When Qin Tian and Li were crazy, his mobile phone kept ringing. Qin Tian didn't pay attention to it. Who still went to see the mobile phone at this time?

But if Qin Tian knew that Lin Wanru's phone was not just what his psychology would think, would he stop and answer it, or do it while answering her?

Think about it all feel exciting!

It will be more than half an hour later. If it had been before, Qin would have been more. This is because Li Xinran was pregnant and had sex to vent.

After the completion, Qin genius picked up his mobile phone, and at first glance Lin Wanru's phone, he also smiled bitterly.

Do not know these days Lin Wanru will stay in the capital, or even night back to Songshan city?

Thinking of this, Qin Tian picked up his mobile phone and went into the bathroom of the bedroom, washing his head and sweating while making a phone call.

"Are you at Qin's or hotel?" Lin said as cold as a man.

"I am Why is it all about 0 o'clock and think about me like this? " Qin Tian smiled with emotion.

"Well, I admit, where you are is not important, it's important that I am in the hotel!" Lin said with some embarrassment.

Qin Tian knew what this meant in a moment when he heard this. The woman was seducing him to open a house!

"When will you go back to Songshan?" Qin Tian asked directly around the topic.

"How to say it will take a few days to go back, do you want me to stay or to drive me away?" Asked Lin Wanru.

"How can I hurry you away? I will have some wine with you these two days and talk about the old days!" Qin Tian laughs.

"Is it just a narrative?"

With Lin Wanru saying, the phone was silent for 200.

"Poop, all right!" Lin Wanru in the tone of some helplessness, "as if I am a Laker miss, you in the emperor development is good ah!"

"OK, we are going to open a branch here just now. What about you?" Qin Tiancan hear some disappointment in the words of women.

"I didn't think I was able to be absent now that you came!" Lin Wan said with a smile.

Qin Tian was stunned, and some regret to say the problem. But I don't know why I am a little excited, because if Lin Wanru is in the capital, she can be seen from time to time.

"OK, I'll talk about it when I'm drinking. It's not early. I have to rest. I've got to drink more today!" Qin Tian asked for an excuse.

"OK, then you sleep. I'll get some things in this business meeting and sleep!"

"It's a workaholic!"

Qin Tian shook his head and hung up the phone.

Lost years, unexpectedly oneself slowly came back, just don't know why, Qin Tian always felt like this and she continue to get along, to get out of things!

Unfortunately, Qin Tianzheng wanted to dry his body and go to bed by the way. The phone rang again on one side!

"No, there's a call at 11 this evening?"

But when Qin Tian saw the call display, a moment of tension in his heart, click the answer key.

"Hello, little God, I knew you didn't sleep. How did you live in Qin's house, the capital of the capital?" A woman's voice came from the phone.

Qin Tian heart a warm, smile said: "Mom, I am young, you are old, still not sleep?"

"I woke up after a sleep, I had a big nightmare, and I dreamed you were beaten!" Qin Tian's mother said with concern.

"Ha ha, your son is not casually let people beat now, you can be assured!" Qin Tian laughs.

"That's fine. Ha ha, I listen to your voice and think you are more mature and more stable than before, not so crazy!"

"Mom, people will grow up slowly. I will be a father. Can I be immature and steady?" Qin Tian laughs.

"Yes, I was trying to say this. Are you happy that my body is all right now? I'm waiting to go to the capital to give you grandchildren! " Qin Tian, she laughed so hard that she didn't want to sleep tonight, listening to the excited mood.

No way, and mom nagging, then it has to spend some time and mind, this is no way of things.

"You should cherish your life, especially your happiness. Think about it. You were humiliated at Li's house, but she never left you. It is a precious thing!"

"Although my mother has not spent many books, I also know that the people who can share the hardships are sincere, and only those who share wealth with you are false!"

"Yes, my mother is so educated that I admire it. When it comes to my soul, I remember my teaching!" Qin Tian said in a proper manner.

"You always said before, where there is no grass in the end of the world, why should I be the son-in-law, now can see, I am very happy!"

"That's not!" Qin Tianma smiled slowly: "I was afraid you were too sad and hard, and then you were poor. You wanted to help the family. I can understand that, actually, I don't want to lose your son!""Mom, I'll always be by your side. When the baby is born, I'll let you and Xinran accompany me, OK?" Qin Tian said in his heart.

"OK, OK, as long as you don't dislike me as an old woman, I should also enjoy the happiness of my family. Is it fun for the emperor?" The woman has a match not a match said.

"It's OK. It's a big city. It's suitable for the development of Commerce. It's not as good as the countryside or the old town of our family if we talk about providing for the aged." Qin Tian said.

"I can't help it. I'll be there where my daughter-in-law and grandson are. That's the best thing."

"Well, mom, if you have nothing to do, you can go to bed early. I can't finish it. When I call in the daytime, I don't want to sleep in this big night, do you?"

"Good, good. I'll go to bed now. Bye, son."

"Good night, Ma!"

After hanging up the phone, Qin Tian also breathed a breath. Indeed, as his mother said, Li Xinran is a girl with whom he suffers from common sorrow. How can he give up?

Not to mention Lin Wanru and Li Xinran, but also Xiao Ya and the little policewoman in Songshan

The night is thick, Qin Tian comes out from the bathroom, Li Xinran actually fell asleep directly in the past.

The next morning, after Qin Tian got up, Li Xinran and Lin Xiaoyao were busy with other things. Seeing Qin Tian yawning, Lin Xiaoyao said in a soft voice: "cousin brother-in-law, that beautiful little sister has sent a lot of medicinal materials in the morning, which is why the medicinal materials are put in the restaurant!"

"Well, next time she comes back, you remember to say thank you." Qin Tian laughs.

"Well, how can you treat her so well, better than me?"

"People give me medicinal materials. What can you do for me?"

"I feed you, don't I?" Lin Xiaoyao overbearing said.

"Ha ha!"

Qin Tian smiles indifferently and turns into the dining room. On the high-grade glass table, there are more than ten bags of precious medicinal materials, with a faint fragrance of medicine floating on it.

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