"Let me tell you, director Ding Yan of our R & D department turned black after eating it. Now a week has passed and there is no rebound. How to say that it rebounds in a few days. This medicine is all made of traditional Chinese medicine. The more you take it, the better the effect will be and the higher the sustainability will be!" Qin Tian explained.

"Yes, yes, we all support you. The doctor Qin of your company really benefits our poor people. This medicine is a miracle medicine for the people. We do not accept devaluation!" The middle-aged man said cheerfully to Qin Tian.

Of course, he didn't know that the doctor Qin was standing in front of him, otherwise they would be more excited and couldn't stop him!

Qin Tian's face also showed a trace of relief, to thank you.

However, everyone still boasted that Qin Tian would be worshipped as a God.

The effect of Huichundan is very fast. The white hair turns black and the black hair revives. Moreover, the wrinkles can be gradually slowed down. In addition, it can restore the body's essence, regulate the meridians, relieve fatigue, and strengthen the body. Such a medicine can have an immediate effect, and it only costs more than 500 yuan. Who doesn't like it?

Of course, the company's drugstores are not just this one, many of their companies are beginning to become lively, customers are crowded.

Such a scene was also directly reported by the news media, and the police also came out to maintain order. The first day of listing seems to be the day of rejuvenation!

No matter the old people, children or girls and boys, everyone wants to buy a box and eat it when necessary. No matter what kind of disease you eat, it will have some effect on recovery. Even some big bosses come to Li's pharmaceutical group to ask if they can wholesale a large number of them!

The first day on the market directly caused the phenomenon of stock shortage. The production of pharmaceutical factories must work overtime!

After being urged by the pharmaceutical factory, they also had a bumpy time. They didn't eat Chinese food for most of the day. They just went back to the group building to make up for it!

This is the life of office workers. No matter how big or small things are, you have to worry about them, and you need sugarcane time to do them. There is no chance for you to liberate yourself!

"Qin Tian, you really have made great achievements. You will be famous soon. You are the only one who has the name of medicine God!" Zhu Yu while eating a meal, looking at Qin Tian, a burst of praise!

"In fact, Huichun pill is just the lowest one among several kinds of pills I have developed! You don't know. What are you excited about? Qin Tian couldn't help but whisper.

Seeing Qin Tian's disapproving expression, Zhu Yu knocked on his arm and said, "those are high-level pills for practicing martial arts. You can't achieve mass production, or you can't buy all the herbs in the world, and they are not enough for supply, OK?"

"This is a problem, but things are rare. For example, Shenyuan pill needs at least 10 million levels!" Qin Tian said.

"Well, when will you give me Shenyuan pill? I need to break through! You see, if I break through the dark strength, my strength will be stronger, and I will be able to do things for you! " Said the woman with a smile.

"You think it's dinner. How many times have I given it to you? You'd better not try to cut corners! " Qin Tian said solemnly.

"Pooh Zhu Yu couldn't help laughing and said, "I believe you will give it to me again. I know you are like this!"

"Never again!" Qin Tian said very firm, lazy to explain what!

"Well, well, I'm not a fussy person. If you don't give it to me, I won't have the cheek to ask you. I'm still a reserved woman, OK?" Zhu Yu said.

Qin Tian stopped talking. He felt that he had forgotten a certain environment in his work today. He looked at the time at more than two o'clock in the afternoon, and then said, "today, when we went to the pharmaceutical factory and consulted with the pills, we seemed to mislead the persistence of our medicine. This is the slander of Dongchen group. Go back and have a look

"Well, I've been thinking about it for a long time. We spend money on advertising, and they spend money on hacking us. That's not going to work."

After dinner, they walked out of the company again. They went to the first floor drugstore of Dongchen group on the opposite side. They saw that there were no customers except the shop assistants. They couldn't help laughing.

In the big drugstore, president Luo Jiashu reprimanded everyone, which happened to be seen by Qin Tian.

"Luo Jiashu's arm is OK. It seems that they still have some means." Qin Tian looked at the roadside and said with a sneer.

"Wait a minute. It's not easy to look at the situation. Look at it!" Zhu Yu looked at the other side and found that a group of media reporters began to walk towards Luo Jiashu's drugstore!

The leader is a middle-aged man who looks like a patient. At this time, he looks a little scary. His whole body is red, his face is swollen, and his skin is cracked. It looks like a winter wound. It looks terrible!

The middle-aged patient looked at Luo Jiashu who was lecturing in the drugstore. Then Luo Jiashu's mouth showed a sneer.

Then the middle-aged man began to take the Huichundan of Li's Pharmaceutical Group and howled to the reporters behind him, "I came here today to expose the conspiracy of Li's pharmaceutical group. I'm all because of swelling after taking their Huichundan. I went to the hospital and said that it was the side effect of the medicine, if not because of dongchenji Tuan's longevity ointment can help me relieve my pain. I can't even walk here and talk to you now"Their medicine has an effect, but it is at the cost of human life value. I am a painful case. You must not buy the rejuvenation pill of Li's medicine, or you will be the next winner!"

Luo Jiashu asked the shop assistants to rush to their own work, ignoring the outside of the door, as if nothing had happened. They were also carrying things, looking very hard-working.

And the people who passed by heard that it was about Huichundan. There were so many reporters besieging them. They all immediately surrounded them. They picked up their mobile phones and started shooting at the patients with this auxiliary effect!

After venting his anger at the reporters and the media, the patient began to make up his own story with the onlookers. Li's pharmaceutical group was on the opposite side. Because of the long queue, some people in the back also heard the news and left one after another, so they didn't dare to buy any more!

The bad news of this kind of side effect soon spread to the store. Some people who were not easy to buy the hand and were ready to pack also refused to pay the bill and take back their mobile phones. In a few minutes, the long line of scenes disappeared, and they all surrounded Dongchen medicine.

Want to see exactly is how a side effect, more see more anxious, are saying do not buy temporarily, see if these people also have side effects!

Qin Tian and Zhu Yu, who saw this scene on the roadside, were not very good-looking. Zhu Yu walked directly to Dongchen medicine, pulled his throat and yelled: "I am Zhu Yu, assistant to the president of Li's pharmaceutical group. I can tell you that they are slandering. Our Huichundan is definitely not such a side effect!"

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