These R & D staff arrived to be gratified. Qin Tian's work efficiency is very good, and his prescriptions are also very accurate, which has been highly affirmed by the drug supervision department, which makes them have a greater recognition of Qin Tian's medical ability and pharmaceutical technology ability!

With such a president on top of the R & D department, I believe the future development of the company must be extraordinary!

Taking the finished product of Huichun pill, Zhu Yu could not help but observe the yellow pill. Is it really so magical?

"Qin Tian, can you smell it and make sure there is no problem?" Zhu Yu couldn't help asking, but she couldn't smell anything except aroma!

Qin Tian said with a smile, "do you want to try some fresh food?"

"You think I'm stupid. I haven't given it to a patient yet, but I've only experimented with mice, so let me eat it?" Zhu yubai Qin Tian one eye, drum fragrant cheek to say.

Qin Tian continued to smile and said: "my pills are absolutely no problem, believe it or not!"

"I'll eat first." As the director of the R & D department, the middle-aged woman could not help volunteering to say that he actually wanted to experience the effect of this rejuvenation pill!

After Danshen's body was so comfortable, she was so exhausted that she became exhausted!

Zhu Yu couldn't help but ask, "how do you feel?"

"I feel comfortable all over, just like eating elixir. My energy is infinite, and I don't feel tired!" Said the R & D director.

Zhu yuxiumei has a slight frown. She has the feeling of eating elixir. What kind of ghost do you describe eating?

If you say that after eating it, you feel like a spiritual tonic. There are many on the market. As a person obsessed with pills, Zhu Yu wants to know how much better the effect of Huichundan is than those tonics!

Is asking Qin Tian, and then the next scene, but let Zhu Yu stare big eyes.

I saw a wisp of white hair of the R & D director turned black with the speed visible to the naked eye, and it also looked glossy and shiny, and the hair quality was obviously improved a lot!

Other people looked at the change of the R & D director, and was immediately stunned.

Can this rejuvenation pill be so powerful? Looking at these products, Zhu Yu's eyes showed a touch of hot.

"What's the matter?" Ding Yan, the R & D director, can't help but ask.

A medical expert was stunned to remind: "director Ding, I found a magical thing, that is, your white hair turned black, and the quality of your hair has improved!"

"True or false?"

Ding Yan's tone is full of incredible color. She quickly opens the mobile phone screen and looks at herself in the camera of her mobile phone. Her white hair turns black directly. It's amazing!

Ding Yan was overjoyed. She really thought she just ate the elixir!

"Mr. Qin, this prescription you developed is really amazing. It is absolutely a miracle drug that can be sold all over the world. The future of Li's Pharmaceutical Group is absolutely unlimited!" Ding Yan was very excited.

It's really not too much to say that this is the elixir. The face is white and the hair is black. What is impossible?

Qin Tian gave a faint smile. Compared with Fuyuan pill and Shenyuan pill, Huichun pill has a general effect. "This pill is to make people younger and more energetic. The older you get, the better the effect will be. Your white hair will turn black, and you can also repair wrinkles. But it is impossible to violate the law of life of the human body. It is not a real rejuvenation! "

"Even if it's not, the effect has already exploded." Others said excitedly.

"Yes, once this rejuvenation pill is put into the market, it will definitely cause the plunder of countless rich people, and our business is sure to be hot!"

"Wow, Li's pharmaceutical will become the strongest pharmaceutical company in the country in the near future."

"Isn't it? A bottle of jiaduobao will sell well all over the world. How can our rejuvenation pills be impossible? "

The cost of Huichundan is not very expensive. After it is sold on the market, the degree of profiteering is certainly much more powerful than that of a bottle of jiaduobao.

"Qin Tian, you provided the prescription of Huichundan. How much do you think should be priced?" Zhu Yu opened his mouth and asked, unexpectedly he just came to be the assistant to the president, and Qin Tian did such a big thing.

She believes that if the rejuvenation pill developed and produced by them is put into the market, it will surely bring endless profits, and make the status of Li's Pharmaceutical Group soar, even compared with some Chinese medicine companies!

Qin Tian laughed but did not speak, but fell into a burst of silence. He thought that he did not want his prescription to be limited to the use of some rich people, which was against his own medical ethics!

So Qin Tian made a decision in his heart to let everyone afford this rejuvenation pill.

"I've decided on the price!" Qin Tian opened his mouth and said in a very calm tone: "no 988, just 588!"

"What?"All of them were immediately covered with a circle. How could such a magic medicine cost only a few hundred yuan?

"Mr. Qin, don't you have any idea about high-efficiency supplements in the market?" Director Ding asked in surprise.

Qin Tian said with a smile: "I don't need any concept. My rejuvenation pill is to have a 588, no cheating on the old and the young!"

This time, the entire R & D department, including Zhu Yu, was shocked!

The medicine effect is such a magic rejuvenation pill, put on the market, even if it is to buy tens of thousands of yuan, some people are flocking to it, unexpectedly, Qin Tian only sold more than 500 yuan!

Is this a cheap sale or a denial of the value of pills?

As the owner of the R & D department, it is a great pity and heartache to see the first prescription that has appeared for many years, but it is so cheap.

If not so many people were present, she even thought it was a dream. Only in the dream would such absurd things appear.

"Mr. Qin, why don't you discuss with Mr. Li? It's not appropriate to buy 500 yuan!" Ding Yan reminded me.

"Yes, you are so funny!" Zhu Yu is also angry to gnash teeth, 500 yuan of medicine is this?

What is the tonic that 500 yuan can sell on the market? Shenbao tablets? Can Huichundan be compared with Shenbao tablets?

Of course, a rejuvenation Pill on more than 500, really not one or two Shenbao tablets can compare!

"That's right. We have to consider the market value. This pill can create countless profits for our enterprise and push our new company to the top. You are the president. You can't be so willful!" Ding Yan continued to persuade.

Qin Tian calmly said with a smile: "no need to discuss. I just want this pill to be used by the people. I'm a businessman, but I'm more like a god of medicine!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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