Lin family sisters walked out behind Qin Tian and headed out towards the hotel. At this time, many people were still talking about the internal confrontation between Qin Tian and Zhang Min, and they also showed their respect when they saw Qin Tian and Lin's brothers and sisters coming out.

Several people tried to go up and chat up, but they were all declined by Qin Tian smile.

"God, Qin Tian, are you so powerful?" Lin Xiaoyao finally couldn't help but breathe a sigh and say.

"How do you speak? It's called cousin! " Lin Wei said quickly.

"Brother in law, you are so strong, teach me?" Lin Xiaoyao said with a smile shaking Qin Tian's arm.

"You? You'll get the vest line out first! " Qin Tian looked at Lin Xiaoyao's body, and said without good spirit.

The little cousin is not slim, but she is not thin, and belongs to the type that looks OK and feels flesh.

"Hum, you just disguise to say I am fat, stink Qin Tian!" Lin Xiaoyao stamped his feet and was unhappy in a moment.

Being said ugly and being fat is the same, can let these adolescent children doubt life!

After the departure from the hotel, Qin Tian went directly to old Chen because she had contacted by telephone.

Under the night, Qin Tian didn't taxi. It seemed to pace leisurely. In fact, the faster he walked, if it was seen by other martial arts masters, he would surely cry. What is this kind of skill of shrinking into inch?

Some ghosts' shield skills are certainly stronger than Qin Tian, but it is difficult for them to compare with Qin Tian.

Chen Lao lived in a beautiful environment and a green and tree lined seaside park. Qin Tian ran to feel the fresh air. The elderly people who watched walking or singing and dancing in the park or the lovers nestling together had a pleasant feeling of life.

Used to the vehicle, when we walk up and run, we find the beauty of life moment, these are not what you can see by racing.

When he arrived at the villa door of Chen, he looked inside, and saw that he was wearing Tang clothes and playing Taiji. His movements were very relaxed. There was a sense of great skill and clumsiness between his hands and feet. Obviously, his Taiji realm was very strong!

However, what surprised Qin Tian was not only Chen's Taiji level, but that he had a kind of hidden trace of real yuan flowing when he was boxing!

In fact, this is about the green energy in his body. Chen Lao called it Qi in martial arts!

Can imagine Chen old body inside the true Qi is quite thick, not worse than oneself!

"I can't imagine Chen is such a master. Why can he take his own hand, but he has to let me rescue dingjiali Qin Tian has some doubts about this in his heart.

He guessed Chen Lai must have come from a very hidden sect. He practiced very deep Kung Fu, which is not suitable for public!

Let him do tasks, but also test him, and then look at their ability, to find a successor?

If not, why is Chen Lao a look at me every time is a look and doubt, sometimes there are some small appreciation?

In modern cities, there are too few people who can be real and practicing martial arts. Some strange martial arts are only in the hands of a few people.

Qin Tian looked at him quietly outside. He found that Chen Lao was true, but he was still different from his green energy. His green energy was almost immortal and could identify the existence of soul.

If we compare the energy on the earth, the real gas of old Chen is equivalent to ordinary energy such as heat energy and wind energy, while the green energy in qintian is equivalent to nuclear energy, even more powerful!

If the green energy of Qin Tian can be developed in the follow-up, it can even pass the magic. But now Qin Tian has not been able to develop it, which is his regret.

It is a hope to know Chen Lao and get the support of the power behind him.

"Old Chen, I'm here!" Qin Tian stepped in, looking at Chen has a set of actions down, he also not much to see.

"Well, I heard you went back to Songshan city before. How did you come back?" Asked Chen with a smile.

"Yes, take your wife to protect the fetus, and develop the Qin family's industry in the capital. You know Songshan city has been excavated almost by us!" Qin Tian said quietly.

"You are a big businessman, but why don't you work hard in this respect because you have such a martial arts talent?" Chen squints, "little day, the reason why I give this task to you is to save dingjiali. The main purpose is to eliminate linhaifeng and the forces behind them. They are lawless in the imperial capital, and they can't bear it!"

"Cough and cough!" Old Chen said, emotional excitement, can not help coughing up, with a hand back wipe, there are some blood on it!

"Old Chen, you are not in good health?" Qin Tian, a doctor, soon saw his discomfort, and should be in the lung.

"Yes, I was seriously injured and a piece of chest collapsed. Now my body is not lucky. I will tell you slowly after these martial arts things!" Chen said, "little day, you should be back when you go shopping. We have dinner late. You stay and have a drink with me!""Zhu Yu will go shopping? I thought she knew to play all day! " Qin Tian touched his nose and smiled.

Before Chen replied, a man came in with a bang outside the door, wearing a bottomed stockings and a buttock skirt. It was a T-shirt and a small shoulder. It looked sexy and personalized. Who is Zhu Yu?

The girl is staring at the beautiful eyes and looking at Qin Tian in front of her, obviously hearing Qin Tian saying that she is not.

"Yes, I know to play, or shall we play?" Zhu Yu walked to Qin Tian with his long legs.

The words of the woman made Qin Tian feel like a fool. His eyes fell on her delicate body. That was a beautiful woman indeed.

He laughed: "do you want to play in bed or in the car? I can do the country too. I'm not picky! "

"You..." Zhu Yu blushed with shy jade face, and her delicate body trembled. If she hadn't carried the dish in her hand, she would have rushed up and dried up with Qin Tian!

"Ha ha ha, young man, drive if you don't agree!" Chen also laugh funny, round two people embarrassed.

Qin Tian also felt interesting, before seeing Zhu Yu when they didn't think she was so fun, now a play shame is really fun!

"Hum, Qin Tian, I will let you know my leg skill is very good when I wait for dinner!" Zhu Yu is not able to get rid of a lot of Qi.

"We can play before we eat without waiting for dinner!" Qin Tian is not a person who is frightened. He looks straight at the woman, and says joy.

Zhu Yu doesn't dry this, put down the vegetables in his hand, and do it directly to Qin Tian!

Her body shape, like flying swallow startles the Hong, the sky raised big long legs, on Qin Tian's waist whip kick and come!

…… , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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