Just after Qin Tian and Li Xinran left the talent center, more than a dozen young people in suits and suits, including men and women, walked towards the talent evaluation center.

One of them did a previous test and the result was a million!

Name: Wang Jielun.

He had no dream that the price would fall so miserably even after a comprehensive evaluation!

"Why did I shrink from comprehensive evaluation?"

"Sorry, Mr. Wang!" A staff member came to the front of Wang Jielun and said, "this is the most reasonable price. If a person has problems on the one hand, it is the performance of lack of ability. In addition, your moral character is not good. This price is the reasonable price that our center can give."

"Fart, I used to be 10 million, now directly a million, who do you cheat?" Wang Jielun took out the results of the previous assessment and said.

"Sorry, it was a year ago. Now the data and accuracy are more comprehensive, and you are unilateral. Comprehensive evaluation needs to take into account other aspects, so your comprehensive evaluation is seriously reduced. This shows that you are seriously inadequate in other aspects! " The staff explained.

"You're not enough!" Wang Jielun angrily pushed a staff member in front of him and walked out directly.

Outside the talent market.

Qin Tian and Li Xinran walked outside the Art Center, talking and laughing.

"Cousin, Qin Tian's annual salary is more than 10 billion yuan. Is this too exaggerated? It's incredible Lin Xiaoyao looks at Qin Tian in disbelief and doubts his price.

Li Xinran also felt that the price was too incredible, but she also had to marvel at Qin Tian's omnipotent existence in all aspects.

Qin Tian laughed and said, "well, it's just a simulation. Don't take it seriously."

For this reply, Lin Xiaoyao just wants to roll his eyes. What a hypocritical man!

The next day.

Zhu Yu came to find Qin Tian in the morning.

Women do not wear training clothes, wearing a pure white slim shirt, good black leather pants, outlines the perfect line.

Zhu Yu has been practicing martial arts since childhood. She has a very good figure. She has a very flat waist and fair skin. She is a woman with amazing appearance. She is absolutely the best one!

"Is it alchemy today?" Qin Tian asks curiously, those medicinal materials did not find so quickly?

"No, I'll take you to Tianding martial arts school." Zhu Yu said while looking at Lin Xiaoyao's luxurious villa.

"Why are you going to the martial arts school?" Qin Tian can't help but ask.

"You don't know. The martial arts of the three cities are about to start. My master has been invited by friends from the martial arts circles of the imperial capital." Zhu Yu replied.

Qin Tian nodded, did not expect to come so fast!

Seeing Qin Tian go with the beauty, Lin Xiaoyao is not happy for a while, and Li Xinran smiles indifferently.

"Cousin, do you just let this boy hang out with this beautiful elder sister every day?"

"Ha ha, they are practicing martial arts. This is Qin Tian's hobby. I can't stop him!" Li Xinran said with a smile.

"You're dead headed. What if this guy is cheating? I tell you, men are the most likely to cheat when a woman is pregnant. Don't be too relieved

"I think you are jealous? You are jealous of your cousin's brother-in-law. If you don't take you to practice, I can't see your careful thinking? "

"I..." Lin Xiaoyao really wanted to cry without tears. He didn't know what to say.

In fact, they all have a beautiful woman. What's the relationship between Qin Tian and them? How come they always come to Qin Tian to go out? It's really amazing!

Li Xinran does not have what on the surface, actually in the heart is some secretly jealous.

After all, it's like two people going out on a date.

Women always like to think, this is a very normal relationship.

Zhu Yu said Tianding martial arts school is located on the edge of the imperial capital city. It is only 30 minutes' drive from Yuehai Bay in the central area.

Tianding martial arts school, as the first martial arts school in the Imperial City, naturally deserves the corresponding reputation. It is a place where martial arts can be held in three cities.

When I arrived, I found it was late. There were hundreds of cars parked outside. The person in charge of Tianding martial arts school was keeping order and walking around outside the martial arts school. It seemed very busy.

The big martial arts schools in the three cities, wearing various colors of training clothes, entered the gate one after another, and everyone's face appeared a kind of excited color, one by one was eager to try!

Zhu Yu and Qin Tian arrive at the gate and show their tickets. They are also amazed by Zhu Yu's appearance. After a few seconds, they take back the tickets!

When I entered Tianding martial arts school, I found that it was not so big. It could accommodate thousands of people. It really wasn't a problem.

Because it's close to the suburbs, the low price is relatively cheap. The martial arts school is also very big, full of style!

This time, more than ten martial arts schools participated in the contest, and hundreds of martial artists were present.More than 100 young students signed up for the competition. According to the rules and competition system set in previous years, the elimination competition will be held directly to determine the final champion!

These warriors are the best among the young people, most of them are between 18 and 25 years old, and those over 30 years old are not very happy to participate in the competition.

After all, what's the point of competing with young people?

There is a huge challenge arena in the middle of the martial arts school. There are some gold signboards on the wall behind the challenge arena.

Under the plaque are the honorary trophies of Tianding martial arts school who came to their disciples to participate in the competition.

Around the challenge arena, there is also a big chair. These are the masters of each martial arts school, or the masters in each martial arts school.

If we use the realm of martial arts to divide it, the warrior with the highest dark strength is qualified to sit on the top, and the rest are not qualified!

After Qin Tian and Zhu Yu came in, they found that many people were ready to go. Many people were still warming up under the stage. It seems that the competition will start soon!

Qin Tian scanned as he walked, and soon found that in the middle of the road, Lao Chen was sitting there, talking to some tea drinkers.

Looking at the opposite row of chairs, Qin Tian found that some people in the seats were already dark strength level. They were all over 30 years old, but there was no strong Dan Jin!

Until Qin Tian's eyes saw a emaciated old man in Japanese samurai costume!

"I didn't expect that the Dan Jin strong man who came to participate was a Japanese Qin Tian can see that the cultivation of this strong man is a little more powerful than Chen, which is probably the level of introduction of Dan Jin.

Although the old man is a strong Dan Jin, but also just let Qin Tian look at him for a few seconds, he continued to scan out, and found another familiar person!

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