Qin Tian's fist flew the man who wanted to find her wife, which made Li Xinran's beautiful eyes open in an instant, and couldn't believe looking at all this.

"Husband, you are too rash. We are about to sign a cooperation agreement. This is the first cooperation of the new company." Li Xinran said helplessly.

"In fact, we don't need to fight. We should persuade him to retreat in the face of difficulties. If such a blow blows people away, where is the possibility of cooperation?"

"Wife, I will arrange for you to cooperate tomorrow. I believe it will not be worse than this man!" Qin Tian said impolitely.

Li Xinran was helpless for a while. He didn't know what to do with Qin Tian. He had no words in his heart. He was fighting all the time recently. It was bloody.

I can't understand him at this point. Everything else is OK. How can I persuade him?

At night, Li Xinran is chatting with his parents, while Qin Tian calls Jiaocheng in his room.

"Xiaotian, I have something to hide from you. In fact, I came to the imperial capital not to do business. I am very moved to introduce this Guantong to help me!" Jiao Cheng says with a smile over the phone.

"I also think something is wrong. According to the reason, you should be holding a club and practicing kung fu. How could you come to the imperial capital to do business?" At this time, Qin Tian thought of it.

Because I haven't known him for a long time, I don't know what his recent situation is. What I can do now is to learn more about him!

"My God, I'm here to avenge myself!" Jiao Cheng saw Qin Tian's move that day. The reason why he was shocked was that his moves had changed a lot!

In the past, Qin Tian was not afraid of bullets, but it was not ancient martial arts. It was not easy to parry some ancient martial arts experts. But in the box last time, Jiao Cheng saw Qin Tian's Qi and strength. This is a place that makes him feel incredible!

In Songshan, you may not know about ancient martial arts, but in the imperial capital, where ancient martial arts are popular, there are so many experts who are not afraid of bullets. Qin Tian is definitely not the only one.

"So you were hurt by a master of ancient martial arts?" Qin Tian squinted and asked.

"Yes, at the beginning, I didn't want to tell you, because I knew that with your personality, you would certainly come to help me, but Xinran was pregnant and I didn't want you to take risks!"

"But in the dining room box, I know that you also learned Gu Wu..."

"That's why you confessed to me?" Qin Tian said calmly.

"Yes, but can you make sure you avenge me when it's safe? If you have anything, I can't even redeem my life! "

"Don't worry. Tell me about the situation. Your enemy is in the imperial capital? You have to come here? " Qin Tian asked.

"Well!" Jiao Cheng nodded. "It's a little troublesome. My foot injury is just skin injury. It's OK in these two days. Let's find a place to talk about it tomorrow."

"OK, if you have anything, just tell me. Although I'm not in Songshan, I can help you solve it in the imperial capital." Qin Tian said with relief.

"Thank you, brother!" Jiao Cheng is so moved that his voice is hoarse.


The night passed.

The next day, Yunfeng promised to drive to and from work every day.

Just arrived at the company, the assistant chairman of the board has been waiting in front of the door, saw Qin Tian and Li Xinran get off the bus, and quickly came to say hello.

"Chairman, there's something big!" The assistant was excited and shivered.

"What's the situation?" Li Xinran asked.

"Wang Jianmin is here. He is the rich and good man."

"Wang Jianmin?" Li Xinran is familiar with this name. He is one of the top ten tycoons in the imperial capital. Does he come back to his new company?

"I asked him to come. Last time you asked me to see that noble man in Lin's Hospital, it was him!" Qin Tian zhengse said.

"What?" Li Xinran was stunned because he ran away from a suitor last night. He didn't expect to send a rich man directly today.

"Go in, maybe we can talk about cooperation. Don't mention it. Other people's wealth is 100 billion yuan. Let's talk about it boldly." Qin Tian said with a smile.

With his ability, Decathlon and solid work, he can earn 10 billion yuan a year, and it will take 10 years to earn 100 billion yuan. You have to respect and admire these rich people!

A group of people into the conference room, as expected to see Wang Jianmin led by several people have been waiting!

"Mr. Wang!" Li Xinran looked excited.

"Here you are Wang Jianmin and others also stood up one after another. They were all big people that could not be seen at ordinary times. Now they take the initiative to welcome Qin Tian and Li Xinran, as if they were guests.

"How are you, Mr. Wang!" Qin Tian shook hands with Wang Jianmin.

"Ha ha, good doctor Qin. Last night I received your short message. I came early. I had to go to other places, so the plan was cancelled." Wang Jianmin laughs wildly.

Li Xinran and others are more stunned. How much face should this be?A group of senior medical companies say hello to Wang Jianmin one by one. They are excited to see such famous rich people. They are enough to talk about their business in the future!

"Hello, everyone, sit down!" Wang Jianmin said kindly, hoping they would not be too polite.

"To say, my life was saved by God Qin. I will pay him for it. I want to help Qin family. I have taken a billion investment. Now this is Mr. Qin's own company, and Li Dong is still Mr. Qin's love. I intend to invest 5 billion! "

"As for the situation of cooperation, it only needs Mr. Li and Mr. Qin to open up. I will cooperate with you!"

It's so refreshing. It's just a gift!

Li Xinran and others were bombarded in a series of the same, and there was no surprise in his heart.

Qin Tian said with a faint smile: "thank you boss Wang. This is a win-win cooperation. We will make you money!"

"Yes, I am honored to cooperate with Mr. Qin!" Wang said respectfully.

"I am surprised to see your expression. Mr. Qin's kindness to me is priceless here. His medical skills are really fascinating. I can't return without this old life!" Wang Jianmin expressed his gratitude and even got up and bowed to Qin Tian again!

"No thanks!" Qin Tian also responded to harmony.

The top of the company was dazzled. Is the husband of the chairman so good?

Unexpectedly, he was a doctor, and saved the life of the rich Wang!

If not Wang rich said export, personally to the company, they all think such a thing is just a night!

The meeting continued, Qin Tian did not wait much, went out of the meeting room to see that it was almost noon, and called Jiao Cheng quickly.

"Brother, make an appointment. We have two drinks. Tell me something about your enemy!"


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