At this moment, all the people present were shocked - what power is this? The floor is all cracked, a punch hit people spit blood?

Nie Zhiyang stood in the same place with a bow and looked at the blood stains on his face. He, the top special forces soldier in China, was so familiar and lost so thoroughly!

"I don't accept it!" Nie Zhiyang roared, forced to straighten the body, staggering rushed to Qin Tian!

But at this time, a strong figure suddenly appeared in the middle of the two, a grasp of Nie Zhiyang's shoulder!


Jiao Cheng roars and Nie Zhiyang shivers! Followed by a pair of disbelief raised his head, looked at the focal distance!

"Teach... Instructor!"

Listening to the familiar drillmaster, Jiao Cheng can't help sighing. In fact, he has seen the battle between Nie Zhiyang and Qin Tian for a long time, but he doesn't want to face the past, so he hides behind the crowd.

However, seeing Nie Zhiyang spit blood by Qin Tian, he had to stand up!

"Instructor! Where have you been hiding all these years!? My brothers, it's hard to find you Nie Zhiyang was so badly hurt that he didn't even see his decadence. At this moment of Jiao Cheng, his eyes were whirling with tears!

Qin Tian was also surprised. He knew that Jiao Cheng was a top-level special forces soldier, but he didn't expect that he was Nie Zhiyang's instructor.

"Well, it's a bit of a pain." Jiao Cheng faintly en a, these years he has been used to this stratum life, do not want to recall the years before.

"Why can't I talk to you about it?" Nie Zhiyang grabs Jiao Cheng's arm excitedly, "go, I'll take you to see my grandfather!"

"Nie Zhiyang!" Jiao Cheng's a kind of low drink, hard raw hold him, "you still don't understand? I'm not in my old focus anymore

"Today I stand up, just want to save your life, no other meaning... You go, don't disturb my life, or... We have no friends to do!"

Jiao Cheng did not hesitate to make the order.

"Drillmaster..." Nie Zhiyang didn't expect Jiao Cheng to say such a thing.

As early as the first day he stepped into the army, he followed Jiao Cheng. He taught him how to be a man, how to be a soldier and how to defend his country. But today, he said that he disturbed his life!?

"Drillmaster, I know you have a hard time to say. I'll leave today. But don't think I'll give up so easily. I'll come back to you!"

With that, Nie Zhiyang went to Audi A6 on one side. When he caught his hand on the doorknob, he suddenly looked back at Qin Tian!

"Qin Tian!" Nie Zhiyang a low cry, "Lin Xiaoyao's family background is not as simple as you think, I advise you to stay away from her... Some things, not ordinary people can be contaminated."

Nie Zhiyang's tone is full of warning, Qin Tian is a smile, "soldiers will block, water and earth cover up!"

"Hum!" Nie Zhiyang snorted coldly and took a look at Lin Xiaoyao before he got on the car.

It took Qin Tian and others a lot of effort to smooth out the storm on campus. Lin Xiaoyao wanted to slip away, but Qin Tian took it back.

"Don't forget what you promised me!" Qin Tian squinted and held out his little finger, suggesting that she was pulling a hook.

"Lower half. Body animal!" Lin Xiaoyao white his one eye, disdain said: "don't worry, at night I promise obediently to let all of you!"

"That's about it!" Qin Tian releases Lin Xiaoyao with satisfaction.

Li Xinran came over and asked Qin Tian, "what are you and Xiaoyao whispering about? What night is it for you? "

"Poof!" Qin Tian couldn't help laughing. He lowered his voice and said his agreement with Lin Xiaoyao in Li Xinran's ear.

Li Xinran listened to pretty face a red, bashful and angry patted Qin Tian, "change. State!"

With that, Li Xinran twisted his waist and ran up the stairs. He looked back at Qin Tian as if he was looking forward to the arrival of the evening.

At the moment, in a box of Hyatt Hotel, Zheng Dakang and Zhou Zaiyun are carefully drinking tea with the great men from the imperial capital.

Sitting on the throne is an old man with white hair and beard. It seems that he can be over 80 years old, but the look in his eyes is inferior to that of some young people. Even with a sick face, he is still upright and has a military flavor.

On both sides of the old man's left and right hands, there is a middle-aged man in his 40s, who is his personal physician and nurse, responsible for taking care of the elderly's life and body.

"Nie Lao, this time I came to Songshan, I must stay longer. Last time I came to Zhoushi, the mayor and I did not make the best of the friendship between the host and the host." Zheng Dakang said with a smile.

"Then I'll bother you more." Old Nie laughed, "I'm not very healthy recently. I've been in the army for so many years, and I don't expect to bury this old bone in my hometown..."

with that, he coughed violently. His face was pretty good, and he coughed purplish instantly.The doctor nearby took out the stethoscope in a hurry, and the nurse also took a bottle of medicine that she didn't know what it was and sprayed it into the old man's mouth.

"There is something wrong with Nie Lao's health. The purpose of this visit to Songshan is to visit Lu Bingqian, a famous Chinese medicine doctor." While touching Nie's chest, the doctor explained to Zheng Dakang and others.

"Oh?" Zheng Dakang and Zhou Zaiyun looked at each other, and then said, "although doctor Lu is a noble man, he will never refuse to give up treatment to Nie Lao. Although he is not in a city, he will definitely come to see him. Why let Nie Laozhou cart languish..."

before Zheng Dakang's words are finished, Nie old man waved his hand, tried to recover a few breaths, and said with a smile "When I'm old, I don't want to bother people. Songshan is a good place with beautiful scenery. On the one hand, I come to see a doctor, on the other hand, I look at the mountains and waters of the motherland, which is also a vacation for myself..."

in fact, Nie Lao didn't tell the truth. He and Lu Bingqian knew each other ten years ago.

In the 1970s, during the Sino Vietnamese war, Nie laozheng took the Chinese PLA soldiers to the front line. At that time, he left a stubborn disease.

Ten years ago, I met Lu Bingqian by chance, which relieved his stubborn illness and made Nie live for ten years!

At first, Lu Bingqian thought of Lu Bingqian for the first time. However, Lu shook his head and grinned bitterly, saying that his body could last two months at most, and his medical skills could no longer suppress the old disease in Nie's body.

The reason why they didn't make this matter public was that they were afraid that the children were worried and that the situation was unstable. Only then did they think of a way to sneak out to relax.

If you die outside, you may be able to delay the chaos in the imperial capital for some time, so that the controller has enough time to reorganize the order...

"I'll call Dr. Lu and ask him to come right away!" Zheng Dakang said and picked up the mobile phone, he and Lu Bingqian also have some friendship, and is to see a doctor for a big person in the imperial capital, Lu Bingqian will never refuse.

"Hello, doctor Lu... What? Do you buy Herbs in Xijing? When can I come back? Well, doctor Lu, as soon as you come back, please contact me immediately and entrust me with something important! "

With that, Zheng Dakang hung up the phone.

"Nie Lao, Lu Shenyi..."

"no harm." Nie old smile, Lu Bingqian hiding out of the Pine Mountain is also his command.

At this time, a man came into the door and whispered something in his ear.

"Oh? Zhiyang lost the fight! " Nie Lao's face showed a look of shock.

Nie Zhiyang grew up with him when he was young. He taught the skills of Nie Zhiyang. If you have to say who knows the most about Nie Zhiyang's strength, it must be old Nie!

"I didn't expect that there were such talents in Songshan!" For a moment, Nie old eyes shine, compared to Nie Zhiyuan injured, he is more concerned about the master who defeated Nie Zhiyang!

"Be polite. The young man who defeated Zhiyang, please come and see me."

After listening to Nie's orders, the visitor nodded and retreated.

"Nie Lao, in fact, there is another person with superb medical skills in Songshan, whose strength is not inferior to that of doctor Lu..." Zheng Dakang thought of Qin Tian in his mind, hoping that Qin Tian could show him his body.

"No, I know my body. I don't have to worry about it." Finish saying, Nie Lao Zhao waved, let nurse support him to walk out of the box.

Zheng Dakang wanted to say something, but he never opened his mouth and sighed silently. If Qin Tian could come to see him, he might not be cured. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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