Hearing this, all the hall owners and students around thought that they had heard it wrong. The beauty on the challenge arena looked three or four years younger than the Dongdao man. In this way, she was a girl over 18 years old!

It's incredible that a girl like her has already arrived at dark Jin. It's so shocking that most people don't know who they think they are. They are the disciples of Lao Chen!

at the age of 18, dark Jin is an entry-level student, and her talent is very high. After two years, Xiaocheng will become a great success, and 20-year-old will be the champion level of Huiwu in three cities!

It's worthy of being a disciple of Lao Chen. It's just that such a gifted girl can compete with this foreigner on the stage. If she gets hurt, it's not worth the loss!

Many people look at Zhu Yu and feel that she is very beautiful, plus talent, is a good seedling, there is no need to step forward to take risks!

Zuo Linfeng once again felt that his talent was nothing. When he met a young man like Zhu Yu and the master of Dongdao, it was just incredible!

However, it can be imagined that Zhu Yu is still not the opponent of Ma Teng people, because it is not a level of existence!

"Since you're coming, I'm not welcome. I'm going to kill the flowers!"

At the same time, Ma Teng Ren attacked Ma Teng Ren with a powerful fist, but he saw that Zhu Yu was not in a hurry, and his pretty face was slightly calm. He also put out his hand and hit Ma Tengren's fist!

Her palms are silent and fast. She doesn't attack with the strong fist strength as ordinary ancient martial arts masters do. Instead, she uses a soft and soft move!

When he saw this move, Lao Chen laughed. When he lost to the Bushido people, he didn't see through this point. The reason why he recruited female students was not because of their talent, but because they could practice a move of conquering hardness with softness!

This kind of skill can perfectly restrain and even restrain Bushido moves. Therefore, Zhu Yu sees that the opponent is Bushido. Although her true spirit is not very high, her dark strength is enough!

This blow made everyone worried. How could her delicate fist deal with the fierce fist power of Ma Teng Ren?

However, in the next moment, something startled everyone happened. Zhu Yu stood still, while Ma Teng Ren retreated step by step. His feet were still stepping on the cement and steel plate, and there was a trace of crushed dust!

"What kind of martial arts is this?" Ma Teng asked in surprise.

"There are so many changes in ancient Chinese martial arts. Do you need to know?" Zhu Yu said scornfully.

In fact, it's not a high-level skill. It's just a cotton palm. It's not very useful to deal with an expert like Qin Tian, but it's perfect restraint to deal with Bushido!

Zhu Yu is Lao Chen's hatred of Bushido. She is a girl who hopes!

Cotton palms are made from Taiji. The palms are soft and soft, but they are hard and soft. The inner strength can be very pure. It seems soft and soft, but its strength is not reduced.

It's because when the opponent is just hitting each other with fierce fists, they can also release their strength. Most of their strength can be removed, and the rest is their own strength!

Therefore, in front of Zhu Yu, the Ma Teng people are only 45% of their strength, which is really a dozen with Zhu Yu!

This time, the Ma Teng people, as if in front of the enemy, attacked again.

This time, he directly hit dozens of punches, which were all directly used with full strength, and did not dare to have any reservation!

Bushido is just fierce, not too much fancy action, attack more modern!

The sound of fists and hair makes the air emit a series of explosions. It seems that the maten man in front of him has turned into a vicious man. He is very powerful, and he is no longer the one who does not need to be full of restraint!

All the people in the field exclaimed together. What should Zhu Yu do?

But the incredible thing is that Zhu Yu is calm, and a chapter of cotton palms is constantly supplied, like ice and colorful falling leaves. It is very beautiful, as if it is not the palm technique of a martial artist, but the dancing posture of a fairy in the sky!

Ma Tengren felt as if in an instant, countless palms appeared in front of him. Not only did he seal his fist back, but also beat him back again and again, all of which had been forced to the edge of the challenge arena!

"What kind of palm technique is this?" Ma Teng Ren also felt that this woman's palm technique seemed to have changed, which made him unprepared!

Taiyiwulang and other people in the audience have already shown their looks of rustic color. There is no move that can take the upper hand. A good disciple who was just majestic just now has been beaten back by an 18-year-old girl. How can I say this?

Taiyiwulang was already a little serious at this time, and he couldn't hold on to it!

"You don't need to know. It won't do you any good to know it!" Zhu Yu cheered coldly.

Ma Tengren was not reconciled to it. He suddenly gave a big drink, and his figure became blurred at this time. He started to push forward step by step!

His Bushido steel fist is amazing, but it is called Assassin's fist because it matches his unique pace, and the killing is invisible.This is their new and original skill, which is different from the previous Bushido!

Seeing this scene, Lao Chen couldn't help but look dignified. If it was the unchanged Bushido, he was confident that Zhu Yu would defeat the other party, but after the change, it would be hard to say!

Moreover, Zhu Yu has just begun to enter the dark force. It's hard to say anything!

At this time, there are so many figures in the arena that the audience below are dazzled. Is the speed too high?

Directly let the stage formed a shadow, such strength changed, they may die several times in less than a minute!

Zhu Yu still looks calm. She knows that no matter how many changes the other party has, she also takes her as the center. Fortunately, she is still and will not be confused by Ma Tengren's figure!

Sure enough, Ma Teng Ren could only move around Zhu Yu, all at once in front of him and behind him. However, under Zhu Yu's solid defense, there was no way to do it!

And such a fast speed means that the strength of the sharp trumpet, can no longer play the right fist!

Ma Tengren also looked at Zhu Yu's immobility. He jumped up tall and hit Zhu Yu's tianlinggai with a fist from the top to the bottom!

This move is tough enough. If the huge fist power is concentrated on the head of the person, it will bloom directly, because it is a fatal move!

It is not allowed to use killing moves in the competition, but the maten also seems to have killed red eyes. He has already ignored in order to win!


"Damn it, this guy wants to die!"

"No, it's dangerous!"


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