Moreover, the place where the treasure is usually hidden must be dangerous. At this age of Guo, it is still a problem whether he can get there smoothly.

Even when he arrived there, there were many organs, and Qin Tian could not guarantee that old Guo could enter and leave safely.

He agreed, but the safety could not be guaranteed. He said in advance that he would not be able to explain clearly at the time.

Old Guo agreed, and Qin Tian was relieved.

Originally, I wanted to get it from Guo's hometown. I didn't expect that old Guo would take it with him and give it to Qin Tian directly.

Qin Tian laughs and thinks that Lao Guo doesn't care about Zodiac jade at all. He just wants the treasure, so he can take it with him at any time in case of emergency. This old fox!

Qin Tian scolded in his heart, but he took it happily.

Qin Kuo was also very happy to see that these Zodiac jades were about to be collected. If there were treasures according to old Guo, he could make a big deal.

Thinking of this, Qin Kuo laughed and quickly pulled Qin Tian. Then he said two words to Mr. Guo and came out.

After leaving the teahouse, Qin Kuo looked excited.

"God, do you think we have developed this time?"

Qin Tian glanced at him, "what is development? What good things do you like

"Isn't that a good thing? That's a treasure

Qin Kuo's eyes were full of light, and Qin Tian said faintly: "you say this, even if it's a treasure, the process is also difficult and dangerous. Finally, when we get to the place, we don't know what's waiting for us. So don't hold too much hope. I haven't thought I'll get it smoothly. I'll talk about it later."

"You can't say that. You can have a firm foothold in the imperial capital from now on."

Smell speech Qin Tian pick eyebrow, "I stand firm here depend on is not money, and I am not short of money."

Qin Kuo turned his head and looked at him with a look of astonishment. "You don't lack money. What business do you do with such money?"

"Business? I rely on contacts. Besides, you also know that I have made a lot of money by opening a medical center and treating them. I have tens of millions of dollars on this injection. Do you still think I am short of money? "

Qin Kuo widened his eyes and said, "why do you want to look for the treasure next time?"

"No one knows what's in the treasure. Do you think it's all gold and silver? It may also be a martial arts secret script! "

Qin Tian made a joke and Qin Kuo laughed, "you said the same thing! But I'm only interested in money. "

is as like as two peas.

Qin Tian teases him. Qin Kuo touches his nose and doesn't deny it. "It's just a family. It's not a big deal to look similar."

Several people said and laughed, and when they returned to the Qin family, they found that Lin Xiaoyao had also come.

Seeing Li Xinran, Lin Xiaoyao was very happy. He rushed over. Qin Tian stopped her. Lin Xiaoyao was stunned, "what are you doing? Sister Xinran, look at him and stop me for what? "

Li Xinran smiles and touches his stomach and whispers, "I'm pregnant. He's afraid you'll bump into me."

Hearing Li Xinran's words, Lin Xiaoyao was stunned and stopped quickly. He took a look at Li Xinran's slightly protruding stomach. He was surprised and said, "my God, you are pregnant. You didn't tell me when it happened. I knew I would have brought some gifts. This time I only brought something for grandfather Qin, but not for you! "

Lin Xiaoyao was so surprised. Qin Tian smiled and took Li Xinyang's arm to one side. "What do you want to do? What gift can you give her? Gold, silver or pearl agate? "

Lin Xiaoyao cut, "you are so vulgar! What I brought is a good thing. Besides, the bird's nest is indispensable for her pregnancy. Qin Tian, have you arranged for her? "

Hearing her say so, Qin Tian was stunned and shook his head to answer honestly, "No."

Lin Xiaoyao snorted coldly: "I knew and said I had something good. Sister Xinran, I packed all the bird's nests during your pregnancy. This husband is not considerate at all. You don't even know that you need tonic when you are pregnant. You should know that eating bird's nest in a woman's house is good for skin, and the baby's resistance is also relatively strong."

In the future, Miss Qin can't deny that there is a big trouble.

But he was very suspicious of Lin Xiaoyao.

"What are you doing here?"

He took a look at Qin Fen's direction. Qin Fen's face turned red and shook his head repeatedly, which meant that Lin Xiaoyao didn't come to see himself.

Lin Xiaoyao pouted and said, "we have some troubles at home. I came here to borrow money."

Smell speech Qin Tian is surprised, "borrow money? Do you still need to borrow money from the Qin family

Lin Xiaoyao sighed and said, "I know that you don't believe me when I say it, but my brother failed to invest and was trapped by people. Now the fund is almost broken. I can't come here. I haven't seen grandfather Qin. You just came back after sitting for a while."

"Who did you say it wasQin Tian was shocked. Brother Lin had seen him, not the impulsive person. So Qin Tian felt that he was a little bit strange when he heard Lin Xiaoyao say he was pit.

"It is Zhang family, and our emperor also has four families. Besides our family, Qin family and Zhang family Huang family, the former family has been replaced when it fell down," Lin Xiaoyao said

"Zhang Jia?"

"Zhang family is Zhang Min in charge. Although she is a woman, she is very powerful. Every time my brother and her confrontation is half a dozen, but I did not expect that this time she dug a hole, as a result, my brother lost a lot, now the left and right is in a dilemma. If the funds are not in place, the project is not only stranded, but also a large amount of money to my family, so I came to borrow money. "

Hearing Lin Xiaoyao say this, Qin Tian probably understood, "your brother, is not a beauty plan?" "You bullshit! Zhang Min is all over 40 years old woman, how can my brother possibly have a relationship with her? Besides, my brother is not such a person. She will not have a separate thought about her because she is a woman. Qin Tian you don't know my brother too much. This woman is too much.

I can't help either. My brother is a very strong man, and he is unwilling to borrow money from others. But I can't bear to see him like this. And you know that the people in the second room are staring at us all the time. Now my brother has a mistake. They are jumping up and down to step on my brother. "

Lin Xiaoxiao frowned, Qin Fen looked at it and said softly, "Tiange is better than us to help her, how much is it!" "It's about five billion," Lin said, wrapping around

Wen Yan was shocked by all. This is a large amount, not to mention Qin Fen, even Qin Tian has to weigh. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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