For Qin Tian's sneer, Cao mang is flustered. It is impossible for him not to worry that Kennedy was killed by Qin Tian even though he was so powerful!

But as an owl hero, he pointed out how to threaten Qin Tian. He gritted his teeth and said, "you even dare to kill the masters of Gabriel's company at the moment. It seems that you will soon be finished without us. Wait for Gabriel to issue a global wanted list."

"Global wanted? Will Qin Tian be afraid? Will Qin palace be afraid? " Qin Tian said and hung up the phone directly.

Qin Tian didn't care about his threat. Looking at the fire, he said: "brother Jiao, let's go back. Maybe Xiaojie has come. She should be worried."

"Hehe, I don't think so. She will call us when she arrives, but go back and have a look." Jiao Cheng laughs and laughs.

He was in a happy mood after removing a great harm today!

When they went back, they found that there had been a long line at the entrance of the signing, because the entrance needed security inspection, which was to ensure the safety of the star Jiao Jie.

"It seems that we can't get in through the special passage. These people don't know us either!" Jiao Cheng smiles helplessly.

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. We'll queue up outside. Anyway, Xiaojie hasn't come. I'll just watch it!" Qin Tiansi stands in no hurry!

Just as soon as the two talents stood still, a young man with a famous brand and waxed hair came up behind him. He looked arrogant, with a few boys crowding inside!

"This schoolmaster, you can't jump in the queue!" At this time, a girl with Jiao Jie fan card yelled.

She came early. She had been in line for 20 minutes, but she was too cold to be put in front of her. She was still six or seven boys. She was not happy in a moment!

However, as she spoke, a tall little Valet behind the waxed boy couldn't help shouting, "who are you? Do you know who this is? Don't yell if you don't understand. This is our master Shen, the president of our school's student union! "

When the little girl heard the words of Shen family, she couldn't help but look helpless. She quickly stepped back to the back and no longer argued with them!

To be sure, the boy with waxed hair is Shen qiuze, the young master of the Shen family, the capital of the emperor. But he is not the eldest young master. He is just a binary of several younger generation of Shen family!

The people standing in line nearby heard that it was the eldest master of the Shen family, or the president of the student union of the school. They all took the initiative to get out of the way, and no one bothered them!

However, when Shen qiuze walks behind Qin Tian and Jiao Cheng, he coughs. But Qin Tian and Jiao Cheng don't want to get out of the way. They just stand still!

"Get out of the way!" Shen qiuze said solemnly, with a kind of overbearing and dignified that people can't refuse.

"What makes you? Who allowed you to cut in? Will the president of the student union be all right? " Jiao Cheng can't help but ask.

"Hey, I said you are a middle-aged man. What female stars do you come to see? Are you a fan, too? Besides, don't you know who I am Shen qiuze cried out unhappily.

Suddenly, all the people around looked over, showing sympathy and pity, because they knew that if this provoked Shen qiuze, there would be no good fruit to eat!

"Sorry, I'm a fan of Jiao Jie. The girls behind you can let you jump in the queue, but we can't!" Focus directly in front of the body, do not give them out of any of the means!

"Do you mean it?" Shen qiuze's face flashed a trace of cold color, glared at the Jiao Cheng in front of him, obviously already angry!

I was impatient just now. Now I'm completely angry. Who knows if Shen qiuze is angry, he will surely suffer. There is no way!

"I'm not sincere. I'm just following the rules. Everyone has to go in and everyone's in line. What makes you special? No matter who you are, you don't believe me!" Jiao Cheng doesn't believe it. His daughter is at the signing party. He doesn't have the heart to cut in the queue. This young master can't jump in the queue directly!

Shen qiuze just threatened the tall man of the petite girl and immediately scolded him: "do you want him to die, come out and see me directly beat you?"

"Yes, our Qiu Shao is the president of the student union. Is it called jumping in the queue? Do you want to challenge the authority of our student union? "

"Looking for death, old man, you are really shameless and chasing stars!"

Jiao Cheng looks at these students to treat themselves like this, that expression that look in the eyes is full of contempt and anger, immediately in the heart is even more uncomfortable!

"Why don't I let you in? Laozi is going to challenge the authority of your student union. This little girl dares to speak up. Why don't I? " Jiao Cheng light said, and they did not angry appearance.

After all, what big scene has not seen, in the face of the storm of queue jumping, he is not so furiousWhen Jiao Cheng mentions herself, the little girl suddenly looks embarrassed. "I didn't say that. I just don't know it's Qiu Shao..."

She obviously didn't want to be implicated. She was about to cry.

But Shen qiuze's younger brother looked at the petite girl and said, "look at you. If you don't make a sound, who knows we are jumping in the queue? Go back quickly. Don't go in and see the stars. Write a review of 3000 words and hand it to the student union office! "

The little brother finished, but also looked at Shen qiuze with a smile on his face, as if he were asking for credit.

"It's your turn, old man. What do you want to say? Shall we do it here? " The tall boy glared at Jiao Cheng and raised his face as if he were looking down on everything.

Although Shen qiuze didn't say that he wanted to beat people, he must have expelled the middle-aged man. Otherwise, Shen Shao would have been upset!

At this time, the little girl bowed her head and turned around to leave, but Jiao Cheng held her up: "child, you must be sad to death, you must be very aggrieved, this is not good for you, you queue up well, they cut in the queue and they drive you away, why?"

"I Uncle, I can't provoke them. I'm wrong The little girl said helplessly.

"You're right. What's wrong is that he, child, uncle told you, don't be afraid to face these campus bullying, and dare to resist!" Focus answers.

Campus bullying is true for many schools, even in universities and famous universities.

"Old man, don't you go away? Do I have to kick you out? You and he have to get out of the way, so are those in front of you. Those who don't give way are doomed Said the tall man.

Suddenly, a lot of people are honest to get out of the way, and the venue instantly becomes a bit of a gap, leaving Qin Tian and Jiao Cheng alone, as well as the little girl who was pulled by Shen qiuze's side.

"Ha ha, young master of the Shen family, even if Shen Qianxi stands behind me and I say no, she doesn't dare to talk nonsense. What are you?"

Shen Qianxi?

This is the eldest lady of the Shen family. How dare this guy say that Shen Qianxi won't let him?

One after another, they looked at the people who spoke in the club, and found that this person was not who, but Qin Tian, who had been watching the opera.

"Who are you? Is my cousin the one you can talk about? Shen qiuze asked with a black face.

"I'll give you three seconds and get out of here with your people, or you'll be at your own risk!" Qin Tian said coldly, the voice seems to be from the Millennium cold pool. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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