"How could it be?" It is not Zhong Xiao who talks, but luojiashu, who has broken his hand and bone.

"This kid is so big and capable. Your company has long been famous, and it will be until now?"

"Love believe it or not, anyway, you will understand when it comes out. We don't need you to believe it!" Zhu Yu hum, not very angry.

"Ha ha, then we will see it! Good book, you go to the hospital for treatment, let's go back! " Zhong Xiao seems to have no intention to cooperate with Li Xinran and qintian. He doesn't have much trouble. After all, he is a person of this status who is very important.

When they went out, Zhong Xiao showed a displeasure. "You should contact some advertising companies. You should take the channel for a large price, and let these Lindsey pharmaceutical channels only cooperate with us and become exclusive! We can't lose, whether they have any medicine or not! "

"Understand!" What can't be done as long as the money is in place, says Luo Jiashu? Looking at Zhong Xiaoyi's angry and displeased appearance, he knew that his work was much simpler next.

Dongchen group, as a private pharmaceutical company competing with Lin medicine, has been the strongest in health care products and supplements. While Lin's medicine has been blooming in Chinese traditional medicine and Western medicine. Supplements and health products are the proud places of Dongchen. If this side is lost to an external Li pharmaceutical group, it is shameful!

Bear the pain on the hand bone, Luo Jiashu has hated Zhu Yu's woman already, he can not easily let her go!

"Then I'll go to the hospital first!"

Luo Jiashu said that he looked at Li Xinran and Zhu Yu over there, and a greedy color appeared again in her eyes, and then walked towards his car with a private bodyguard.

When he got on the car, luojiashu called, "Hello, Mr. you, have your small team arrived at ledi?"

"Mr. Luo, we are here tonight. Now we are in the hotel of Dilu. What's the matter?" There was a man's low voice over the phone.

Luo Jiashu heard that the opposite side arrived, and the tone became more respectful. "You sir, I was injured by a woman today. I must get this prey. I hope you can help me out!"

"Well, the bones of the hand are split, and the woman?" "It seems that your interest is very high. It's only possible to double the price!"

Luo Jiashu trembled. "I have special medicine for the bones of my hand. It's not in any way. The price is good. I send you the address. That woman will take more time. The photos will also be sent to you. It's not a person. There are two women in total..."

After finishing the specific location, luojiashu hung up the phone, and asked the bodyguard to drive to the hospital to bandage it, so as to use his own Dongchen company's painkiller to ease the pain.

If Zhu Yu and Li Xinran are not punished tonight, he can not hold this breath. Don't want to sleep tonight!

At this time, Qin Tian walked to other places with Li Xinran and Zhu Yu. There were unpleasant things happened here, which was affected by many or less.

About half an hour later, Qin genius returned with two women. It was only a long time before he got on the bus. He found that four black cars blocking the license plate blocked their way, and then stopped the car. He looked at the way they were going.

"It seems that it's not right!" Zhu Yu was puzzled.

Li Xinran was frowning. I don't need to say, I know that this is revenge. These people are looking at them very hard. Four cars. There must be many people on it!

"Wife, it seems that we are being watched, and we can't take you out to play!" Qin Tian also helplessly shook his head, the look was a bit chilly.

His own safety will not be afraid at all, but Li Xinran is pregnant, not afraid of 10000 in case!

Li Xinran said calmly, "Xiaoyu, husband, I am not afraid of you!"

Li Xinran covered his stomach with his hand, and his face was actually a little nervous!

"Rest assured, I'll go down. None of their four cars can be my opponent!" Zhu Yu opens the door directly from the back of the car and goes out of the car.

There were dozens of people coming down from the four cars opposite, masks and uniform uniforms. At first glance, they were organized by professional killer organizations.

One of the first is a tall and strong man, from the eyebrow to estimate that there are 40 years old such age, he glared at Zhu Yu said: "only you?"

"You didn't come for me? I was the Roga book just now, right? I hurt his hand. Come to me if you have anything! " Zhu Yu said fearlessly.

Li Xinran in the car saw this scene, and was anxious, "husband, would you like to go down and help me? Xiaoyu is a girl with a straight character. I am afraid she can't resist it by herself! "

"Wife, didn't you like her so much before? I'm worried about her not worrying about me at this time!? " Qin Tian smiled quietly.

"When are you kidding? Am I that kind of mean and revenge woman? ""Yes!"


"Ha ha, it's OK. I just joked to ease your tension!" Qin Tian said in front of him with both hands, "I need to protect you in the car. I can't go. What if someone comes to the car and shoot?"

Wen Yan, Li Xinran suddenly trembled, which is too scary, right?

It seems that it is not suitable to go out after dark. After all, Qin Tian and Zhu Yu are such people who fight and kill. There are many enemies in ordinary times. It is no wonder that they really are!

Outside the car, Zhu Yu looked at each other, and asked slowly, "who are you?"

The tall man split his mouth and smiled at him. "Beautiful woman, are you Zhu Yu? I can see you should be a trainer. It's OK to tell you. You can hear about Ganzhou shadow employment group? "

"Shadow employment group? How can I know you so far away! " Zhu Yu said scornfully.

"Tell you, our headquarters in China is in Ganzhou, but our international headquarters are abroad. There are Chinese and foreign people in our team, and all kinds of experts have them. In this way, you can't afford to offend?" The loud man laughed with a frivolous voice.

Indeed, for Zhu Yu, such a beautiful woman, they are very difficult to mention too much vigilance, and she is still alone in the fight.

"What destruction are you employing troops to the emperor?" Zhu Yu asked with a serious expression.

"Ha ha, what task do you follow us, I hold you in the car, and slowly say it?" The tall man laughed.

Zhu Yu face dew angry, hands a beach, the whole body of Qi also up.

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