Konidi is a man who has experienced many battles, and his self-confidence has just been established. At this time, it is also completely destroyed in this pine forest, and there is no way to repair it!

He endured the pain, unwilling to look at Qin Tian, the fear in the heart was completely suppressed.

As the elite mercenary organization of Gabriel assassin company, kenidi can't produce the mentality that he is weak, otherwise, he will be defeated before the war!

"Boy, your body method is very unique. I underestimate you!" Konidi's face appeared a kind of unspeakable anger, "but we are not blindly advocating martial arts, this world clock is the world of technology and thermal weapons!"

Voice finish, see him with a wave, the arm immediately stopped bleeding, even visible speed, slowly healed!

This scene happened to be solved, and he was shocked to see the result of tracking the criminal back!

"Isn't it? And this one? Where is black technology? It's magic Jiao Cheng can't help but cry out in shock.

Konidi grinned and poured a bottle of medicine into his mouth. His blue eyes began to overflow with a strange luster. Then his whole body was shocked. His skin suddenly became different. It looked like it was gilded, with the light of metal!

Qin Tian and Jiao Cheng look at each other. To tell the truth, they have never seen such skills and moves. They are just against the heaven!

"Ha ha, five years ago, I won the championship in a comprehensive combat competition in California, entered Gabriel company, and then injected animal serum fusion. Now my strength is steel and iron. You Chinese monkeys can't beat me with swords, guns and sticks!"

"Monkey, you know what happened to me? I thought that ordinary can often defeat you. If you have to force me to use unique skills, then I have no way. I have to kill you! "

Konidi said, the whole body is like a tank, the rapid impact of Qin Tian directly in the past, feet on the ground, as if the ground is shaking!

His muscles and skin color became more solid, and the five claws were like the claws of Wolverine wolf, and they grabbed Qin Tian's head!

"Back off!" Jiao Cheng can't help crying out in a hurry.

Qin Tian tried to rush through with a fist and ran into his iron fists!


This time, both of them started to shake each other, and his arm was also faintly numb!

Is this a monster?

Even the focus range of 20 peaks is not kenidi's opponent.

"It's no good hitting hard?" Qin Tian's heart secretly some helpless, it seems that he wants to avoid three points.

Seeing konidi hit again, Qin Tian bit his teeth and didn't hit him with a straight fist. Instead, he quickly clasped his wrist with his hand and turned around, flying him all over the place, but he fell to the ground!


A one meter deep pit suddenly appeared on the ground, and neho konidi bounced up again and resumed the fighting state again!

"Shit, this is a tumbler!"

Two people again close attack, Qin Tian can easily avoid the attack of the other side, and then from his action to find the flaw, again and again he fell off!

Finally, his hands once again gathered a green light, like an electric drill, straight down toward conidi's body!


Even if it was hard as steel, it was hard to resist Qin Tian's energy. His body was directly broken down and fell to the ground, rolling up dead leaves and loess.

"No way!"

Seeing that his fist was controlled by Qin Tian, kenidi couldn't help but stare at his eyes and couldn't believe his eyes!

He forced to suppress the fear in his heart and got up again, but the metal protection of his whole body was broken, so he could only cut Qin Tian's waist with a simple attack.

Although there is no metal skin, but because of the injection of animal serum, his punch can directly penetrate a steel plate!

In the face of such a dangerous attack, Qin Tian's eyes are still as calm as water. This time, he pointed out that the other side had no metal armor to protect him. What could be afraid of you?

His eyes are as calm as water, allowing this konidi to rise and fall!

The next moment, konidi could not help but make a dull hum, because he found that his hand knife was once again caught by Qin Tian.

Strength can not be compared with speed, he found that he had no advantage in front of Qin Tian.

Konidi can no longer control the fear in his heart. This boy is simply Superman. Where is his serum comparable to this strength?

However, he now has no regret medicine to eat, can only clench his hands again, as if it is a machine gun toward Qin Tian a burst of crazy output.Even a tank will be hit and fly out. The roaring fist style directly makes the leaves all over the ground flutter up!

One side of the focus can only look from afar, also do not know what is happening now, he can not intervene in this matter, can only look at lenglengleng.

Without knowing how many heavy blows could not be delivered, konidi finally stopped and stood there exhausted, not knowing what to say. At this time, his body was overloaded!

Looking at Qin Tian still standing there safe and sound, konidi's face can not help but show a look of despair.

This kid, who on earth is, can do without damage? This is incredible, isn't it? It seems that his fist didn't hit Qin Tian at all!

"What skills are you practicing? Why have I never seen it before? " Konidi's look was full of unbelievable colors.

Qin Tian looked at him and said with a smile: "is this the power of science and technology? It has repaired the body and strengthened the body and strength, but it seems that it is a monster that can't be attacked in front of guwu! "

"No way. You were obviously knocked away by me just now. Why didn't I hit you in the back? I am the king of fighting, I am an invincible fighter Kenidi fell into the madness, almost as mad, attacked Qin Tian again!

Look at the side effect of Qin Guixi, and shake your head

Qin Tian leisurely walk, the direct explosion of his own move!

Two fists, this time konidi was directly shot out.

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