Qin days Li Xinran and other expressions instantly became very angry!

What is this? This guy is still finished. He just started it, right? Everyone is here to eat. Why is he so arrogant?

And clearly know Qin Tian is Qin family situation still so nobody, difficult not to become their family is heaven?

Seeing Shangzhuang go up, several young men behind him all became serious. They all looked at Qin Tian with displeasure. These young people were both rich generation 2, and they were obviously with Shangzhuang.

First, if we don't say the identity of Qin Tians, we have found such a beautiful woman, so that they are jealous enough to be very jealous. So no matter what identity Qin Tian is, we have already wanted to do it to him!

Since ancient times, people have not fought with officials, and no more powerful businessmen are opponents of politics!

Shangzhuang is the son of the head of a certain Bureau. He also opened a local real estate company. He is a man who is not afraid of the sky in the face!

It is not ordinary to be the general director of a certain Bureau in a first tier city like Dilu. If you look up a little, it may be a more powerful power. How can you resist it?

Shangzhuang looks at Qin Tian and swears: "you ask me what I am, and I want to ask you what is it! I will talk to you today. You don't listen. Today I will let you kneel down! "

The noise here also attracted the attention of a group of elders in the box.

Lin Dongqiang saw Shangzhuang angry, and still aimed at Qin Tian, he couldn't help but change his face. He walked quickly. "What happened to shanggongzi? Where is this big fire? "

Lin family group has been beaten by the old people, but I have been too many new in recent years. Their enterprises have been severely hit. If anything is put on hold or what scheme can not be passed, the consequences will be very serious!

Facing the chairman of the forest business, Shangzhuang is not polite at all, "is this your relative? Ask him what is the matter, you as an elder, if you can not teach Leonardo, then I will help you teach it! "

Shangzhuang's words, let Wang Dongqiang and other elders face to face fear, a little helpless to look at Qin Tian, what exactly is the matter of shanggongzi's crime so miserable?

One of them said in a low voice: "this Qin Tian, who thinks he is a Qin family, is lawless and has no way to do so. Dare to ask what the son of Shang is, are you crazy!"

"No way, this kind of swelling people, really see more, hot people, see what he does!"

"Little God, what is this going on?" Lin Dongqiang frowns, feeling things are not in the interest of their enterprise development ah!

After all, this is an official background, even their own can not afford, not to mention Shangzhuang!

"It's OK!" Qin Tian shook his head. "Just kidding this boy!"

"Who is he kidding you?" Shangzhuang said to pick up an empty plate, directly towards Qin Tian body smashed down!

Originally, the music in the club hotel was light and slow, because of the situation here, it had to stop!

"Enough!" Li Xinran slapped the table. She did not know what identity was behind the Shangzhuang, but seeing Lin Dongqiang's attitude, she could know whether it was normal. "Shanggongzi, today's affairs are actually picked up by you once and again, and then three. We are no doubt small people, but they are not allowed to bully. Today is me, we don't want to talk to you, husband, let's go! "

Li Xinran said that he would go out of the club with Qin Tian's hand!

"Want to go?" Shangzhuang at this time, he laughed coldly and stopped Li Xinran. "Have I let you go? I tell you, today I just want to sleep you, I see who he can go! "

"Son, please let go of your breath!" The president of a real estate came up and said, "today is a good day for everyone to come out for dinner. We have two drinks to dissipate our energy. Come on, I'll give you a toast!"

"Come on, son Shang, have a bar, I'll do it first!" said the boss

It is also obvious that this side always comes to the round field, and others raise the glass, which means toast!

"Let me go of my way, compared with you!" Shangzhuang is very upset, a push away the wine, fell on the ground full of water stains, resulting in waste!

For this, others also dare not say a word, and this side is always just helpless smile, and did not say anything.

Lin Dongqiang said at this time: "if my relative is doing something wrong or disrespectful to you, I apologize to you. You can't make him difficult. After all, he has not been in the emperor for a long time, and he has lived in Songshan before!"

"Songshan? Just the people from that little place are arrogant to me? Even the orthodox Qin family dare not give me such an attitude! "

"And what do you apologize for?" Shangzhuang pointed to linxiaoyao and said, "what do you apologize for? This is your daughter, right? Would you like her to take off her clothes and dance me a steel pipe dance, and I will accept your apology? "Lin Dong's face became gloomy when he was forced to stop. "Young master Shang, if you say so, are you a little too shameless?"

"Shameless? How dare you say I'm shameless? I'll show you what shamelessness is today Shangzhuang said, rolling up his sleeves and pointing to Li Xinran, "she took me to the hotel!"

Several young people standing behind Shangzhuang immediately all grabbed Li Xinran!

In this scene, many people dare to be angry and speechless. Shangzhuang's father is the leader of a bureau in the capital of the emperor. Who can provoke this existence?

Looking at the young man quickly caught his hand on Li Xinran's hand, an explosion suddenly rang at this time!

The strong air wave swept out from the gate of the club, and the people standing in the club were shocked by such a strong air current that they could not stand steadily!

Qin Tian was protected in front of Li Xinran and Lin Xiaoyao for the first time. After the strong current behind him, a burst of dust and smoke rose.

Originally luxurious club gate, this time also became dilapidated.

In an instant, the exquisite decoration of the club also scattered all over the place because of the messy food!

"Explosion, explosion!"

"Call the police! Call the police

In the clubhouse, there was a sharp roar.

Shangzhuang is also flustered, do not care to look for Li Xinran and Qin Tian's trouble, hurry to take refuge!

Because this explosion is so unexpected, this kind of situation happens in this kind of place. I'm afraid some villain has come!

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