Mr. Gu has stood up from his chair now, and his eyes are staring at Qin Tian with sharp eyes, as if he had been staring at the leopard of his prey!

"You're right, my man, can't fight!"

The dense black. Society. More and more members, the hall can not stand down unexpectedly have been standing outside the villa, moonlight night, a dark and flashing some black suits, let this villa stand in the countryside, appear more and more repressive!

This is a group of really bathed in blood of the ferocious beaters, the level has far exceeded the street of the mixed!

Qin Tian sits in the center of the hall, surrounded by water, leaving him only one meter of the last radius. From above, Qin Tian is located like a white circle.

"What, can't help but do it!" Qin day quietly swept around the black people.

"What do you think!" Gu's voice was cold, and only one cold in his eyes looked at Qin Tian as if he looked at a dead man!

No one can leave the village of ancient moon!

The scar on Mr. Gu's face was more and more ferocious under the light. He saw his chin move slightly, and a beater with a machete rushed to Qin Tian!

"Grass, die to Laozi!" The beater burst into a drink, his face was ferocious, and the machete in his hand was cut down with sufficient strength towards the head of the pocket of Qin Tians. If the knife was cut, Qin Tian's head would be split into two parts!

But just a moment, when the machete was about to fall on Qin Tian's head, Qin Tian, who sat on the chair, suddenly moved!

Only Qin Tian raised his hand, hand in the air across a strange trace!

"Pa!" A violent metal strike!

Qin Tian slapped his hand hard on the cutting knife that was about to fall. He saw a flash of the path of the machete. The knife face was slapped on the front door of the batter. Immediately, two front teeth fell off!

The black people around were stunned. This man... Actually took a machete to fan the mouth!?

You know, although this person with machete is not strong, but also the master of the ancient master who can count the number, was actually a person to face, hit the door teeth to kill!?

"I... Hold. Grass. Ni ma..." the batter blurs out a few words.

Qin Tian frowned and slapped his palm on the knife. This time, he was not so lucky to hit the hand. The powerful impact force on the knife instantly smashed his jaw and a breath of blood was sprayed out!

But, that's all done!?

Just now, his swearing completely aroused Qin Tian's anger. His hands were clapped on the knife face after another. The high and big body of the batter was so shaken and crumbled by Qin Tian!

The black people around have looked silly, how have they ever seen such a beating!? A sound in the ear beats the metal, every time it shakes the heart!

After a few seconds, the batter was near the edge of the collapse of consciousness, his teeth fell off, a large blood left from his mouth, leaving a big beach of red on the ground!

Mr. Gu stood in front of him, and his face had become ugly!

Qin Tian actually knows how to use this way to frighten people. It is not a simple character!

Mr. Gu thought exactly right. Qin Tianzheng was using this sound to strike, frightening the players in the field! Let them think before they can make it clear whether they can beat the man in front of them alive!

Facing the person who wants to live, Qin Tian's face is cold and incomparable. His hand is raised again, and a arc is flashed over, and he claps it on the knife face!


In a moment, the player's body suddenly soared, and the great power made him unable to stand on the ground again!

Only a moment, the neck of the beating hand was shattered!

Look at the blade surface of that machete, already in Qin days under the clap become pothole!

There was a dead silence on the scene!

No one can imagine that someone can fan a person in this way! And the dead is still a master of the road!


Mr. Gu could not help it any more. He was so cold that all the players pulled out the guy who was not in his waist. He was exposed to the light!

For a time, the momentum burst, the long-term killing of the batters deeply understand a truth! That is -

no matter how powerful you are, you will also become the fish meat on the anvil when facing countless machetes. If you want to live, you must kneel down!

Qin Tian was a little stunned, but didn't expect to beat his morale for half a day. He was broken by a cold hum from Mr. Gu. It seems that the position of the ancient gentleman in their hearts is not comparable to the general boss!

He is the spiritual leader of these players. He is in, with aura effect!

"No wonder that the thief first captured the king, which was the truth." Qin Tian shook his head and smiled bitterly, and understood the meaning of this sentence.

The spirit of elimination is still rising, and soon it filled the whole villa!

Qin Tian stooped to pick up the knife which was taken by him, reached for straightening the blade, looking at the people around him quietly. "Are you still going to die?"He didn't want to fight with a group of mortals, but they wanted to die, so they had to go and give them a ride!

"You are still the first one who dares to speak out in Guyue mountain villa!" Mr. Gu looked serious, and his anger was on the verge of breaking out. "You deserve a respectable death! "

with that, Mr. Gu's deep voice roared," go! "

In an instant, the whole hall of the killing gas suddenly gushed out, hundreds of people merged together to form a torrent of murderous spirit. The target was Qin Tian, who was surrounded in the middle.

"It's hard to persuade the damned ghost with good words. Qin tianben wanted to keep a low profile, but I was doomed to be unable to spend a mediocre life in the woods. In this case, what's the harm of taking a road of no return?"

Qin Tian murmured in a low voice. It seemed that from the moment when he accepted the gift from his ancestors, he was destined to shoulder some responsibilities that he had never thought of!

With a knife in his right hand, Qin Tian stood in the center of the villa, as if time had been fixed. All the people around him slowed down and chopped at himself with a machete, which was like slow action in Qin Tian's eyes!


Qin Tian's low roar, mixed with a trace of green energy, is like the sound of hell in the villa hall, layers of sound waves filled the crowd, shaking the group of thugs for one stagnation!


When a knife was waved, no one saw how Qin Tian made a move. He only saw the arm of a hitter before meeting him. A blood arrow shot out from his shoulder, and the people beside him were full of red!


The scream sounded, and the fighter lost his fighting power in an instant!

The air solidifies again, the corner of Qin Tian's mouth raises a smile that should not belong to him!

The thugs around him were scared to step back by his strange smile. Qin Tian, standing here, is just like a demon! Even the air around it became cold!


There was a light sound in everyone's mind. Qin Tian's body suddenly burst out a strong murderous spirit, which flushed the killing torrents gathered by the previous thugs. Everyone's eyes were red with blood, just like nine hell, which was frightening!

This time, Qin Tian didn't imitate anyone's murderous spirit. The murderous spirit at the moment really comes from Qin Tian's heart!

The thugs around him were terrified. His legs trembled and he could not help retreating. Like seeing death, all the arrogance disappeared!

In front of Qin Tian, they even felt that they were a tiny mole ant!

Mr. Gu's face was pale and staring at Qin Tian. His eyes were full of disbelief!

What on earth has this young man experienced? Can he be so horrible!?

Qin Tian looked at Mr. Gu who was not far away. He suddenly moved his legs and walked straight towards him!

For a moment, all the thugs gave him a way, where no one dares to block!

At this moment, if anyone sees them, they will surely think of those heroes who are like the God of war in the enemy camp!

At the moment, Qin Tian has the same breath as them!

"Mr. Gu, it seems that you may not be able to keep me in Guyue villa." Qin Tian's face is indifferent, and the attitude of the above people is educating Mr. Gu!

At this moment, Mr. Gu's face suddenly became ferocious!

Today, no matter what method is used, the young man in front of him must be left. Only by leaving him can the reputation of Guyue mountain villa be maintained! This is the dignity of Guyue villa! Dignity in the underground world of Songshan!

"Give it to me!"

Mr. Gu roared again. At this moment, he had never felt the panic for decades! Qin Tian brought him only Mitian's crisis!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

With the vigorous sound of the long sword, hundreds of thugs on the scene rose again!

In their opinion, the head can be broken and blood can flow, but the reputation of Guyue mountain villa must not be lost!

The chopper twinkles with countless cold awns, with an unmatched breath, chopping towards Qin Tian!

Qin Tian's eyes were firm, and suddenly he had no reason to smile. In this smile, he was still full of a trace of desire to fight!

A man in black cuts down towards Qin Tian. If he is cut by this knife, Qin Tian will be badly hurt!


With a muffled sound, the man in Black shot out like a shell, until he knocked over more than ten people and stopped on the throw. A mouthful of blood continued to spit, and it was obvious that he could not live!

At this moment, Qin Tian's mind is full of scenes of Jiao Cheng chopping a black suit at the gate of medical college. At the moment, Qin Tian's action is the same as Jiao Cheng's, and he has perfectly reproduced it!

Qin Tian's figure is constantly shuttling through the crowd. His body method is like a ghost, which has almost become a shadow!

With a knife, blood splashes everywhere! One blow, broken bones and broken tendons!Qin Tian's every action is adulterated with this green energy, and each time his hand is heavier than a kilogram!

In a few short moments, hundreds of people in black were defeated and fled everywhere!

For a time, wailing all over, blood flowing into a river, the whole hall is full of red plasma, Qin Tian stepped on the ground, white shoes have become extremely sticky!

Qin Tian stands in the center of the hall, just like the God of war! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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