zhang Shaocheng also put up with it at the moment. There is no other way now. He has to wait until tomorrow to see how they still clamor.

Zhang Shaocheng immediately wrote a note and handed it to two people in Shanghai during the lunch break. The two of them were going to leave. They saw Zhang Shaocheng write a sentence on the note: tomorrow we will see the difference.

They understand that Zhang Shaocheng and Qin Tian give a thumbs up, and Qin Tian and they both nod and understand their expectations. Naturally, Qin Tian should perform well.

After that night, Qin Tian had enough energy. When he came on the stage the next day, Zhang Shaocheng rammed his arm and said, "look at the people over there. They still come here on behalf of their respective districts. They are just like a wanderer. They don't know what the people in that area think. It's a shame to let them come here."

Qin Tianshun looked at Zhang Shaocheng's fingers and saw that several people there were white and clean. One of them was still wearing glasses, but his eyes were full of disdain.

"He is a man of heaven. He has a high education background and a good family background, so he is a bit arrogant. I inquired about him. The boy was called Zhu Yu. He has some strength, but he is too arrogant."

Huang Wu said on the side that although everyone is from various areas, it does not mean that they can ignore others if they have some achievements.

He can be proud, but arrogance doesn't mean that he has no EQ and doesn't cover up. He just won a competition and began to laugh at others. Such people don't deserve to stay here. However, since he has been selected, let's see how the people behind him teach them a lesson!

Therefore, Qin tianduding must be eliminated in today's competition. So he didn't worry at that time, but asked Zhang Shaocheng in a low voice, "how many times did you enter today's competition?"

"Eight into four, I heard we're going to knock out half of the team, so we'll knock that man out."

There are four people on the other side, and there are four people on their own side, which is equivalent to two candidates in each district. Therefore, Qin Tian is looking forward to this war and must eliminate the other party, so as to ensure that he and Zhang Shaocheng can be promoted smoothly.

, but eight into four is not what he has the final say. Zhang Shaocheng's side of Qin is not sure. Maybe the other side has strength, but his side is sure to win.

No accident, Qin Tian's opponent is really a weak chicken. He was eliminated after a few moves, and Qin Tian was promoted successfully.

On the other hand, Zhang Shaocheng plays hard here. Qin Tian takes a look at it. He does have several brushes.

He can't help but be curious. Chen Daqiang of the northwest area has finished the competition and successfully promoted. He runs to Qin Tian, takes a look at the people in the field and reminds him softly: "this boy is not simple. I heard that he is still a boxing champion. He can come here to participate in the competition, but he can also be a person from that area, considering the actual situation."

Hearing Chen Daqiang say so, Qin Tian is a little surprised, "this boy or boxing champion?"

Huang Wu didn't hear that before! If this is the case, the less likely to suffer losses, boxers, the strength of the fist is very strong, ordinary people can not bear.

"But look at his face. It's very white."

Chen Daqiang's words made Qin Tian laugh. It was true, but he couldn't keep it in order. The other side just maintained it properly. However, seeing that his boxing speed was rapid and fierce, he hit Zhang Shaocheng with one punch and one punch, regardless of Zhang Shaocheng's feelings?

Although we are selected from various districts, we are also team-mates. How can he be like this after so many days of eating and living together?

But on second thought, it seems that people are right, just a competition. Of course, we should try our best. However, this is not the way to fight. Zhang Shaocheng was infuriated. He jumped up and looked at the gap. He was about to smash it down, but he was punched in the arm by the man. Qin Tian secretly said that it was not good. He only heard Zhang Shaocheng's painful cry and fell to the ground. His forearm seemed to be interrupted.

Seeing Zhang Shaocheng fall on the ground, Zhu Yu seems not to be able to get rid of his anger. He raises his foot and is about to kick. Qin Tianli drinks: "enough, stop!"

The cry made him stop his feet and saw Zhang Shaocheng on the ground. Qin Tian rushed to the ground, and Chen Daqiang and others rushed up. Qin Tian checked and touched Zhang Shaocheng's arm. Zhang Shaocheng immediately called out. Qin Tian turned to the referee and said, "his arm is broken. It needs to be fixed immediately."

Zhu Yu, a spectacle man, stood still and sneered, "I'm not beaten. I've been broken before I start. It's a shame to come to the competition with such a fancy

Qin Tian turned around and looked at him coldly, "don't be complacent. I'll fight with you in tomorrow's competition, and then you can ask for more happiness for yourself! Zhang Shaocheng has broken an arm. I want you to break your whole body! "

"Oh, I'm scared. I heard that you still have some strength, but it's useless in me. I tell you what I practice is actual combat. All these fancy things are bullshit, huh!"Zhu Yu said and turned away, smoothly promoted, and the referee announced that he was the winner.

People carry Zhang Shaocheng to the infirmary. Qin Tian touches it. The situation is not too serious. However, this blow can break his forearm. It is true that the strength of his fist is very strong, which is more severe than that of Gao Xiang.

Qin Tian thinks that if we play against him tomorrow, we have to be careful, because the four people choose three to win, and it is not sure whether we can match him or not. So Qin Tian thought how to fight him?

Lao Chen shook his head when he saw all this outside the scene. "The people in the southeast area are really not very good. Their moral character is too bad. I will arrange him to fight against Qin Tian tomorrow. I want to see how Qin Tian avenges Zhang Shaocheng."

"It's not good. It's revenge. If so, how can they work together in the future?"

But old Chen didn't think so, "if Qin Tian can win him, then Qin Tian will not have to work with such people in the future. If he can't win, it means that he is inferior to others. However, I didn't expect that the people selected from the southeast area would be so arrogant and cruel. After the team friend falls down, they still have to kick. What kind of character is this? What do people in the southeast area think? "

Mr. Chen didn't want to comment any more, but the people next to him didn't say anything.

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