Today, three big men want to challenge master Zhuangsheng and his spirit gathering pearl. Now both of them have fallen down, and Qin Tian is the only one!

Qin Tian squinted, did not speak, his mind is constantly thinking, what method should be used to crack the Pearl.

It can be seen that master Zhuangsheng's use of julingzhu is still rare. If you have a thorough understanding of it, it will not be easy.

"Ha ha, this boy don't go up to show his ugliness. He can't beat him!" Jiang Fangzhou couldn't help laughing.

Other people also yelled to master Zhuangsheng to auction quickly. Don't wait!

Seeing everyone's enthusiasm and Qin Tian's youth, master Zhuangsheng didn't say anything.

"Master, this pearl is really a treasure. It's a real spirit tool."

Many rich people feel that Jiang Fangzhou is right at this time. It's better to start bidding for such treasures. There's no need to say anything more!

"OK, now we will start bidding. Whoever gives the highest price will be the one with the highest price!"

"Because no one can defeat me, we can't be the designated buyer. We will compete fairly."

After master Zhuangsheng's words, a group of rich people can't wait.

"I'll give you ten million!"

"I'll give you 20 million!"

"I'll give you 30 million yuan. Don't rob me!"

This is the capital of the emperor. The rich here are not so many. Soon there was a rich man who was not afraid of anyone and called out: "50 million!"

Hearing the price of 50 million yuan, many people were afraid. Jiang Fangzhou also glared at the rich man.

It's so money and willful. It makes the price of jewelry so high that 50 million yuan can buy a new hotel directly!

This pearl is not only powerful and powerful, but also can warm up the body and prolong life. However, the effects of these body care are invisible and intangible. Is there anyone who can determine how old you can live to prevent and cure all kinds of diseases.

So many practitioners feel that it's not worth paying 50 million for these rich people!

Xuanyuanzi at this time helplessly put his eyes on Qin Tian's body, "master Qin, are you going to make a move, or do I help you rob?"

"Yes, now the bidding price should exceed 50 million yuan. Master Qin, why don't you sell? You may buy it for only a few million dollars! " Jiang Fangzhou knew that he couldn't get Ju Lingzhu today. He couldn't help but sneer at xuanyuanzi and Qin Tian.

Master Zhuangsheng's heart surged when he saw that someone offered 50 million yuan. This is a sky high price. It's worth his efforts these days!

"If you don't have the ability, you can't buy my julingzhu at a low price. Is there anyone higher than 50 million?" Zhuang Sheng asked angrily. He didn't pay any attention to Qin Tian, because in his opinion, this guy didn't even have the courage to make a move. Why don't you ask if someone is auctioning!

Being humiliated by his attitude, xuanyuanzi and others are afraid to say anything. They are so ashamed and indignant that they can't do anything in their heart, because the Pearl makes them feel that Zhuang Sheng is invincible!

"I want to ask, if I defeat you, how much will this pearl cost?" At this time, Qin Tian, who had been silent, finally spoke.

The so-called gold and jade in which, his words where people do not know his meaning?

"Boy, do you mean you can beat me?" Zhuang Sheng is shouting price, suddenly heard Qin Tian's words, can't help but say with threat.

Qin Tian said with a smile: "in fact, there is not much spiritual power in this pearl. If it is really so valuable, you won't auction it. You can use it by yourself. Isn't it invincible? You're not going to be short of 50 million, are you? "

"What do you mean? My spirit gathering beads gather the aura of heaven and earth. If you apply skills, you can become a lethal spirit weapon. What do you know? " Zhuangsheng's face changed and he scolded instantly.

"Let me tell you, the aura of this pearl is limited. It has been used by Zhuangsheng for many years, and it is already unbearable. In less than a year and a half a year, it will become an ordinary pearl, with no value at all!"


After Qin Tian said this, all the people on the scene were shocked. They looked at Qin Tian one by one. What's going on?

"You fart, when I sell this bead, I will never forgive you!" Chuang Sheng cried out angrily.

Qin Tian continued to smile and said: "we may not believe what I said, but master Zhuangsheng is obviously in a hurry. You can ask him to turn the beads around and let everyone have a look."

Zhuang Sheng is even more embarrassed. He is shocked. How can he know these things?

Immediately, he scolded: "Stinky boy, you talk nonsense again, believe me, a water arrow took your dog's life?"

Qin Tian's face is light and light. He is not afraid of any threat from him. Instead, he looks at him with some teasing.

"Would you like to turn around? Ju Lingzhu has been in your hands all the time. We can't see exactly what the situation is! " Qin Tian looked at the dim beads and said."You..." Zhuang Sheng didn't dare for a moment.

After listening to Qin Tian's words and looking at Zhuang Sheng's embarrassed face, many people began to feel interesting.

Jiang Fangzhou was the first to open his mouth and said, "master Zhuangsheng, since this boy slanders you that there is something wrong with the beads, you can turn around and have a look. If there is no problem, you can slap him to death!"

Yes, turn to us

"That's it, see if it's really like what the boy said!"

Master Zhuangsheng saw that he had aroused everyone's attention, but he was helpless. After hesitating for a moment, he slowly turned the back of the Pearl to show you!

A lot of people went in to have a look and found that the back of the Pearl was very dark and even had some cracks. It seemed that it would crack at any time!

"It seems that this bead is dying!" Jiang Fang Zhou shook his head helplessly.

"Master Zhuang Sheng, what's going on here?" Xuanyuanzi is also a little speechless, there is a feeling of being cheated, talk is also become impolite.

Zhuangsheng said with a proud smile: "the pearl itself is not smooth and soft, this is its natural texture. On the contrary, these cracks can better absorb the aura of heaven and earth. If the aura of heaven and earth is not exhausted, this spirit bead will always be effective!"

"That's why the boy said it's going to die. It's ridiculous!"

"Did you name Ju Lingzhu? I don't think its real name is Ju Lingzhu. It's just because you want to buy it at a good price. Do you use it to cheat people? " Qin Tian's words are light and flighty. He directly exposes master Zhuangsheng and is merciless.

Rich people are also hesitant, because this is 50 million ah, one percent is Qin Tian said that the possibility, they will not be so high price!

"I'm sorry, I don't want to pay 50 million yuan. I don't want to buy five million yuan. If it's what the young man said, would it be a big loss?" Before the last high price of the rich said.

"Yes, yes, it's not worth so much money!"

Many people nodded, preferring to believe that the bead did not know the truth, rather than believe Zhuang Sheng's words, anyway, the lower the price, the better!

Zhuang Sheng was so angry that he shivered all over his body. He had a feeling of smoke in his heart. He looked at Qin tiannu and said, "Stinky boy, you really don't know what to do. You dare to do me good. I want you to be the ghost of my soul destroying Pearl!"


Hearing this, everyone looked frightened.

Many people unconsciously retreat back, because they feel the strong murderous spirit. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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