The cutter nodded and cut carefully from the middle.

When the stone is cut in half, people are all confused, there is nothing, a complete piece of waste stone.

Li Cheng was a little disappointed: "it doesn't look full green. Master, cut the green side again. It should be half green."

The cutter nodded again and cut carefully.

It's still dark. It's nothing.

at this time, the crowd did not know who had tuckled a sentence: "I make complaints about the stone, but the texture of the stone is not as good as that of the riverside."

This time, Li Cheng was a little flustered: "it's impossible. Is it a small piece of green? Master, keep cutting. "

When the master cut the stone completely, the crowd was boiling.

"Lying trough, is it really an ordinary stone?"

"There's nothing here?"

"Three hundred thousand, it's a waste of water..."

Zheng Shu Ji's expression was also a little surprised. It seems that he didn't expect such a situation. Judging from the texture of the stone, it should be a small piece of green at the worst. It seems that the Li family are not killed.

Li's family stood where they were, but they were completely petrified. It was really humiliating not to say 300, 000 draughts of water. Wang Shu didn't flatter them.

Qin Tian on one side shrugged his shoulders helplessly. In fact, it's not Li Cheng's fault. On the surface, it's really a good stone.

However, the green on the surface of the scraped skin was artificially glued on by someone with extremely skillful means. It was these people who knew how to fool them.

At this time, Qin Tian leisurely stepped forward, put the thumb sized stone on the table, and said with a smile: "master, please help to process it."

When I saw Qin Tian processing such a small stone, people had already gone more than half.

The cutter asked, "how to cut it?"

Qin Tian thought: "don't cut it, this should be a full green, you wipe it with sandpaper, to half a centimeter of the skin on the line."

Originally still in a continuous stream of people, when someone heard Qin Tian say this sentence, and came back a lot.

After all, what Qin Tian said is really crazy. Even if it is such a small stone, if it is full of green, it is also valuable.

The master of cutting has never seen Qin Tian as such a gambler. When he came to cut, he had already said what material it was, how to cut it, how to wipe it, and how hot it would turn green. I don't know. I thought Qin Tian could see through.

Zheng Shu. Remember also did not go, accompany Qin Tian to read for a while, obviously very interested.

Wang Qin had lost interest and beckoned Li Xinyu to stroll: "OK, OK, let's go. If you buy it for 800 yuan, you still want to make full green and dream of spring and autumn."

Just after Wang Qin had gone a few steps, the cutting master had already started to do it. Five minutes later, the whole scene was boiling.

"The sleeping trough is really full of green!"

"Full green, full green, this is really full green!"

"Little brother, you're lucky!"

Even the cutting master is also a wry smile: "as the little brother said, wiped 0.4 mm."

The market price of a thumb sized emerald is about 800000. If you make jewelry, you can just make one set and sell it for 1.5 million.

On the spot someone bid: "this stone, a million I bought!"

"1.2 million, 1.2 million for my lover!"

Seeing this, the Li family was petrified on the spot.

Li Xinyu's voice was a little dry, and he said with difficulty, "this loser, there are really dogs. Shiyun..."

Zheng Shu. Remember just heard this sentence, smile but not words.

With such a confident smile, shrewd eyes and even accurate speculation, if it's luck again, the person who said this is really a bad pen.

Wang Qin's mouth was even twitching. She could not have imagined that what she had bought for 800 yuan could really produce jadeite, and the venue was almost regretful.

It seems that this gift is much more valuable than any kind of Constantine watch or 300000 stones.

Qin Tian put away the jadeite and shrugged his shoulders with a smile: "I'm sorry, everyone. I gave it to my wife. I can't sell you!"

Said, Qin Tian went to Li Xinran in front of him, put the stone in Li Xinran's hand: "wife, send you, I will accompany you to the jewelry store, do a set of jewelry."

Li Xinran readily agreed: "good!"

"Ha ha ha ha, brother Qin is really a talented young man, which has opened my eyes again."

Zheng Shu. Ji stepped forward and made two polite remarks to Qin Tian, but what he said was from his heart, which really shocked him once more.

Qin Tian shrugged his shoulders and apologized: "sorry, Zheng Shu. Remember, there is no good stone in it. I can't give you any gifts."

"I was here to join in the fun. Since you said that there are no good stones, there will be no good stones. I will not watch them." Secretary Zheng and Qin Tian walked toward the door together. At last, he did not forget to invite him and said, "brother Qin, don't forget to come to me for tea when you are free. This is my phone number."Say, Zheng book. Record hand Qin Tian a card.

On the business card is Zheng Shu. The personal telephone number recorded. There are Zheng Shu in the whole city of Songshan.

What we have is just the spokesman of Zheng Shu Ji and the business card of secretary Wang. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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