As soon as the office building of the school is surrounded by the hall, Lin Xiaoyao has no place to hide after only two steps. At this time, as soon as his unruly temper comes up, he simply turns around and walks directly to the man.

"Nie Zhiyang, what do you want?" Lin Xiaoyao's face was covered with frost!

"I'll take you back!" Nie Zhiyang said seriously.

"I won't go back with you, will you die of this heart?"

Lin Xiaoyao said, twist to want to go, but who knows this is called Nie Zhiyang stretched out his hand and seized her, "I am your fiance, you must go back with me! The two families can't disobey the old man's decision! "

The Lin family and the Nie family in the imperial capital are well matched. The old man's orders are even bigger than the sky!

Lin Xiaoyao fiercely shakes his hand, wants to let Nie Zhiyang shake off, but no matter how hard she tries, she can't break free!

"Nie Zhiyang, you are enough! Thanks to me, I used to treat you as a brother. I didn't expect you to suppress me today with your fiance! Let go of your hands With a cold face, Lin Xiaoyao orders Nie Zhiyang.

Nie Zhi's sunny face was decadent, and there were bursts of loss in his hawk like eyes. "Xiaoyao, can't you accept me!? Can't you give me even one chance? "

"No!" Lin Xiaoyao is determined!

All the men of Nie's family are as rigid as wood. If you want her to marry in the past, there is no door!

Nie Zhiyang listened to Xiao Yao's reply, and his resolute face was full of sadness. He said, "then don't blame me. Under my grandfather's order, today I must take you there!"

"Nie... Here comes my grandfather Nie?" Lin Xiaoyao's face changed.

"Just arrived last night!" Nie Zhiyang was on the right track.

"It's not for me, is it?" Lin Xiaoyao's face showed a rare look of fear.

If she let her grandfather know, because of her affair, the ancestors of Nie family have been invited, and they will not be killed when they go home!

"No! There are other reasons for my grandfather to come to Songshan!" Nie Zhiyang didn't tell Lin Xiaoyao that his grandfather came to Songshan because he wanted to find a Chinese medicine doctor named Lu Bingqian. I'm afraid his body will not last for several years.

"Oh, no, that's fine." Lin Xiaoyao breathed a sigh of relief, but turned his face and began to struggle again. "Nie Zhiyang, you can let me go. If you want to do this again, I can call people!"

"Shout if you want. Even if it breaks the sky, I must take you away!" Nie Zhiyang said then put on the sunglasses in his pocket, while wearing them, he took Lin Xiaoyao to the door.

"Nie Zhiyang, you bastard! My mother, where I want to go is my freedom. Why should I be arrested by you? " Lin Xiaoyao even kicks and beats, but her thin arms and legs are Nie Zhiyang's opponents. She can't even scratch Nie Zhiyang!

"My grandfather wants to see you, so you are not free!"

"You idiot, can't you pretend that you didn't see me... Help, someone abducted and sold a girl..."

Lin Xiaoyao yelled loudly, but Nie Zhiyang was not moved.

Around those students watching the lively girl. Students see this scene, their eyes have already come out of shining stars!

He's still a bully fan!

"Hey, where are you going to take that stinky girl?"

At this time, a lazy voice came from the side, let Nie Zhiyang reach out to pull the car door hand, Sheng Sheng stopped in the air!

"Who do you say is a stinky girl?" In a word, Nie Zhiyang's body became cold for a moment!

Lin Xiaoyao is his fiancee, he can bully her, others, not!

"Oh?" Qin Tian eyebrows a pick, for Nie Zhiyang body burst out of the cold air surprised a few minutes, but still smile and said: "is the one you hold, can let me headache, want to hit a meal!"

Qin Tian said the truth is true, but listen to Nie Zhiyang's ears is a different flavor!

"How dare you beat her?" For a moment, about the relationship between the man and Lin Xiaoyao, ten thousand possibilities flashed through Nie Zhiyang's mind!

When Qin Tian and Nie Zhiyang talk in such a gap, Lin Xiaoyao sees the opportunity and suddenly shakes his hand. He actually breaks free from Nie Zhiyang's hand!

Lin Xiaoyao ran to Qin Tian, rubbing his wrists and complaining, "you're a jerk at last. If you don't come again, you'll have a bad luck!"

At this time, because Lin Xiaoyao made too much noise, many people gathered around him.

Lin Xiaoyao is afraid to hide behind Qin Tian, Qin Tian is a hand to protect her, Nie Zhiyang saw this scene, his face has already become iron green!

"Boy, let go of her!" Nie Zhiyang ordered.

Qin Tian doesn't want to make trouble. Since he rescued Lin Xiaoyao, he wants to take her away.

"I said," let her go! "

Nie Zhiyang's voice instantly increased by eight degrees. He roared at Qin Tian like a tiger's roar. He was like thunder on the ground, which made everyone tremble one after another!

Qin Tian, who turned around, was startled by the roar. He stopped and turned slowly. He raised an eyebrow toward Nie Zhiyang with great interest. "What if I don't let it go?""You want to die!"

In an instant, Nie Zhiyang burst out and sent out an astonishing murderous air, which covered Qin Tian like a sea of blood. With a shot at his feet, his body rushed to Qin Tian like a shell!

"Brother in law, be careful!" Lin Xiaoyao hastens to remind him that Nie Zhiyang is no better than those ordinary bodyguards. He is a genuine special soldier. His strength can be ranked in the top ten even in the whole of China!

As soon as Qin Tian pushed Lin Xiaoyao, the green energy in his body suddenly began to work, resisting Nie Zhiyang's murderous spirit like waves!

He's a master! Qin Tian made a judgment at the first time!

Nie Zhiyang suddenly turned around, his right leg left the ground, his body rotated, and his long leg full of explosive force swung round and smashed Qin Tian's head!

Seeing this scene, Qin Tian's face was as heavy as water. He had no doubt that he would faint in this kick!

See his right hand vertical upright, left hand support, suddenly block in the right side of the head!

In fact, Nie Zhiyang has already regretted it when he kicks out this kick. As a soldier, when facing an ordinary person, how can he spare no effort to fight!?

Aware of the mistake, Nie Zhiyang hastens to take back his strength, but the foot that kicks out which is so easy to take back!?


Only listen to a loud noise, Nie Zhiyang this foot knot solid kick in Qin Tian's forearm!

Nie Zhiyang sighed in his heart: bad!

But the next second, Nie Zhiyang showed a surprised look!

Although he had collected his strength, but this one foot was still enough to kick the thick tree in the middle of the bowl. I didn't expect to be stopped by the man in front of him!?

"I didn't expect you had some skills!"

If we just saw Qin Tian still disdain him, then at this moment, Qin Tian is worthy of his attention.

However, it's just attention!

"Yes, of course! This is my boyfriend Lin Xiaoyao looked at Qin Tian and rushed to him. He was afraid that Nie Zhiyang would not believe him. He took Qin Tian's arm and said, "we talked about it in Songshan city! Boyfriends


The air solidifies instantly!

Nie Zhiyang's eyes, Wan as sharp as a sword, stabbed Qin Tian, and the atmosphere suddenly became depressed!

Qin Tianyi, it's over!

This is Lin Xiaoyao as a shield!

"No, Lin Xiaoyao, you didn't say that before..."

before Qin Tian finished his words, Lin Xiaoyao put his hand over his mouth, lowered his voice and said, "help me solve this big problem. I will give you Xinran sister and bed when I go back at night."

Qin Tianyi, immediately to the spirit!

"It's a deal!" Qin Tian stretched out his little finger to draw a hook with Lin Xiaoyao.

"BAM, childish!" At the same time, Lin Xiaoyao put out his finger and hooked it with Qin Tian!

"Are you really her boyfriend?"

Nie Zhiyang's face is more and more gloomy. This bastard dares to flirt with Lin Xiaoyao in front of him! Even Nie Zhiyang faintly heard the words "bed" and "here you are", and his gloomy face became livid!

"Yes, I'm her boyfriend!" With that, Qin Tian also put his arm around Lin Xiaoyao's small waist!

Code. Can't be used as a shield in vain. Collect some interest before the evening!

"The hatred of robbing my wife!"

Seeing Qin Tian holding Lin Xiaoyao, these four words appeared in Nie Zhiyang's mind in an instant. At this moment, he couldn't pay attention to the principle of shooting at ordinary people any more. He shot at his feet and rushed to Qin Tian like a shell! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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