Zhang Long saw this scene, and his eyes almost fell out! And the younger brothers he brought with him were even more dull and petrified!

This... How could this be possible!? How could that be possible!

Who would have thought that a big brother in the underground world, a super character who can call on the wind and rain in Songshan should salute a small security guard!

Dragon... Brother long has brought us to be such a character!? Hold the grass! This special code is taking us to death!

For a moment, all the bastards' hearts are ten thousand grass mud horses floating by! What is steel plate? This special size is steel plate, and it is thickened! Who dares to kick!?

Qin Tian raised his hand and stretched out towards the ancient moon!

At that moment, Gu Yue closed her eyes, and many black suits behind her also took a breath of air conditioning!

Is Qin Tian still going to attack Mr. Gu!?

At this moment, the heartbeat of hundreds of people beside the Mercedes Benz has more than doubled! Even the onlookers were scared to step back one after another!

Does this little security guard really dare to attack the black road giant!?

Qin Tian raised his hand to Mr. Gu's face, gently took off the sunglasses on his face, and exposed his ferocious face with scar!

At this moment, the air is frozen!

"Mr. Gu, I've brought hundreds of people to come to me. What's your purpose?" Qin Tian's look is indifferent, without the slightest breath of fear!

The expected attack did not come, and Gu Yue's heart was released. After taking a few breaths, she slowly opened her mouth and said, "Mr. Qin, Gu Yue is here to apologize this time."

Said, Gu Yue once again bowed to sweep the floor, "Mr. Qin, I'm sorry!"

"Mr. Qin, I'm sorry!"

In a flash, hundreds of people in black bent their backs towards Qin Tian! Qi Qi roared and apologized to Qin Tian. The voice was deep and solemn, resounding through the sky!

For a moment, the silence was almost audible! Everyone is staring at this scene, all of them are shocked!

Black boss, apologize to the security guard!

Qin Tian took Mr. Gu's sunglasses in his hand and shook them two times. His tone was flat and said: "what do you say!? I didn't hear you

Mr. Gu shuddered slightly, lowered his head and apologized again: "Mr. Qin, I'm sorry!"

This time, Mr. Gu used all his strength and his voice was very loud! In this moment, everyone heard his apology!

With Mr. Gu's apology, hundreds of people behind him roared: "Mr. Qin, I'm sorry!"

The voice was solemn and powerful, as if the whole sky had been shaken by them!

Qin Tian stood in place, indifferent to look at this group of people in black who stooped towards themselves. After a long time, Qin Tian finally said, "come with me."

Finish saying, Qin Tian then walked toward the security Pavilion behind him.

Mr. Gu, if granted amnesty, hastened to keep up with Qin Tian!

Several small security guards in the security Pavilion saw Qin Tian with Mr. Gu coming, and quickly got up and went out to make room for Qin Tian.

A fart. Shares sitting on the chair, Qin Tian looked at Mr. Gu, "want to know what to explain to me?"

Gu Yue's body trembled and her eyes seemed to be struggling with something!

for a long time, Mr. Gu sighed, "from today on, Guyue villa will give priority to you. I, Gu Yue, are willing to follow Mr. Qin all my life!"

With that, Gu Yue knelt on one knee, as if waiting for Qin Tian's canonization!

In fact, Gu Yue is not stupid. Some things have been heard about for a long time. Qin Tian's performance yesterday is absolutely beyond ordinary people's ability. With Qin Tian, Guyue villa will surely move to another peak!


He can also climb a big tree with this! And it may be a big tree that you dare not even think about!

Yesterday, he had inquired all night. Qin Tian's medical skills were almost comparable to that of the miraculous doctor Lu in the Huisheng hall, and even faintly surpassed him!

Strong strength, high medical skills, with such a person, I am not a loss!

"You are clever Qin Tian took a look at him, and his deep eyes seemed to see through the mind of the ancient moon. He was frightened to see the spirit of the ancient moon on the spot!

"Mr. Qin, the ancient moon dare not!" Gu Yue was shaking and kneeling on the ground, and knocked down with a loud head!

"Come on, get up!" Qin Tian calmly said, "I don't want you in Guyue villa, but you are still in charge of it, but..."

just when Gu Yue was in great joy, he heard Qin Tian, but the old moon trembled again!

"But, from today on, Guyue villa must do something for me!" Qin Tian held out a finger.

"Mr. Qin, please tell me!"

Don't say a thing, even if it is a hundred, he dare not say a word!

"From today on, the underground order of Songshan city must be established quickly. I don't care if you fight and fight and collect protection fees, but there is something that must be cleaned up for me!" Qin Tian's eyes are serious. At the moment, all he thinks about in his mind is Xiao Ya's father taking drugs."From today on, I don't want to see any more poison and substance related things in Songshan city!"

Qin Tian's voice was loud and the ancient moon nodded quickly. "Mr. Qin is relieved that from today, I promise that there will be no other poison and product related things in the Western District of Songshan city!"

The eyes of the ancient moon are burning, and they are very confident! As long as the mission goes on, the Western District of Songshan City, large and small groups, there will never be another person dare to touch!

"West!" Qin Tian frowned. A situation of tripartite confrontation between

and Gu Yue, "Mr. Qin, my Gu Yue villa is considered a top force, but it is not enough to deter the whole Songshan. Now, the three mountains are standing on the top of the mountain. I only occupy a western area, and the other two are stronger than me."

Qin Tian was stunned, it seems that the underground world of Songshan was still so complicated.

"There are two other..." Qin Tian pondered for a while, "you should clean up the west area first. If there is an opportunity, I will help you clean up the other two!"

The ancient moon heard the joy, hurriedly to Qin Tian to ensure that the absolute poison. Clean the clean products!

With the help of Qin Tian, it is only a matter of time to remove the other two! Then, the whole Songshan will be shrouded in the ancient moon villa under the light!

That's the real underground overlord!

For a while, the ancient moon had imagined the scene of the day when he became the overlord.

Not long, Qin days and ancient moon came out of the security Pavilion, and when they left, they saw Zhang Long squatting in the corner of the wall.

"That... Longo, right? What did you say you were looking for me and brother Jiao? " Qin Tian eyebrows a pick, smile ha ha to Zhang Long said.

Zhang Long saw that all the people with bitter mouth were crying out.

What else can I do if I look for you? But can I say it now?

Ancient moon stood on the side of Qin Tianshen. At the moment, Zhang long and other people's posture, his face became cold a little bit. As long as Zhang Long dared to say other answers, he would immediately kill him!

"I... I... I'm here to thank you and captain Jiao." Zhang long I had a long time, finally thought of an answer that can make Qin Tian satisfied.

"Oh? How do you thank me? " Qin Tian couldn't help laughing.

"Last time you and captain Jiao smashed my BMW..." br >

yes? How about smashing!? " The ancient moon heard, immediately opened up to ask.

Qin Tian waved, let the ancient moon stand aside, and continued to ask, "and then?"

Zhang long looked at the ancient moon with a frightened heart, and continued to say, "good smash! I have been looking at that car for a long time. Thanks to you and captain Jiao, I was tired of smashing the car for me. I came here to thank you for your special purpose. "

The fly didn't know where to drill from, "thank you Tiange and the coke team, right? I remember that my brother paid you a million cars that day... "Br >

as soon as the fly opened up, it raised the price by 200000!

"No... It is 80..." Zhang Long saw the fierce face of the ancient moon before he said a word, and then he slapped his face hard. "Yes, my brother gave me a million, and I came to pay back today!"

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