The performance of these people in the archaeological research team is entirely in the expectation of Qin Tian and xuanyuanzi. They are just tough mouthed people, in fact, they have no skills!

Wang Xie looked at everyone and said coldly: "start to explore the tomb and see if the environment at the door is suitable for everyone to enter."

Hu Jian volunteered to come out and directly went to the moving mouth to test the air quality, air density, temperature, and the ground condition of ten meters inside, and so on. With his professional knowledge, he came back and said, "you can enter completely. There is no problem at all. Apply for admission!"

"Well, you must be careful when you go in." Wang Xie looked at the people, especially Qin Tian, and continued, "I remember what I said before. There is a mechanism here. You must follow up when you go in. You can't mess around!"

Wang Jian and Xiao Qin are lovers of the Research Institute. They follow Wang Xie closely and walk carefully towards the inside!

Seeing them go in, xuanyuanzi said respectfully to Qin Tian: "master Qin, let's go in too!"

Qin Tian nodded and walked leisurely into the cave. Wang Xie and ran'an admired him for his manner. This young man of qintian is really brave!

And a little crazy, they all come to explore, during which they need to do a variety of protection work, and he seems to be traveling the same, really is too funny!

Under the illumination of flashlights, people advance in the cave without danger. The surrounding environment is very quiet, which makes people feel as if they are isolated from the outside world and come to another world which is different from the outside world.

The mystery of this cave is here. Unknown things and ancient things are the charm of this cave. Many people want to see all kinds of precious ancient things after they come in, which is the greatest charm.

It's not just the Marshal's tomb. In many places, as long as there are caves or tombs, people go to explore it. We all like this kind of living environment. It's really exciting!

Of course, this also caused the cave casualties, a lot of reasons, and even spread a lot of terrible deaths, which became the material for many novel writers.

While walking, Qin Tian let his double targets become transparent. He also looked around with everyone's light and found that there were all kinds of uneven rock walls on the walls. Besides this, he didn't see any other strange places!

Wang Xie took the lead in the front and walked carefully for ten minutes. In this way, he found that there was a fork in the road ahead. He said in a positive tone: "we went through this hole before, but we didn't go through the other holes!"

"What hole do we choose today?" Hu Jian also said with some worries.

"Why don't we probe them separately, so that it's faster!" Hu Jian suggested.

Wang Xie directly rejected and said, "no, we all need to take this road. It's very dangerous to separate. I think the middle road is better because there are some traces of artificial chiseling on it. I believe someone has already passed by. Let's explore this road today."

Wang Xie, as a professor of the imperial Archaeology Institute, made a group of young people feel very convinced by what he said. Without any objection, he would walk towards the hole in the middle!

Xuanyuanzi also wanted to go together, but he found that Qin Tian didn't move around!

"Master Qin, don't we go with them?" Wang Xie suggested.

Qin Tian is not a professional expert in archaeology, but he thinks that there is a way for Wang Xie to say. He just looks at the caves and doesn't know what he is thinking about. He looks very serious.

Xuanyuanzi didn't dare to think about it. He was an ancient warrior, but he was not a immortal. If he met any evil spirits, he would be in great trouble!

Without much thought, Qin Tian followed Wang Xie and they went in.

Just when people used to enter the passage of the cave in the middle, there was a gust of wind blowing from the other holes behind the cave. This made Qin Tian's heart not help being alert, but he did not look back, but followed them.

Not long after walking this time, Wang Xie stopped and looked at the front with a flashlight because a stone gravestone appeared.

Seeing this tombstone, these young people in the Archaeological Institute all showed an excited look. It's not necessary to know that it must be something of ancient people. They looked forward to the tombstone one by one.

However, Wang Xie didn't look very happy, because he found that the tombstone was not simple, and it was a kind of prohibition set up by people. It seems that such a tombstone was set up to warn people of something. He guessed that was the reason.

Wang Xie took out the attack, brushed it on the tombstone and wiped off the moss on it. Soon, he saw two ferocious statues on it. Seeing this, a group of young people behind him could not help but look frightened.

"Professor, what Dynasty is this statue? Why have I never seen such a horrible statue?" Hu Jian was afraid and asked in a low voice.Wang Xie pondered over the statue carefully, and after pondering for a while, he said, "if I remember correctly, it should be from the Tang Dynasty."

Hearing that this is such a long time thing in the Tang Dynasty, we are even more excited. It is extremely valuable to carry this tombstone back without saying anything else. They are all meritorious!

"Shall we continue to go in and see, or shall we dig and blame the tares?" Someone asked.

"This thing can't move. We have to have a professional engineering team to do it. If only we could detect it!" Wang Xie said.

"Let's go in and explore. We'll find more things." When Hu Jian heard that the tombstone was from the Tang Dynasty, he was so excited that he could not be afraid of it?

Wang Xie also nodded.

Hu Jian continued to take the lead and saw a stone gate around the tombstone. He tried hard to open the stone gate, but there was no movement at all!

"I can't push it. Where are the ancient martial arts masters?" Hu Jian turns to look at Qin Tian and xuanyuanzi behind him.

Xuanyuanzi tried it out, but he couldn't move it. It's like a fake door, but you can't bomb it casually, otherwise the cave will collapse and they will die in it!

And now encounter this place, if return to find what large-scale professional equipment cutting, it is not the thing that can be done today!

"Back away, this stone gate needs to be connected with the pattern of that tombstone. Maybe there is a way to crack it!" Wang Xie said, turning to study the Tang Dynasty tombstone again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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