"Lao Chen, can you introduce the talented young man you mentioned to us?" Another librarian asked expectantly.

Old Chen said with a smile: "that talented young man doesn't like to publicize. If you have fate, you will see him!"

The more Mr. Chen said this, the more surprised and excited the people were. Did they wonder whether they would come or not? Listen to his news and information. Have you joined a martial arts school?

They believe that old Chen said that young masters are about 30 years old. After all, the masters who can make old Chen revere will surely be old enough not to compete.

But they looked at the whole audience together, and didn't see any one with great strength. These are the people who look average, let alone Yunchen who looks only in his early twenties!

Bai Baijun took advantage of everyone's rest time and came to Zhu Yu and said triumphantly, "I said beauty, did you see it just now? Is my skill OK? I also don't want to stick to this person who doesn't even have the qualification to compete. If you come to our martial arts school, I will give you special guidance every day to ensure that you can become an expert like me! "

"I'm afraid you can't even win with one hand beside me!" Zhu Yu finally couldn't bear it, and said with disgust and coldness.

Qin Tian on one side couldn't help laughing again. He didn't expect that Zhu Yu would burn his words on him. On the surface, he was smiling bitterly. In fact, he couldn't help crying or laughing!

Bai Baijun was elated to see Zhu Yu finally willing to talk to himself. However, he also heard that Zhu Yu's words all mean to look down on him. He was angry and looked at Qin Tian in a displeasure: "boy, this beautiful woman says you are very good. Let's go to the arena to have a fight during the half-time break."

"Elder martial brother Bai is so good at martial arts, how dare I fight with you?" Qin Tian said with a smile that he was too lazy to fight with such a showman. Isn't it a waste of time?

Bai Baijun is very satisfied with Yunchen's identity. He looks at Zhu Yu and says, "beauty, do you see it? It's not that I don't give the boy a chance to behave, but he confesses to it directly by himself

"You..." Zhu Yu is speechless. How can there be such a shameless person?

The heart of cloud Chen is also completely helpless, was so provocative do not receive the war, she is also hate hate to look at Qin Tian this guy, has not seen so no temper master.

If the other masters who had forced the grid had already slapped out directly, what would he have wryly laughed at?

Since the competition is up to the point, the players just rest for 20 minutes and will start the next round soon!

In the competition of the top 60, Zuo Linfeng and Bai Baijun and Ma Tengren of Daoying easily advanced to the top 32, but unfortunately they did not meet.

An hour later, the third round came. This time, the top 16 was decided!

Still look full, but the top three still did not meet, soon is the fourth round, this time is the top eight!

Still did not meet, the audience has begun to worry, the more behind the more wonderful ah!

Finally, the fifth round, only the top four!

They are Bai Baijun and Zuo Linfeng, Ma Tengren and a young master of Xingyi martial arts school.

Zuo Linfeng draws the song'ao beast of Xingyiquan, while Bai Baijun is against Ma Tengren, an expert of Daoying!

These four people are the top experts of the younger generation in three cities, and they are the goal of all martial arts school students in the coming year!

Zuo Linfeng and the master of Xingyi boxing were the first to compete. Both of them were obviously masters with small dark strength. However, Zuo Linfeng's age was three years younger than the master of Xingyi boxing. He had the advantage of age!

However, all the young people on the stage pay attention to their absolute strength. They are not ordinary people who can come here. Zuo Linfeng knows that the other party may be the party with stronger martial arts experience, because he participated in it last year!

So when he played, Zuo Linfeng used a steady style. Ten minutes later, he found a flaw in this Xingyi boxing master and defeated his opponent directly!

Very decisive, steady ten minutes, the final blow to break, this is what the master should have!

At this time, there was a warm applause from the waiting room. All of them were the strength of Xiaocheng, but they were better than you. That's the beauty, moves and skills of ancient martial arts!

In the first game of the top four, Zuo Linfeng directly advanced to the final, waiting for the winner of Bai Bai Jun and Ma Teng Ren Ye.

"Don't say that you can't beat the island Ying people. The other side is developing a martial arts school in the imperial capital. If you lose, your martial arts school will be declared dead!" Zuo Linfeng said with a sneer at the white Baijun who was going up.

"Well, you wait for me in the final, and I'll beat you in the final!" Bai Bai Jun looks at Zuo Linfeng with disdain on his face, but he's dark and powerful. Isn't he a mean thing?

At this time, he walked up to the challenge arena with arrogance. He seemed to feel that he had made it to the final. He didn't pay any attention to the opposite Island Japanese!On the other side of the island, the Japanese also walked up to the challenge arena in a low-key way, and his whole body was emitting a cold breath.

"Disciple of Bushido hall, you are lucky that you didn't meet other three strong men all the way. You got to the top four by luck!" Bai Baijun speaks Chinese, and the other side should be able to understand it. After all, they are Dao Ying people who have been developing for a year!

However, Ma Teng people did not mean to speak. Their eyes were very cold, and even a faint smile flashed through the corners of their mouths.

"The contest begins!" The referee on the court made a gesture!

Bai Bai Jun's mouth suddenly showed a look of ridicule, but his body quickly entered the state of attack and defense.

Although he felt that he could have won the other side, he did not dare to despise the opponent completely.

Both feet began to exert force, and then the speed reached the extreme. Bai Bai Jun was extremely swift and violent, and kicked out his proud move, a series of whirlwind legs!

In one second, he kicked more than ten feet, and his leg shadow was even seen in the air. It's really powerful. Without defense in advance, if you eat this leg, you will collapse directly!

Ma Tengren also stood still, looking at the legs and feet of Bai Jun, and his eyes showed satisfaction.

Everyone was shocked. Didn't Ma Teng people plan to fight?

However, the next moment, people just heard a dull bell!

They were surprised to see that the sound of the bell actually came from the body of this maten man?

Is this like the golden bell jar?

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