"It's over

This is fan Yanyan's last thought at the moment when she fell down. The pain on her neck has made her face full of speed. In the face of gangster's attack, she can only completely retreat!

At the moment when she couldn't make use of her strength, the gangster flew over again. Fan Yanyan turned around and dodged for a while. Her physical strength was too much. She couldn't stand still and fell back to the rear. This is really going to fall down!

At this critical juncture, a strong arm held fan Yanyan and took her away from the dangerous position!

Before fan Yanyan had time to see who it was, she heard a voice with magnetism, "what's the meaning of fighting with women? Come on, let's fight!"

Qin Tian looked at the masked man in front of him and said with a natural complexion.

Fan Yanyan stood firm and looked at the visitor. He was a young man dressed in ordinary clothes. He looked like a handsome young man. However, his eyes were just like a vast Star River. People couldn't help being intoxicated with it.

"Your action is very fast, and your skill doesn't have to be bad. It's just that without his ruthlessness, this guy uses all the killing moves, and you use the arresting move, so you lost the details!" Qin Tian looked at fan Yanyan and continued to explain: "if this kind of person wants to defeat him, it's very simple to be more ruthless than him, just like now!"

After the fall of Hua Yun, Qin Tian's body moves quickly. In an instant, he arrives in front of the gangster. Without any extra moves, he directly punches at the gangster's front and rushes out!

Fan Yanyan was surprised to see that Qin Tian's figure flashed quickly in front of him. She could see a shadow in the air. When she appeared, the person opposite had already been knocked out!

No kidding, Qin Tian's fist is very powerful, with a strong voice of sonic boom. In the face of this fist, the gangster can only dodge. But how can Qin Tian's combat experience be compared with this gangster?

I saw that the gangster was directly hit and flew out, fell on the ground, fell many places appeared fracture, a mouthful of blood vomited out, directly climb also can't get up!

Fan Yanyan was stunned at this time, as if to see something shocking. Qin Tian's action simply opened a new door!

"Look, if you join in more ruthless than him, he will not be your opponent!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

"Taught!" Qin Tian had a big drink, but it was too late.

Join is not Qin Tian's own words, she did not even react to come over, after all, such a speed simply can't be too fast!

But I don't know where to fly out of a figure, directly caught fan Yanyan, and pointed a pistol on her forehead!

Fan Yanyan was shocked. She didn't expect that there was a gangster lurking behind her, and she was still holding a gun!

"Why, you are so fierce. Kneel down for me!" The armed gangster scolded Qin Tian angrily and pointed the pistol at fan Yanyan's head.

The gangster looked at fan Yanyan and scolded: "boy, don't you know how to fight? Come on, let's see if it's your fist or my gun

Qin Tian indifferent to look at the gangster, and did not show a very flustered very nervous mood, "you are with the task, today shot, do you think you can go away?"

"Don't talk nonsense to me!" The gangster grabbed fan Yanyan's shoulder and put it in front of him. Then the gun pointed at the back of the woman's head, "find me a car, quick!"

After that, the gangster pointed the gun at fan Yanyan's head.

"No problem. When you meet me, it's really the right choice for you to leave. After all, no matter how much money you have, life is not important. Life is the most important thing, right?" Qin Tian gave the gangster a hint.

"My car is down there, not a police car, it's a private car!" Fan Yanyan said bravely.

"Well, you go down with me, you don't follow me!" The gangster stepped back and looked at Qin Tian with vigilance.

Qin Tian made a move to wipe the neck of fan Yanyan in front of her, indicating that she must be cruel and never leave alive, or you will die!

At present, his wife and relatives are still in the club. Qin Tian can't follow fan Yanyan to leave, so she can only let fan Yanyan think of a way!

The following group of people emerged from the inside. Looking at the kidnapped fan Yanyan, they can only say that he is in bad luck. It is not her who is being held.

Because now fan Yanyan is wearing ordinary casual clothes and has no alarm number. If Qin Tian didn't know the police gun, she would not even know that she was a police officer!

At this time, the gangster roared at fan Yanyan: "come on, open the door and get on the bus for me! Don't delay me! Let me be impatient, everybody does not want to have a way to live! "

Fan Yanyan gritted her teeth, silently accepted all this, and forced herself to be in a hurry. She opened the door directly and walked up to the car.

In the car, the gangster gasped, "go! No doubt, I'll kill you! You can drive as I want you to! Don't try any tricks"No problem, but I'm a female driver." Fan Yanyan said calmly.

Qin Tian smiles. With fan Yanyan's strength and intelligence, he drives himself after getting on the bus. He is afraid that he can't deal with this gangster?

"Drive!" Where did the gangster realize the meaning of Qin Tian's smile, just want to leave here quickly.

Qin Tianmu sent the gangster away. Qin Tianmu climbed back to the window again. At this time, they were still locked in the box and did not dare to go out.

Seeing Qin Tian come back, Li Xinran also breathed a breath, that mental arithmetic is put down!

Before they could say anything, there was another explosion.

"Bang bang bang!"

The strong roar made the whole club and the ground tremble for several times. Countless people began to scream, scared to death!

However, Qin Tian opened the door of the box and rushed out directly. In the twinkling of his figure, Qin Tian knocked all the eight gangsters to the ground in a few minutes!

Seeing Qin Tian in the corridor behind him, Shangzhuang and others have been shocked, because they have seen Qin Tian's amazing performance!

It is self-evident, and finally understand why Li Xinran likes him, such a man, such strength, you can not buy money!

It seemed extremely dangerous, but after listening to his operation, they found that it was just like this!

At this time, the police and the security of the clubhouse rushed up and arrested these people. As for fan Yanyan, who was taken away by the gangsters, I don't know!

In the car, Li Xinran also asked Qin Tian what to do when climbing out of the window?

Qin Tian laughs and tells Li Xinran about the story. The people in a car are sweating secretly when they hear such a dangerous thing. It's really unexpected!

They didn't do anything, just squatting there, calling the police, looking for friends, all kinds of panic, and finally relying on Qin Tian to come out and save them!

Li Xinran and others drove home to make sure that it was safe before they asked, "is that how the hostage died?"

"And the policewoman?" Li Xinran asked anxiously.

"Ha ha, she will not die. If there is no accident, the gangster will be arrested in the police station together!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

"Ah? Why? Isn't she being held hostage? The gangsters still have guns Lin Xiaoyao also showed an incredible look.

"Because I believe in her, so she can!" Qin Tian indifferent smile way.


The two women are speechless. Is this guy afraid to help, so he prevaricates them?

Xiao Qiang and Lin Dongqiang are also in a state of shock. They don't know what to say. The scene just now seemed like a narrow escape. They haven't recovered.

"Xiaotian, it's me who wrongly blamed you. I won't force you to apologize to Shangzhuang just now!" Lin Dongqiang exhaled and wiped his forehead with his hand.

"It's OK. I won't take it to heart!" Qin Tian smiles at will, "but Dongqiang uncle, why are these gangsters aiming at you?"

For the sake of Li Xinran's safety, Qin Tian thinks he should not live in the Lin family.

Maybe go back to the Qin family? Or buy a building here? Or Lin Xiaoyao has many houses for them to live in, just in case.

"This..." Lin Dongqiang's face suddenly showed a bitter color, and he wanted to stop talking.

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