For these eyes, fortunately, Qin Tian has been used to it, so he didn't care at all.

Sitting on a small table by the window, the three began to prepare seafood and so on, and began to barbecue.

"Oh, cousin, you are not very good. Eating this kind of hot food will not affect the kidney at that time?" Lin Xiaoyao asked with a smile as he took a selfie with his new Apple phone.

"My NIMA, you've been holding on to this, haven't you? Who said I couldn't do that? " Qin tiannu spurt a way, really want to let her have a good look at it, "you are young, eat so hot things, not afraid of long acne on your face?"

"I'm the kind of person who can't grow acne even if I eat it. Envy me!" It's a beautiful one. She's spitting out her tongue.

"I have nothing to envy, as if I had acne!" Qin Tian wants to laugh.

Li Xinran just smile, for the two people's bickering, but also feel interesting, two people's character is originally mars hit the earth, who do not want to convince the kind.

However, to hear Lin Xiaoyao talk about his affairs, her pretty face is always with a kind of shyness!

Soon the three ordered a pass, and when they were ready, Qin Tian had an idea: "Xiaoyao, you go outside to buy three cups of milk tea, I want ice, your cousin wants fruit tea at room temperature!"

"Why do you want me to go?"

"Why? Do you rarely let him and I go with your cousin? "

Lin Xiaoyao bit silver teeth, she also likes to drink milk tea, simply turned out!

At this time, Li Xinran asked, "do you like milk tea?"

Qin Tian ordered a point and said with a smile to Li Xinran: "is this dead girl always speaking ill of me in front of you recently, or inquire about my affairs?"

"No? The thing you didn't mention before, I just said it carelessly. Who knows she's been worried about... "

"Do you think she looks good? I think it's puberty for this woman

"I think so!" Li Xinran snickered.

Qin Tian's heart is secretly shouting, but his mouth said, "this is not good, I will teach her a good lesson!"

"Shhh..." Li Xinran carefully looked at the door, "husband, you really don't say, she is a bully at home, parents are busy with the cause, no one cares about her!"

"Don't mind if I fix her today." Qin Tian laughs.

"Mm-hmm, I also want to see this dead girl eat shriveled appearance, unexpectedly high ridicule you!"

Women are all goblins, so is Li Xinran. She also wants to see Lin Xiaoyao's arrogant sister's low spirited appearance!

After five minutes, Lin Xiaoyao bought three times a cup of milk tea and came back. By this time, the meat was almost finished. Laurie took the milk tea and wanted to be ready to eat it!

But when she was holding the chopsticks to half of the time, Qin Tian stopped, "do you have such a thing? Your cousin and brother-in-law didn't eat it. Did you eat it yourself? Do you want the old man to eat first? "

"OK, OK, OK. You are old. Eat first. I'll let you." Lin Xiaoyao spat out his tongue and laughed.

"Come on, feed me! Ah... "

At this time, Lin Xiaoyao's hands with chopsticks were shaking, and she couldn't help cursing. But looking at the delicious food in front of her, she still gave in without any resistance, and put a piece of seafood in Qin Tian's mouth!

After feeding this piece, she planned to go to pick up something else, but just to eat, Qin Tian opened his mouth again!

Lin Xiaoyao is going crazy at this time. This guy even treats himself as my grandfather! Even if you're my grandfather, don't you?

"Qin Tian, don't go too far. Don't think you are old enough."

"Xiaoyao, you said that I have done so many good things for you and lent you so much money to the Lin family. Why do you feed me a meal? If you go back on your word, you'll pay me back, and you'll be done with it from now on Qin Tian zhengse said.

"I..." Lin Xiaoyao said, "you threaten me, right? Yes, I do! "

"Then be obedient Qin Tian opens his mouth.

"Isn't it just to feed you meat? Can't I feed you enough? "

Then Qin Tian Youle Zizi ate a few mouthfuls, and found that it was not convenient to stretch his head in the past, and simply let Lin Xiaoyao sit beside him.

Lin Xiaoyao was very reluctant to get up from Li Xinran and sit down beside Qin Tian. It was like a good granddaughter feeding his grandfather. He put the meat into Qin Tian's mouth one by one. He didn't have time to eat one piece. He swallowed several tons of saliva!

Qin Tian put his hands around Lin Xiaoyao's waist.

"Hello What are you doing? " Lin Xiaoyao was surprised.

"What's wrong? I'll see if I need to lose weight, so eat less? " Qin Tian is serious and nonsense!

Li Xinran on one side was enjoying the delicious food, but did not pay attention to it. Seeing Lin Xiaoyao's shame and indignation, he knew that his husband's goal had been achieved, and he also laughed bitterly."Ha ha, I want to go back to tell your parents, I see you must want to have a boyfriend!" Qin Tian zhengse said.

"Dare you Lin Xiaoyao will be angry, even if he was bullied, he was beaten report!

Qin Tian said with a smile, "you should be obedient in the future, or you will know the consequences!"

At this time, Lin Xiaoyao knew that Qin Tian wanted to tease her, and she was not stupid!

"Don't you mean you don't lift it? I'm just joking. Why should I take it seriously? I won't say it in the future, OK Lin Xiaoyao said helplessly.

"That's good!" Qin Tian nodded with satisfaction.

Lin Xiaoyao thinks that there are hot eyes everywhere, because that burst of Jiao Yin voice unexpectedly let many people in the seafood shop look over. When she saw her feeding Qin Tian one bite at a time, many people laughed!

Seeing their smiles, Lin Xiaoyao felt extremely ashamed, but in the face of such a domineering Qin Tian, she did not dare to say anything more!

After borrowing so much money, I may have to listen to Qin Tian's words.

She really wants to cry without tears. Qin Tian, the villain in front of his wife, knows how to tease himself like this?

Just as she was putting on her smelly face, Qin Tian suddenly pinched his hand to the dazed Lin Xiaoyao's ear , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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