
The receptionist's voice awakened Qin Tian. Qin Tian nodded to him, "OK, let's go and have a look. Don't know what you call it?"

The receptionist was a young man, quite warm. Hearing Qin Tian's question, he said, "my surname is Zhang. Just call me Xiaozhang."

"Xiao Zhang, are the people sent by your security company at ease? If I want to find a bodyguard for a young lady, what if he does something

Xiao Zhang was stunned and looked at Qin Tian and laughed, "can this kind of thing happen in the security company? I tell you, the people who have been trained by our company will never do such things. If there is one, it can only show that he is not professional enough, we will recall it. "

"So, have you ever had a recall?"

"Of course not," Xiao Zhang insisted

Qin Tian pretended to sigh, and his face was full of melancholy. "You are still professional. I don't know how to deal with one of our customers. He encouraged his colleagues to tie up one of our clients and ask for money from others. How do we deal with this kind of thing?"

Smell speech small Zhang's face changed, he looked at Qin Tian, eyebrows locked, not like a lie.

"You are the legal person of the company. You should call the police. This is not something our security company can handle."

Hearing this, Xiao Zhang asked the police and his face became strange.

After all, "Qin Mei" is from the security company

"Even if the security company goes out, he has signed an agreement with his employer. In case of any accident, he will tear up the contract himself. We will not use him in the future, but the rest is the matter of supervision, and we can't control it."

"What if employers work together?"

"Employers? That's his personal reason. It has nothing to do with us. "

Listen to Xiao Zhang said so, Qin Tian understood, this is to completely ignore.

But it doesn't matter. Since I don't care, I can let go of it..

What's more, Ding Jiali doesn't know what agreements have been reached with those people. Since she is willing to let them help her dig her family, it's impossible to settle accounts with the security company.

However, Qin Tian also wanted to inquire about some things from Xiao Zhang, so he took out a stack of money and put it into Zhang's hand. Zhang was stunned, "brother, what are you doing?"

"Since I'm here to visit, naturally I'm going to trouble you. That's a small thing."

"Don't be so polite. Visiting our company is a great love to our company. How can I collect money?"

Xiao Zhang refused to accept it, but Qin Tian said, "that's different. I come to visit and study. How can I not pay tuition fees for this study? Do you think so?"

It is said that Qin Tian took out a stack of money from his pocket and put it into Xiao Zhang's hand, with a visual inspection of 20000 yuan.

After seeing the money, Xiao Zhang's face relaxed a lot.

"Brother, you are such a bright person. I will tell you anything you want to know."

Xiao Zhang is also a smart man. I can see the meaning of Qin Tian. Otherwise, he won't give him so much money for nothing.

Qin Tian nodded, the boy on the road with money, everything is easy to do. Qin Tian also knew that Xiaozhang had been a part-time worker, and the money would not have to enter the company. It was entirely Zhang's private income. Now ask Xiao Zhang, he naturally said everything.

"I have a friend named Ding Jiali. You should know that?"

Xiao Zhang was even more surprised at Ding Jiali's three words. His face was obviously alert. He would return the money to Qin Tian, but Qin Tian held his hand and refused to let him return it.

"Remember that the money is for you. The only thing I want to ask you is you and I, and no one else knows. I'm Ding Jiali's cousin

Xiao Zhang was scared and quickly waved his hand: "this matter has nothing to do with us."

"I didn't say it had anything to do with you. I just wanted to know the origin of those boys and their situation. You can tell me."

Smell speech small Zhang just a sigh of relief, "actually this also can't blame us. Everyone in the security company has their resumes. I'll show you the files. "

"You don't have to look. Just tell me their names, where they live and what kind of friends they have."

Qin Tian just wants to know the most important thing. He doesn't have to look at other things.

Hearing Qin Tian say this, Xiao Zhang recalled:

"in fact, I am not very familiar with him. I know that the leader is Zhao Xiaohu, and everyone calls him brother Huzi. He is tall and big, has a flexible mind, looks simple and honest, but in fact has a bad stomach.

He graduated from our school. He was Ding Jiali's bodyguard three years ago. He said that Zhao Xiaohu looked simple and honest, and had a sense of responsibility, so he used him.

But I didn't expect that in the third year, he ran away with Ding Jiali

"Are they lovers?"

Ding Jiali is not a fool, nor a child. Can she go out with the bodyguard?A trace of scorn flashed across Xiao Zhang's face, "how can it be a love relationship! It's just that Ding Jiali's little girl likes to play. Zhao Xiaohu is a child of the emperor's capital's bars and clubs. He takes Ding Jiali everywhere without stopping her or even helping her cover up with Ding's family. Therefore, Ding Jiali trusts him very much. This time, Ding Jiali's disappearance is also related to him. "

Even Xiao Zhang knows that Ding Jiali is missing. It seems that this matter is not a secret.

"Where can I find him

"They usually settle down in some clubs in the imperial capital, but they don't know which club it is. Think about the number of clubs in the capital."

Qin Tian understood, "how many people are around him?"

"Not much, just four."

Four people took a girl and disappeared. This man is really capable.

Seeing the look in Qin Tian's eyes, Xiao Zhang approached him mysteriously and whispered: "brother, I tell you, Zhao Xiaohu is a bit of a man on the road. Although there are only four of them, there are still some snobbery behind them. I advise you not to show your face if you want to find him, or you will be remembered by him. It is light to find someone to beat you

Qin Tian sneered, "I don't believe they have the courage to beat me. Little brother, leave a contact information, I'll look for you if something happens in the future. You can rest assured that you can find it once, and the money will not be less. "

Qin Tian forced Xiao Zhang to tell him his number, and then called back to confirm that Zhang had not reported a false number. He did not forget to tell Xiaozhang that the 20000 yuan was given by him personally, which had nothing to do with others, so Xiaozhang kept his mouth shut.

Of course, Xiao Zhang won't talk nonsense. It's also a company secret. The Ding family also came to the security company, but they did not ask why.

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