At the dinner party, Qin Tian and Jiao Jie talked about each other's recent development and some plans for the future. After three rounds of wine, they unconsciously drank a lot.

"Well, it's getting late. You should go back, or your agent will be in a hurry!" Qin Tian said with a faint smile.

Jiao Jie's face was full of reluctant to give up. She couldn't help but act coquettishly and said: "brother, I still want to stay with you for a while..."

If she goes back now, according to the itinerary after that, she can't spare time for ten days and a half months. Only her father can get close to her. Qin Tian is afraid that she can't. And Qin Tian didn't have time to follow her.

Others touched Jiao Jie's head and hair, and said with a smile, "as long as there is fate, there will be more world together in the future. Don't worry about it!"

Jiao Jie's jade face can't help but emerge two blushes. She nodded firmly and looked at Qin Tian more. Then she followed her father out of the hotel.

Qin Tian said goodbye to Jiao Cheng and Jiao Jie, and he was filled with emotion. When they met and separated, there was no banquet that would not end!

However, when Jiao Jie walked out of the restaurant without masks or any precautions, three boys blocked their way. One of them cried out with joy and enthusiasm: "are you the big star of Jiao Jie? I can see your face, it can't be wrong! "

"No I'm not, just like me Jiao Jie laughed and said in a hoarse voice.

But the boy looked crazy and continued: "no, no, I won't make a mistake. Your face, the black mole on your neck, your figure and eyes will not escape my judgment. I can't believe that I met you here. I just saw it for a long time, but I still don't believe it..."

"Yes, Miss Jiao Jie. Every day, this guy said that he dreamt of you in his dream. He went to the gym to queue up but ended without getting his signature. He was very unwilling. He didn't expect to meet you here for dinner." Another boy said with a smile.

Three people say direct toward Jiao Jie to approach, but by Jiao Cheng a block!

"What do you want?" Jiao Cheng looks at them seriously.

"Jiao Jie, do you know how much I like you? Shall we have a hug and a kiss The boy who recognized Jiao Jie said with some fanatical eyes.

"Get out of here!" Jiao Cheng is angry in an instant. If he had not followed him, his daughter would have been injured.

However, where the three boys are willing to, it seems that they have no intention of putting the old man Jiao Cheng in their eyes. When they look at Jiao Jie, they are still greedy and crazy!

"Looking for death!" Jiao Cheng finally makes a move, and his fists are like a strong wind, which directly blows at them.

In just a few seconds, the three young people are knocked over by Jiao Cheng and scream out in succession. But what Jiao Cheng and Jiao Jie don't notice is that there is a boy lying in ambush in the back. He rushes out and hugs Jiao Jie directly!


Not waiting for the boy to kiss Jiao Jie, a shoe flew over, hit his head, and fell into a coma!

Jiao Jie startled and looked around, but saw Qin Tian jump over and put on the shoes.

"God, these fans are so crazy, it's hard to stop them!" Jiao Cheng speechless said, let Jiao Jie quickly put on the mask.

"All right, get out of here, or you'll all be in a coma!" Qin Tian looked at the boys who screamed.

Three extreme fans, seeing Qin Tian's age similar, smashed the wedding man with one shoe. But the middle-aged man was afraid of being Jiao Jie's bodyguard, so he didn't dare to be careless at the moment. While retreating, he kept shouting: "Jiao Jie, do you have an affair with this boy? Eating, drinking and chatting are so happy. You must be. We want to expose you! "

Smell speech, Jiao Cheng and Qin Tian look at each other, this did not want to let them go!

Shaking his head, Qin Tian's hands separated a little, three green flames ran towards them, directly burned on their hair, this is not the ordinary flame, this is qintian's immortal fire, all of a sudden they burned their hair.

Three people do not know what happened, turned to look at the fire in Qin Tian's hand, instantly shocked, "what did you do to us?"

"I want to tear your mouth, don't blame me if you dare to talk nonsense!"

Feeling the fall of the hair, three people want to cry without tears, today provoked cruel people, ah, hair was burned, do not know can grow?

But it's not enough. Qin Tian walks over and grabs their heads and points at the temple. The three people suddenly giggle and walk away like idiots.

"God, what's wrong with them?" Jiao Jie asked curiously.

"They are teenagers who have some mental problems. I just give them a little help and let them get into the psychotropic drugs early!" Qin Tian indifferent smile way.

Jiao Jie saw Qin Tian's marvelous skills again, and said with a smile, "Er, er, well, thank you very much."

She took off her mask and stood on tiptoe. Her delicate lips were directly pasted on Qin Tian's cheek.Jiao Cheng pretends not to see it. He takes out his mobile phone and walks to one side to make a phone call.

Qin Tian smiles. She knows that the kiss of a woman is full of complicated feelings and lovesickness, but Qin Tian can't be greedy for a woman's lips, so she can't kiss her directly.

"I'll take you back to the gym." Qin Tian said with a smile.

Jiao Jie's face was coy, nodded, took Qin Tian's arm, beckoned to his father, and walked back to the school gymnasium.

Walking behind them was like nothing had happened, with a natural smile on his face.

This time, the fans had already left, because the staff said that Jiao Jie had left through the back door, so they left disappointed, and the media reporters also left.

Only some school leaders are in contact with Jiao Jiefang to discuss the publicity.

When Jiao Jie comes back with Qin Tian's arm in his arms, Dean Jin and others are all excited and wonder in their hearts. Qin Tian's ability to pick up girls is also very powerful. Even Jiao Jie's big star has been caught!

Qin Tian turned a blind eye to these staff and school leaders. He went back to the lounge with Jiao Jie, and then untied Ding Hui's acupoints on the sofa.

"Ah, ah!"

Ding Hui breathed a sigh of pain. It was as if she had just come back from the ghost gate. When she looked at Qin Tian, her eyes were full of fear. She did not dare to have any disrespect!

"Well, agent Ding, take Xiaojie with you and take good care of her, or I will come to you for acupoints, eh!"

"You..." Ding Hui was speechless for a while, and glared at Qin Tian, "you dare me to call the police!"

"Hehe, do you think people like me are afraid of the police?"

"Sister Hui, brother Tian will not do anything to me, he will only protect me!" Jiao Jie said with a smile.

When Ding Hui saw Jiao Jie like this, she was even more worried. She was afraid that Qin Tian would look for Jiao Jie again: "hurry up, I can't publish your itinerary in the imperial capital!"

Finish saying, can't help but pull Jiao Jie to leave. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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