All of a sudden, Lin Xiaoyao was being talked about all over the hall. Before the speech contest for the students started, these rich second generation boys could not wait to get Lin Xiaoyao's contact information.

They found that their school flowers can not even compare with Lin Xiaoyao, because the temperament of this woman is not what many school flowers do not have and can not be compared!

Shen ruohai, sitting on the other side of his mouth, couldn't help but smile, and his credit rating was incomparable. "Don't dream, Lin Xiaoyao will be my woman sooner or later."

"Who are you? It's yours sooner or later. What do you think of us?" The boys around him are unwilling to look at Shen ruohai.

Shen ruohai said triumphantly, "don't you know that there are top families in the imperial capital, such as the Shen family?"

"Are you the young master of the Shen family?"

All of a sudden, these students are not calm. The Shen family is a big enterprise with an asset of more than 30 billion yuan. They are very famous in the imperial capital and even in the whole country. Such a childe brother even went to study and took part in the speech contest!?

It's true that if it wasn't for Lin Xiaoyao, Shen ruohai wouldn't come. He doesn't care what the champion or the reward is!

Therefore, for him to participate in this art competition, he just came out to play and relax. After all, he was tired of further study. The important thing is to get along with Lin Xiaoyao more and communicate more, and finally capture the girl's heart.

But some unexpected is, today Qin Tian's arrival, let him feel very uncomfortable, has been thinking about how to find the field!

At this time, the teacher who supervised the competition came over and motioned for everyone to stop arguing. After all, the big guy is talking on it now!

She looked at Shen ruohai and others with a serious expression. After making these people silent, she focused on Lin Xiaoyao. It was the beauty who was in trouble. But she soon noticed Qin Tian around Lin Xiaoyao. Seeing that he didn't have a chest tag on his neck, she couldn't help asking: "this classmate, are you here to participate in the competition? Where's your ID card? "

"I'm not a student, I'm just coming with her!" Qin Tian zhengse said.

At this time, the teacher couldn't help but look a Leng, pointed to the back of the position and said: "then you can't sit here, here are all the students participating in the competition, you go to the back and sit there, no one cares about you!"

"All right! I'll go out directly, Xiaoyao. If you shout, you can get the first prize with your eloquence Qin Tian showed a encouraging smile to Lin Xiaoyao.

Lin Xiaoyao is speechless. This guy certainly doesn't want to stay here for a long time? Indeed, such business meetings and competitions are too difficult for Qin Tian. He has been away from study for a long time.

"OK, if you wait for me outside, or drive around by yourself, I will give you information in advance, pay attention to receive it!" Lin Xiaoyao knows that the car key is still in Qin Tian's hand.

See Lin Xiaoyao face Qin Tian this person so intimate, others have some sidelights, if it is not the supervisor in the teacher, they must have to coax.

But they also saw that Qin Tian's dress was very ordinary. It seemed that Qin Tian was just a personal assistant or a driver, so he didn't care much.

Next, the speech contest began. There were about 20 contestants. Each of them was limited to five minutes. It would take about two hours to finish the speech. Then there were even points and announcements, and then awards and so on. There must be three hours!

This is Qin Tian is not willing to continue to stay, today accompany Lin Xiaoyao over is completely pit, he went out to find some fun.

When the speech contest came to Lin Xiaoyao, the women were eloquent on the stage, the speech was natural and natural, and the content was vivid and powerful. At first sight, it was the virtuous girls who had received good education. The five minute speech was not long, but it attracted the attention of the whole audience.

Shen ruohai looked down at the flower maniac with incomparable expression. He was more determined in his heart. This woman must catch up with her hand!

At this time, I have been wandering in an exhibition venue of the hotel. There are all kinds of fine arts, which seem to be the works exhibition of various great painters. There are labels and corresponding price references on them.

In half an hour, Zhang Nan and other three girls finished their speech, and they rushed out after finding an excuse to go to the toilet. After all, it was three hours. They came to Yancheng to play. Where did they care about the competition?

At this time, Qin Tian was watching a master's oil painting. This scene happened to be seen by Zhang Nan. She thought that Shen ruohai had no opinion on Qin Tian? Seeing this guy looking at a famous painting, he couldn't help sending a short message to Shen ruohai.

Sure enough, after receiving the SMS, Shen ruohai walked out of the room and walked to the side of the three girls.

"Shen Shao, how do you want to keep him from coming down? Now without Lin Xiaoyao, he is nothing by himself! "

"You can't fight for sure. This guy is so powerful!"

"Yes, yes, we are not the kind of people who fight. It's more interesting to kill people than to kill people."Three girls, you shout one by one outside the exhibition area, and don't worry about being heard by the people inside. It seems that you can't wait!

At this time, the painting in front of Qin Tian was an oil painting by gwasi, a famous Austrian painter. It was composed of landscapes and figures. It was completed by ingenious painting techniques. It looked very pleasing to the eyes and had a very high artistic achievement!

Qin Tian noticed that the price range of this painting is more than 10 million yuan. Is this a skyrocketing price?

It is also because a painting is too expensive, no one took away, can only hide in bulletproof glass window.

At this time, Shen ruohai and others slowly approached, and when they saw Qin Tian standing in front of the most expensive picture, they couldn't help laughing.

"Really, did this guy go to school, know antiques, know painting? You can understand the master's paintings? "

Shen ruohai sarcastically opens his mouth behind Qin Tian, and the three girls also laugh together. In an instant, they attract many people to look at Qin Tian!

Seeing that Qin Tian is wearing ordinary clothes, but appreciating such an expensive painting, I can't help but feel that he is a bit of artless and elegant, showing a trace of contempt in succession!

Just then, a man appeared in front of him, looking like he was in his thirties. When he saw him as Shen Ruo Haydn, his eyes brightened and he blurted out: "isn't this Mr. Kao Sheng Wang, the new gambling king of Hong Kong Island?"

Qin Tian didn't want to pay attention to Shen ruohai. When he heard the name of the character, he also looked up.

I saw four people in front of him. The first of them was a mature man, wearing sunglasses and a decent business suit. He went to gwasi's oil painting and enjoyed it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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