Now seeing Qin Tian drinking like this, he suddenly came to be interested.

"What kind of wine are you so fragrant?"

Seeing that he had taken the bait, Qin Tian chuckled in his heart, but on his face he said, "this is the bulk wine I've taken in the farmer's market. It's made of real grain. It's mellow. Would you like two glasses, brother?"

Lin Dadou hesitated for a moment, rubbed his hands and did not move. Qin Tian saw that the man was very cautious, but he was eager to try, so he did not smile.

Lin Dadou was watching and thinking, but finally he couldn't help but slowly moved over. Qin Tian didn't speak. He opened the plastic cup he brought himself, and then poured a small cup for him to taste. "Elder brother, I often buy wine here. The wine in their house is very delicious."

"Is it? I've lived here for such a long time, why don't I know? "

"You don't often go to the vegetable market, which one is the most inside. Grain brewing wine, though expensive, tastes the best. I'll give you a taste. "

Lin Da tou took a sip of the wine cup, which made his eyes bright!

Sure enough, the entrance is really thick.

"Not bad!"

Lin thumbed up his thumb, and Qin Tian handed over a pair of chopsticks. "Come on, have another bite of food, drink and eat meat. This is the best day!"

"Young man, you are young, and you can enjoy it."

Lin Dadou didn't refuse this time. Anyway, it's no big deal at the door.

"Of course, I just like drinking. I don't have any other hobbies."

Listening to Qin Tian's words, Lin Da tou slowly relaxed and chatted with him. Qin Tian talked to him one after another, basically mastering this person's psychology.

If he was really that person, it would be too careless. Qin Tian thinks that Xiaoshuang should be wrong. He should not be the leader behind the scenes.

If it's him, it's not easy to be fooled. It seems that he is not a manager at all, but a small minion at the bottom.

In fact, Qin Tian's guess is really right. What Li Xiaoshuang saw was not the leader. The real person behind the scenes was Lin Haifeng.

Hiding in the basement, he would never show up.

Lin Dadou is used to confuse the public and the public. He is the one who usually goes out to buy things, so Qin Tian sees through him at once.

There is a person who plays psychological tactics so well that he can easily put down his guard and drink with strangers. He is definitely not behind the scenes.

But Ding Jiali is no doubt here. After Qin Tian had two drinks, he gave the whole bottle to Lin Datou, who was very happy. Meat also finished, drink well, Qin Tian patted his ass and left, stayed where there was no one, Qin Tian called for monkeys.

Monkey has rented a house nearby. Facing the door of the basement, Qin Tian patted him on the shoulder. The monkey was thoughtful.

"God, what's the matter? Do you want my brothers to rush in and rescue people? "

"I don't know what's going on inside. I can't do it easily. What's more, I inquired about the place. It's a long corridor up to the end of a row of buildings. If Ding Jiali is hiding in this, it will take two minutes at the fastest to run through our gate. These two minutes are enough for them to stab Ding Jiali.

I don't dare to take risks. Since I have promised the Ding family to find people back, they are naturally alive. If we find a dead one, I think the Ding family will not let us go so easily. "

Hearing Qin Tian say this, monkey and they are at a loss, "then what shall we do? Sit here and wait? Besides, Ding Jiali is not a member of our family. It has nothing to do with us whether she is dead or alive. If they don't go out alone, they will stare at us? "

Under normal circumstances, the monkey would not say that, just because Ding Jiali killed herself and the Ding family did not come forward.

Qin Tian understood the monkey's mood, "that's what I said, but I can't stand still. If I can have more hope for life, I will have more. Anyway, Ding Jiali is now suffering under their hands. I can see it.

When I was drinking with the old man just now, I made a little calculation. There should be seven or eight people in it. Who can know what they have done to Ding Jiali

It has been three or four days since they found Ding Jiali, and seven or eight big men and a woman are inside these days. We can imagine what Ding Jiali will suffer.

Ding Jiali has never been so disappointed, watching men wriggle on their bodies, their faces greedy smile and wanton humiliation.

The man was right. He came to revenge. Lin Haifeng, the real backstage, saw Ding Jiali's despair and said with a smile: "Ding Jiali, I didn't expect it. At the beginning, your grandfather did more terror to me than this. Now I just want to get justice back. Don't blame me. If you want to blame your grandfather, he has offended me. Now let you make atonement for him. "

Ding Jiali couldn't say anything. She just felt that she was in pain all over her body. Especially in that place, these animals tortured themselves. She was the eldest lady of the Ding family. Now they spoiled him so much. Ding Jiali's two lines of clear tears flowed down her face. She just wanted to get away from this ghost place as soon as possible, but she didn't want to die. Death is the least terrible, and the most terrible is not to see hope.She is the feeling now. Those people torture her day and night, and come to her as soon as they have any interest. Dingaria feels like a dog, and she hates it in her heart.

Why don't the family come to him yet? Grandpa knew that this was the enemy to seek revenge, and did not put a bodyguard around her side. She sent a voice of anger to others, but she did not find the reason from herself alone.

Linhaifeng looked at dingjiali, and felt relieved to see her not dead.

Anyway, after playing for so many days, he didn't want dingjiali's life. He just wanted to let her suffer, and throw her out, leaving the whole family face empty. It is better to throw it outside their courtyard, let all the people in the courtyard see, Ding family is old and immortal, and raise a kind of person!

It is not a good idea that Lin Haifeng did this. Besides, dingjiali and them were not wronged or avenged. They did not do anything to spoil dingjiali like this.

But now he also does not want too much, so many years of grievance, anyway, they all want Ding family to repay, so dingjiali is unlucky, and she became her grandfather's replacement ghost.

Now dingjiali's psychology has changed dramatically, and she is no longer a little girl, and she is not qualified to be willful. Dingaria knew her current situation, and the only thing she prayed for now was not to be pregnant by these people, and she lost her ugliness. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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