As a man, let other men so face-to-face provocation, Qin Tian this is uncomfortable!

In the face of Qin Tian's query, Wang Jielun also said coldly with a smile: "the art industry has a specialty. I don't deny a person's strength in other aspects. But in the shopping mall, I have the absolute qualification to say that you are not worthy of Miss Li. Is there a problem?"

Wang Jielun also pointed to his own test report, which has the talent value of tens of millions of annual salary.

In the face of these, Qin Tian also shook his head, some ironic smile.

"Oh, ten million a year? I've created hundreds of millions of dollars of stock in just a few million dollars. Is that what you're going to make for a lifetime? " Qin Tian said with a smile.

"You fart, you have hundreds of millions of dollars? It's not all the basis that Miss Li gave you. Without these, you're not a fart. In addition, don't brag. You can take out the appraisal results and say you believe it. Who can boast Wang Jielun said impolitely.

Even if he does not join the Lin group, he will not lose to Qin Tian. This breath is to fight for!

"Yes, come up with a firm report. Bragging is a skill?"

"What kind of ability does a woman have on top of a woman? I don't take you seriously!"

At this time, many onlookers can't help but make a sound, probably not meeting the requirements of the application!

Qin Tian is right, in the case of Li Xinran being a female boss, his existence is doomed to be considered as a small white face, soft rice!

But unfortunately, Qin Tian is not, he just wants to eat the softest rice and say the hardest words!

"The appraisal report has not come out yet. It will be soon." Qin Tian said speechless, "I don't think I'll lose to you even if it's in business. Not to mention other aspects, I don't mean to say that I must be better than you. I just say that as a job seeker, you give us a bad impression that you are very powerful, and you also say bad things about your potential boss and husband. Your EQ is very low, and you can't do great things! "

Qin Tian said, directly put out his hand around the fragrant shoulder of the woman in front of him, held her directly in his arms, and continued: "I really hate this kind of person to flatter and flatter my wife in front of me, and then say that I am a little white faced person. This way of judging people by appearance is simply too low-level!"

"Even if you are very strong and you become a senior member of my wife's company, what do you do to my wife? I will tear you up just like me. What are you crazy about?"

Qin Tian's words finish, Wang Jielun and one side of the job seekers are not very good-looking, certainly Qin Tian said is not wrong!

"Dare you hit me? Do you think the world solves problems with violence? "

"I don't know if the world is, but I can deal with you!"

Can fall two words, Qin Tian's other hand suddenly swings the fist, heavy stops in front of Wang Jielun's face, enough after five centimeters, can break his face!

But fortunately did not hit, although did not hit, but that strong momentum has been in front of Wang Jielun hit backward overturned!

Fell on the chair, the thunderbolt Bang is very embarrassed.

"How dare you hit me, little boy?" Wang Jielun, who fell on the ground, scolded angrily.

"Did you make a mistake? Did I hit you?" Qin Tian's fist was still in the air, "did my fist touch you? You are greedy for life and death, fall back, blame me? "

"Pooh Hearing this, Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help laughing, and Li Xinran also showed an embarrassed smile. It's really a rogue meeting a rogue, who is more cruel than who is!

People are also a burst of muddled force, clearly did not hit, this Wang Jielun himself scared half to death, this blame who?

"Oh, isn't this Qin's master? I didn't expect to meet you here! Is it too much to bully a workplace person with Gu Wu! "

This is still a beautiful voice.

Everyone turned their heads and looked out. Zhang Min came to the recruitment desk of Lin's group under the escort of several powerful ancient warriors.

Seeing Zhang Min, we can't help but talk.

"Isn't this the princess of the cause of price increase?"

"It's her. Now Zhang's career is developing very well, and it's possible to surpass Lin's!"

"This is the strong woman, I admire you!"

"I've heard that she is the capital of the emperor. Zhang Min, who has both talent and beauty, walked up to Lin Xiaoyao, picked up the talent report of Wang Jielun and said with a low smile:" why, do you want to recruit this person? "

"Is it Mr. Zhang? Ha ha, I'm not as good as the Lin family. They can't compare with the Zhang family! " At this time, Wang Jielun tidied up his clothes. Seeing Zhang Min pay attention to his appraisal report, he also put on a confident smile.

Zhang Min looked at Wang Jielun and said with a smile: "you are capable, but you are not very emotional intelligence, and very complacent. I hate arrogant and complacent men the most, and have some skills to fly to the sky!"

"I..." Wang Jielun was embarrassed for a moment. He didn't know what to say. Other people didn't dare to speak out. As job seekers, they really had to keep a low profile. They felt like they were the boss and forced the boss to hire them.Zhang Min disdained to fly Wang Jielun's talent appraisal, and looked at some onlookers with pride, "do you have the capital of complacency? Shouldn't it? You can be complacent in front of Lin Xiaoyao, but here in me, you are all scum

Everyone dare not say anything. It is true that Zhang Min's strong will not be able to say one or two words clearly. She is really strong!

Zhang Min finally fixed his eyes on Qin Tian and Li Xinran, "you just said, don't know if Zhang Min wants to cooperate with general manager Li, is he qualified?"

When Zhang Min said whether he was qualified or not, he made a lot of words. It seemed that he was clearly saying how influential his enterprise was. You should bow down in front of me. There is nothing to be proud of!

"It seems that you are the craziest Qin Tian said with a smile, "we will not cooperate with you, so you are not qualified!"

"Then ask what qualifications are? Are you better than Jay Wang in business? Or higher education? Or is your personal financial performance better than that of Jay Wang? " Zhang Min wants to show his seniority first, and then teach Qin Tian a lesson!

Zhang Min said that Wang Jielun could not help but stand upright again, raised his chest and looked at Qin Tian, "it is this guy who thinks the world is fought by his fist!"

"He is not the strongest fist. He is also a man who is too complacent. He is doomed to have no achievements. Now I can give you a chance to turn over and join our Martial Arts Association. This is cooperation. How about it?" Zhang Min said to Qin Tian with a smile.

In fact, she doesn't think Qin Tian will join, but she just wants to be superior and humiliate you face to face! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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