Seeing Qin Tian hang up her phone, Ding Jiali is very angry. No one has ever dared to treat her like this. What is Qin Tian's origin? She can't help but frown. Her grandfather didn't say the origin of Qin Tian. But Ding Jiali can see that Qin Tian is different from those people in her family. He is not a bodyguard, but he has a different temperament, which is very special.

Ding Jiali was thinking about it when another knocked on her door and the servant came in.

"Miss, it's time to apply the medicine."

Ding Jiali looked at her and said in a deep voice, "I know. I'll come by myself."

"But miss..." A trace of doubt flashed on the servant's face. Ding Jiali looked up at her. Her eyes were cold. "Is there anything else?"

After thinking about it, the servant summoned up his courage and said, "the master said that you should take the medicine on time, and let us watch you change the medicine. "

hearing her words, Ding Jiali was furious!

"What! Do you want to see it? Just watch me take the medicine. I'll take the rest myself and you can go. "

Ding Jiali took the medicine at the head of the bed and swallowed several pills with her head up. Then she went into the bathroom with the medicine for external application.

The servant saw that it was not good to follow up, so he had to go back quietly. The eldest lady is always capricious, and she is not easy to say anything. But it is certain that Ding Jiali may change after this experience.

Ding Jiali did not expect to become like this. Her first thought was to revenge. The second thing is to ask the servant to buy medicine for her. She is also afraid that she will get pregnant after being spoiled by animals. That would be bad.

But now Ding Jiali only wants to find Lin Haifeng to revenge, but her body is not good now. Qin Tian refused to tell her where Lin Haifeng was.

Ding Jiali didn't believe it. The power of Ding family, the capital of the emperor, could not find Lin Haifeng?

She didn't believe it. It must be Qin Tian. They refused to tell themselves. But Lin Haifeng seemed to have evaporated from the world. Qin Tian's people didn't find him. He didn't seem to live in a hotel.

There are countless hotels in the imperial capital. No matter where you live, you have to register with your ID card. However, the people of qintian and the people of the Ding family have not found his trace.

We should know that his people have been beaten like that. According to Lin Haifeng's character of revenge, won't his first failure come to his trouble?

There should be a second and a third time. How can it stop now?

This makes Qin Tian a little surprised, but he never thought that Lin Haifeng was actually near the Dingjia compound. There was a hostel on the street opposite the courtyard. Lin Haifeng lived there.

His subordinates also live in the surrounding areas, staring at the Ding family all day long. As long as the people of the Ding family come in and out, they will start to act. In short, we should first see the time when these people of the Ding family get in and out, and then we can start.

Mr. Ding never expected Lin Haifeng to do this. With his years of experience, Lin Haifeng will definitely win by surprise. So he also sent people to look around. Although the sky eye system is very mature, it is still very difficult to find such a person.

He is good at cross dressing, and more cautious, so it is not easy to find people in the vast sea of people.

Lin Haifeng is not stupid. When he comes out and goes in, he uses fake documents, so he can't be caught for a while.

Qin Tian takes a group of people in the hotel. Although the Ding family doesn't speak, Qin Tian feels anxious. If this person doesn't solve the problem, it means that the task has not been completed.

The Ding family doesn't report to the police. They can't find them by themselves.

This emperor is so big that it is not so easy to find someone.

Is there really no way?

Qin Tian frowned and looked at Li Xiaoshuang on one side and asked, "Xiaoshuang, what about you?"

Li Xiaoshuang shook his head. "Master, we are also pursuing these two days, and I am surprised that we don't see his figure. If we live or die, we will report to the underworld, but we don't see the relevant souls."

Qin Tian was surprised to hear her say so. He didn't expect Lin Haifeng to be so cunning.

"Xiaoshuang, you have to work hard to look around."

We must find this person as soon as possible, otherwise, if we want him to find Shangding family again, it will be a big trouble.

Of course, Li Xiaoshuang also knows that Qin Tian is in a hurry, but now he has no way to find Lin Haifeng.

However, since the master has said it, Li Xiaoshuang has to go all out, but guidou thinks that this is impossible because it is too difficult, and it is no way for them to run around for days with their current ability.

Of course, Qin Tian also knew their difficulties. After all, it was the ghost. It was not good for them to come out and go in. But there was no other way to do it now except themselves. The monkeys, who traveled day and night, were exhausted. Lin Haifeng seemed to have disappeared in the imperial capital.

It's not so easy for such a big emperor to find someone, so Lin Haifeng is very comfortable now. Because Qin Tian can't find him, he doesn't have to worry about it. Instead, he turns all his eyes to the Ding family.It turned out that he wanted to win over Qin Tian, but later he thought that this method was too risky. In case Qin Tian divulged his trace, it would be more than worth the loss.

So now he changed his mind, but let him not expect that the old man did not wait for Ding family, but let him run into Ding Jiali.

With Ding Jiali, she is not afraid of the Ding family's intransigence.

Lin Haifeng's heart flashed a little surprise, immediately sent someone to keep up with Ding Jiali, he himself also went out.

Did not expect Ding Jiali to go to the hospital alone. It seems that this little girl is put down. Lin Haifeng laughs at the thought that she has been ruined by herself for several nights.

"This young lady is really different. She is brave enough, and she is not afraid to be humiliated. Elder brother, do you want to tie her up again?"

A glimmer of greed flashed on his face. Thinking of Ding Jiali's scream in those days, he began to be eager to try.

Lin Haifeng said with a smile, "I'll have a look at my luck later? If we're lucky, maybe we can do it again. This time, let the Ding family pay for us. We've been tied up for so many days, and we've played enough. It's time to ask for some money. " Lin Haifeng's words made the people under his hands excited. To say that the girl was not funny, it was better to have fun at the back of the club outside, but if you could get money, it would be the best.

Anyway, it's a rotten product. It's better to take a picture of her to threaten the Ding family. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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