The whole Marshal's tomb is not?

A sudden panic in the hearts of all, Wang Xie's heart also flashed through a trace of pain color, he studied here for so many years, unexpectedly, so no!

There are still countless jade and jewelry in it. It is more difficult to dig out the valuable things. And it may be fragments when calculated and excavated!

Those monks are Amitabha. It seems that this way is the best way to do it. They should not be destroyed.

But Xiao Qin and other students are very sorry, although they have kept their name, but this hard-working exploration Marshal tomb is over!

"And these things?" Wang Xie hurriedly walked to the place of Qin Tian.

"Master Qin, you can't take these things for yourself. We need to take them back to the country!" Wang Xie worried about the means, a grasp of a large backpack.

"I just look for the magic or the fairyland I want, and the rest is not my concern!" Qin Tian, regardless of Wang Xie, reached out and turned it up in his backpack!

"Don't break it, be careful!" Wang Xie worried for a while, reached out to take a porcelain, but when he touched, his hands did shrink!

I saw that these things that the clouds were looking for began to melt rapidly under the sun, and then turned into a piece of soil and sand!

But there are two things still intact, that is a black thing, and a black stone!

Wang Xie was shocked at the moment. He felt so incredible that he didn't know why such a thing happened and refreshed his world outlook.

"Why, what happened?"

"All turned, can't you see light?"

"My God, it's so expensive to say so many words. It's a bad thing!"

A group of students' cognition has been refreshed again and again, and I don't know what to say!

Qin Tian picked up the black and autumn thing, smiled at Xuanyuan son, while Wang Xie did not notice directly into his pocket.

Xuanyuan son smiled, he knew Qin Tian must have got what he wanted, or he would not show such a brilliant smile.

"Ha ha, I will not hesitate to do this!" Xuanyuan son laughed happily. Although this scene is dangerous today, it is very exciting. He has lived for about fifty years old. He has never seen such a thing. It is a big opening-up to him to come here today!

"I'm not willing to do this trip, I have no more, nothing!" Wang Xie said in some pain.

"And, thank you Wang, you better check Hu Jian's pocket, maybe something else!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

"Is this guy?" Hu just woke up at this time, but he did not know what happened, his eyes were confused.

Wang Xie found him a bit, and as expected, he found a jade!

"You damn it, you should have hidden antiques!" Wang Xie took a bad slap and took it directly. This time, Hu Jian was completely awake.

"Professor, I just picked up a jade on the road that didn't matter..." Wang Xie tried to explain, heart is very empty!

Wang Xie shook his head helplessly and said, "you can, go back to the Institute and you will be punished!"

Hu Jian, ashamed of his face, dared not refute, but said with his head low and unfriendly: "fortunately, I hid one piece, or you can't take anything back!"

"What do you say?" Wang Xie turned and stared at Hu Jian.

"I will punish you. I will not do it. I will inherit tens of thousands of family property home. I have a bad life. I must archaeological!" Hu Jian despised the scolding.

"You..." Wang Xie was in a hurry and broke. How to call such a student is a crime!

"Wait, I'll see what this is!" Qin Tian knew that there was no melting thing, which was evil, that was something spiritual.

He reached out to take jade in Wang Xie's hand and found that it was a carp, and it was carved very beautiful and colorful.

"Wow, this is a magic weapon!" Qin Tian can't help but exclaimed.

"Is it?" Xuanyuan son also got the hand, felt a moment of eyes light!

"It's a magic weapon. You can't afford it!"

"What do you mean, do you two have to rob?" Wang Xie Mian showed vigilance. "This is the property of the state. You are illegal. I must take it back to the Institute!"

Qin Tian smiled, and looked at Wang Xie with a trace of abuse and said, "I said I want it. What do you say? If you don't have me today, you all have to die here! "

"That's a bit of a thing. I'll take it back!" Wang Xie said with no heart.

"You're going back? Can you see what else you can take? " Qin Tian put it on his finger and grabbed it, and then released it to Wang Xie.When the koi fell on the back of Wang Xie's hand, he couldn't help but make a scream. The jade was like a vampire, clinging to his palm tightly, as if to sink into it!

"It hurts!" Wang Xie Ao screamed, and finally took it up with the help of xuanyuanzi!

"I tell you, this thing is not to be touched by ordinary people. It must be handed over to the ancient warrior." Xuanyuanzi advised.

"Isn't it too evil? Why? " Wang Xie asked doubtfully, although not reconciled, but also had to admit.

"Because there are arrays and mantras. If you don't know how to control these things, you will only harm others and yourself!" Qin Tian said sincerely.

Hearing this, Wang Xie also took a breath. If he took it back, he would die on his way, which would be embarrassing.

Hu Jian's hands were numb. Fortunately, Qin Tian took it away in time. The girl in red seemed to be scared and stupid. She didn't dare to make a sound. What kind of love Keepsake was actually a cult thing. It was a little creepy to think about it!

"Master Qin, do you think we can go back?" Xuanyuanzi said with a smile.

Qin Tian nodded. At this time, he did not know how much energy he had consumed. He was too tired to argue with them again. He put away the Koi and went out towards the outside!

Wang Xie looked at Qin Tian and they went out, but they didn't dare to talk nonsense. If anything happened on the road, it would be hard to do!

I almost couldn't pass by. They were scared!

Qin Tian and xuanyuanzi are in front of each other. For this time, they have too much to communicate with. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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