How can Qin's words make Zhu Tian angry?

Anger makes one's mind hot. If he is hot, he is easy to make mistakes.

Zhu Yu's fist is very hard, one punch hit Qin Tian's body, Qin Tian is easily resolved, which makes Zhu Yu more angry, did not think of his strengths, to qintian here has become a showy.

He didn't expect Qin Tian to see through his flaws and throw him to the ground again and again.

Zhu Yu resented Qin Tian's way of doing things. The more anxious he was, the more likely he was to make mistakes. He wanted to fight back and beat Qin Tian, but every time his fist went to Qin Tian, it was like hitting a ball of cotton, and he couldn't use it at all.

This made Zhu Yu a little confused. He didn't expect that Qin Tian had some skills. He was white and clean, without muscle. He was a little shorter than himself. He could fight so well. But on second thought, he seemed to be like this when he was facing Gaoxiang.

It seems that the move is very strange. It is full of weird everywhere.

Zhu Yu was a little worried. If he could not win with his fist, he would use his legs, but Qin Tian's legs were faster than him. Seeing Zhu Yu raise his foot, he kicked his knee bone before he did. Zhu Yu only felt a burst of pain, and his whole leg was numb.

He stepped back with one leg beating, rubbing his knee and grinning.

Looking at Qin Tian, Zhu Yu's eyes burst out a fierce.

Qin Tian laughed, "how, can you still stand it?"

"You, you've got a trick!"

"What's the trick? I can do anything in the game. I didn't put your eyes in your throat. Why can't you do it? "

Qin Tian scorned the counterattack, Zhu Yu was speechless.

"Well said." "Old Chen in the side of a smile," this boy is really capable, you see his tricks to know. "

The people beside him looked at old Chen and said with a smile: "I know you like him, so how to look at him is pleasing to the eye."

Chen Tiao Mei: "his moves are really strange. They are very useful in actual combat. Of course, I think this boy is better than Zhu Yu."

The people nearby did not speak, knowing that what he said was the truth, so they did not say it. Zhu Yu was in the field. It's not that he didn't hear these voices, but he was born strong. When he saw Qin Tian like this, he remembered what Qin Tian said before. Zhu Yumao tried his best to make Qin Tian ugly.

Otherwise, it's not good to be damaged by Qin Tian. So he tried to bear the pain of his knee, twisted it and said in a cold voice, "let's come again."

"There are still ten moves today. After ten moves, I'll let you lie on the ground. I'll hit you as much as you can."

"Qin Tian, don't be too proud!" Zhu Yu's face was angry, and he was obviously afraid. However, when he turned to see Lao Chen and they did not speak, Zhu Yu knew that they would not help himself.

Qin Tian sneered,

"it's you who are arrogant. If you didn't bully people too much, we could have been very decent today. Now you are late to say anything. Take up the move!"

This time, as Qin Tian took the initiative to attack, Zhu Yu had no power to resist. Qin Tian kicked him in the chest and felt his ribs broken.

However, this is not enough. Qin Tian goes over again and reaches out his hand. Zhu Yu hesitates for a moment and holds his hand.

Qin Tian pulled him up and approached him in front of him and said, "I said that you should be as miserable as Zhang Shaocheng, even worse than him."

Zhu Yu's face sank, and before he could react, Qin Tian squeezed his wrist tightly. Zhu Yu screamed, "ah!"

After seeing the referee, Zhu Yu saw his wrist fall and saw him fall.

People were shocked, they did not see clearly how Qin Tian made a move, how to pinch Zhu Yu's wrist?

"Lao Chen, you also said that Zhu Yu's character is not good, and Qin Tian's character is not so good. He has already knocked people to the ground and crushed their wrists. What's this?"

"How can it be the same? He went over and helped Zhu Yu up. He was sure that Zhu Yu said something that made Qin Tian angry. Qin Tian would be like this. What's more, you said it was broken by Qin Tian. Did you see it? I didn't see it anyway

Hearing Lao Chen's words, people can't help but blush. As expected, the people he likes to do everything right.

It's the same thing to do after knocking down people. Zhu Yu's character is bad. Qin Tian is provoked by others, so he has to do it.

Protect the calf into such a way, people do not know that Qin Tian was recommended by him.

"As you can see, it's really the case. Let's take the people down and treat them."

Old Chen looked at them, and others sighed: "yes, what you say is what."

Hearing this, old Chen was not happy. "How can you say that? Most families can see that Qin Tian really didn't do anything out of the ordinary. OK, four in three have come out. Hurry to do the final competition."

This time, old Chen announced that the public did not dare to worry too much about it. They had to listen to his arrangement.Four into three have been selected, these three people out of the first and second place, followed by the ranking competition.

In fact, this competition is about the comprehensive strength. Qin Tian is the strongest in terms of comprehensive strength, and Qin Tian is also the strongest in terms of force value. So Chen Daqiang defeated Qin Tian in the competition. He didn't understand what happened, but he still went to Lao Chen's office after the award ceremony.

Mr. Chen is about fifty years old. He is strong and vigorous. I don't know how his skills are. But his dark skin shows that the leader is also a practitioner.

"Report!" Qin Tian stood at the door and called out a report. Old Chen looked up and saw that it was him and asked him to come in.

"Leader, what can I do for you?"

It is reasonable to say that after completing the competition, he will go back, but Lao Chen is not in a hurry and asks him to sit down. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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