Qin Tian's words let Li Xinran curl his lips, "then why don't you call and ask?"

"Forget it, it's not necessary. She just comes out to exercise. I didn't come. I must have been delayed or overslept. "

In fact, Chen Manman was on purpose. She didn't expect Qin Tiantian to feel strange. Since she didn't even make a phone call and didn't ask, she couldn't help feeling a little discouraged. Whether she was right or not, she couldn't help wanting to see Qin Tian again.

So the next morning she went to the park again, but she didn't expect to go too early. When I went to morning exercise in the morning, I didn't meet Qin Tian, but I met two ruffians. I saw Chen man man man running here every morning, and his figure was better. When the two ruffians saw her, they had a bad idea and stopped Chen man man on the way.

Seeing the man who broke out suddenly, Chen Manman was shocked, "who are you?"

"Little girl, the skin is quite white, the figure is also very good, this early morning running here, ran a sweat, go, brother, please go to the bath!"

One of them put his arm around Chen Manman's shoulder and wanted her to follow him. Chen Manman was startled. He immediately waved his arm and retreated to one side. "You, who knows you? What do you want to do? " "I'm not who. My family lives nearby. Let's go and have a bath at my brother's house. Look at you sweating."

Two people said and started to move. Chen Manman was angry and raised his hand and gave them a slap. The crisp clapping sound let the people around see it. Many people didn't want to cause trouble, so they left one after another. The two ruffians were angry by this slap and slapped Chen Manman with his backhand. "You don't want to be shameless. You are nothing. You don't want to go with me!"

Chen Manman was in a hurry and yelled. The two ruffians saw the people around him and threatened: "I see who dares to come forward! Kill you

Most of the people who come to do morning exercises at this time are old men and women. People who see this are afraid to go forward.

Chen Manman is in a hurry. If they don't care about themselves, they may be ruined by these people, so she quickly asks passers-by, "please, help me to call the police!"

"Alarm? I see who dares to call the police. I know your faces and go to your house every day to block you! " The two of them were really too arrogant. Chen Manman kicked one of them in the lower part of the body when he was unprepared. He turned around and ran away. However, he was pulled back by someone's pigtail the next second. "How dare you kick my brother!"

Chen Manman was dizzy with two slaps. He didn't know how to deal with it. Qin Tian came here at this time. He saw a group of people pointing at him from a distance, but he didn't dare to stop him. He walked over immediately.

Approaching Qin Tianli, he found that it was Chen Manman. The two ruffians stopped her and refused to let her go. Chen Manman's face was still red and swollen.

So he went over and clasped one of them by the wrist, gently pinched it, and the other side screamed.

Chen Manman looks at Qin Tian and quickly hides behind him.

"Elder brother Qin Tian, help me. Their two intentions are against me."

Qin Tian knew what was going on when he saw it. He just held his wrist.

Another person saw Qin Tian rushing up like this is a punch, but Qin Tian preempted him and kicked him in the chin. Suddenly he fell to the ground.

"Boy, kneel down and kowtow to my sister. Otherwise, I will send you to the police station and you will suffer! I have acquaintances in the police station! "

The two of them knelt down without thinking about it. Qin Tian shook off one of them's wrists, then motioned Li Xinran to call the police. The two ruffians knelt down and kowtowed to Chen Manman.

Waiting for the police gap, the two ruffians looked at Qin Tian and asked, "can we go now?"

"Go? You have slapped my sister so much just now that you want to leave? "

Smelling speech, they both reacted, immediately raised their hands and slapped themselves in the face.

The sound of people taking out their mobile phones began to crack.

Those two people dare to be angry and dare not speak. Although they want to scold the people around them, they know that Qin Tian is not easy to provoke, so they can only bear it down.

Chen Manman was very happy when he saw Qin Tian make a start for himself. If it wasn't for Qin Tian, he would have been miserable today. Thinking of this, Chen Manman admired Qin Tian more and more.

Ten minutes later, the police arrived and arrested the two ruffians.

Chen Manman was grateful. "Brother qintian, thank you very much. If it wasn't for you today, I couldn't get away."

"Don't mention it. You'd better not come out so early in the future. We don't want to meddle in our business these days."

Chen Manman nods and says goodbye to Qin Tian.

She was afraid, but she met a ruffian. When she came out next time, she didn't know what she would encounter. Chen Manman thought it was time to change her method.

This is just a small episode for Qin Tian, but he never thought that there were still people behind the two ruffians. He learned that they had been beaten. After coming out of the police station, their boss was waiting at the door,"Boss, you have to help us out this time. He is a woman. After touching two times, we will kneel down and admit our mistakes."

"Yes, boss, it's not for us to kneel, it's for you to kneel down!"

The man who was called the boss was gloomy and could not see what he thought, but he would never let this man go.

"Look at him and see what it is

"Yes, boss!"

As soon as the two men came out, they began to be demons. With the support of the eldest brother, they immediately went to guard Qin Tian's house.

This park is usually people who live nearby, so it is not difficult to find.

When Qin Tian and Li Xinran came out again, they were staring at Li Xinran. When they saw Li Xinran, they knew that she was pregnant. The two people secretly took photos and then left. With the photos, it would be easier to do.

Qin Tian didn't know he was in trouble because he was meddling. The two men got to know their addresses and their families.

After Qin Tian went out, he couldn't see it. He knocked on the door of Qin Tian's house. Li Xinran didn't respond to what was going on, so he was knocked unconscious and took away.

After Qin Tian returned home, he saw Li Xinran gone, but he saw the glasses scattered at the door. He immediately understood everything and immediately called out the monitoring system to find out.

Found that the two people, Qin Tian angry, actually dare to their own women, they should pay the price!

He immediately called the monkeys and they searched the whole city. With the help of monitoring, they quickly found Li Xinran's whereabouts.

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