Shen ruohai, who originally drove a Lamborghini, was enjoying the speed of his super run and threw the people behind him far away. However, he saw Qin Tian rushing up with Lin Xiaoyao's phantom. In an instant, he passed his car and drove away!

I don't think about the speed limit, do you?

At this moment, Shen ruohai felt a sense of provocation. He directly stepped on the gas pedal, and the car roared directly into the air. He scared a boy sitting in the co driver's seat with a look of panic.

However, he soon calmed down, because he instructed Shen ruohai to accelerate suddenly to surpass the Rolls Royce phantom of Lin Xiaoyao in front of him!

"Shen Shao, you can do it. How can you lose your super run to his car?" Said the boy in the co driver's seat.

They are all young masters who run a company at home. They are used to fighting. Especially, those who drive are luxury cars. Who is willing to lose?

Thinking that there are four girls in the car opposite, the meaning of fighting is more obvious. You can't lose!

So they can't tolerate a boy racing in front of them like this, and still driving Lin Xiaoyao's car.

This kind of common hatred makes some drivers behind him also secretly send voice to Shen ruohai, let him surpass!

However, soon, Shen ruohai and others all showed an incredible look, watching Qin Tian's Lamborghini overtaking so smoothly, which made Shen ruohai look in a hurry.

Although the acceleration of overtaking is very fast, there is no car on the high speed. Do you always have to overtake? Do you want to change lanes?

But the car that Qin Tian drives seems to be a flash of lightning. He runs forward recklessly and ignores many cars directly. It seems that there is a spacious road ahead, which makes him rush forward regardless of it!

It's just amazing. It's the legendary god of cars!

Shen ruohai is very good at driving, but seeing that Qin Tian's car is so smooth and has never slowed down, his heart is full of shock, but he doesn't admit defeat and follows closely!

However, the more he drove, the shock in his heart gradually turned into a sense of frustration. No matter how he drove, he couldn't catch up with Qin Tian, and he couldn't directly throttle to the end, but Qin Tian always had a foot in the accelerator to the end!

Shen ruohai gradually a little flustered, and this speed is the fastest he usually drives. After all, racing on the highway is not crazy. He is joking with his own life.

As a top junior, he hasn't enjoyed enough of the extravagant life. How can he feel sorry for a boy who has never driven a car and loves to pretend to be forced?

"Gosh, this boy is really crazy. Master ruohai, you'd better not chase after him. This guy with four girls hardly takes other people's lives seriously!"

"It's not surprising that people who have never touched a luxury car can't help but take off after touching it. Loser's heart is normal!"

Shen ruohai said, the speed also gradually slowed down, the boy around him continued: "really, get off the car and criticize him, I don't want to die, some other girls don't want to die? This is regardless of other people's life safety! "

Looking at the dark blue Lamborghini phantom in front of them disappeared in their sight, Shen ruohai, as an audience, had already felt the shock, not to mention the girls sitting in the car!

On the other car, the two teachers were stunned. They pinched a sweat in their hearts. This is crazy!

Did Qin Tian never drive a car in his last life? This speed is so amazing, and the courage is too big, there will be a death one day!

In fact, although Qin Tian was driving fast, there was no dangerous moment. It was just that the scene that he passed one car made the rear people feel frightened. The feeling of sitting on the car was not so terrible, but everyone could feel that it was really fast!

Shen ruohai followed, not very good complexion, let the boy around him call Lin Xiaoyao by wechat voice.

After calling the second floor, the boy directly put his hand on Shen ruohai's mouth. Then Shen ruohai said, "Xiaoyao, is that boy crazy? It's going to kill you if you open this word so fast. Please let him slow down quickly

"Is Shen ruohai? Different from you remind me, I believe that brother Qin Tian can do it! " With that, Lin Xiaoyao hung up the phone directly.

Shen ruohaton must be embarrassed, which makes his heart very uncomfortable. It seems that there is a fire burning in his chest, which almost burst out in an instant!

This beautiful lady he always wanted was obviously joking with the life of the women around him, and pretending to be with her life. This is a kind of two hundred and fifty!

But Lin Xiaoyao even likes this kind of boy, which is really irritating!

I think Shen ruohai's lungs are going to explode.

However, this is the highway, he wants to be angry without punishment, can only be held in the heart directly!

An hour later, Qin Tian took the lead in arriving at the downtown area of Yancheng.Yancheng is a long history of northern city, where there are many ancient buildings, tourism and play are very developed.

Compared with the modern capital, there are more historical features and local cultural atmosphere. It is not as inclusive and prosperous as emperors. Everything has, so inclusive.

As soon as I come in, I can feel a local feature. Just from the start of the racing, three girls will not talk. After the car stops, they go out of the door and spit up crazy!

They felt very exciting at first, but it was too hard to overtake for an hour. They were afraid to talk and close their eyes and couldn't see it. They really had no words about Qin Tian!

Seeing three sisters from the beginning of the Jiaoxiao, to a bowel to spit out, Qin Tian smiled at Lin Xiaoyao, just as if they were a small punishment!

Sitting in the position of the co pilot, Lin Xiaoyao, who is more excited by the senses, is calm. She has some ancient martial arts cultivation disciples, but she has no energy, but her physical quality is much better than them!

"How, thrill?" Qin Tian watched the three girls squatting on the ground smiling at Lin Xiaoyao.

Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help but give Qin Tian a white look and said angrily: "you are really too bad. Are you the racing champion? I can't drive around with my cousin! "

"That's for sure. It's my wife. I don't care about you. I'll be happy with myself!" Qin Tian said after lighting a cigarette.

Not many times shenruohai and the team teacher also arrived, after they got off, all of them were not good looking at Qin Tian, as if to find him to calculate the account! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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