After taking photos, Shen ruohai continued to smile and said: "I can't imagine that Mr. gambler still has such a kind of artistic interest. Welcome to our imperial capital. I will definitely take you to have a good look at more famous paintings than these, or visit our best casinos."

Hearing this, Gao Sheng Wang seemed not interested in much. He said with a cool look: "I came to Yancheng to meet my old friend. I know Lei qianjue. I want to ask him about his situation. Then I go to Panlong area. I'm here to do things, and I'm not interested in playing."

"It's OK. I'll have a chance later."

Gao Sheng Wang smiles and nods at these girls.

"Mr. king of gamblers, since we are destined to get acquainted with each other, can you show us the skills of playing cards?" Shen ruohai said brazenly.

Other people are also the same, showing a look of anticipation, want to see what the king of gamblers is in the end!

Gao Shengwang is a young and vigorous man. The most unpleasant thing is that others suspect that his skills are not good or even that he is a cheat. At present, we can see that these four young people are their fans and admirers, and they also want to see his performance. Among them, there are three beautiful women, so he doesn't care.

Without any hesitation, he directly agreed to come down, and then secretly took a pair of playing cards and put them on the palm of his hand.

"Here it is, you must look after it!" Gao Shengwang said, his hand suddenly shakes. The playing cards are sorted and separated, and then they fly towards the air a little bit. Then the cards are rowed in front of four people, as if to show them!

Then he grabbed the other hand, which was to confiscate all the cards. There was no offset or falling point!

This scene made a lot of people can't help but exclaim, not only Shen ruohai, but also other people were curious to see it, and their faces were surprised.

"Wow, that's amazing!"

"That's a great skill

See everyone's praise, Gao Sheng Wang's look can not help but emerge a smile of pride and indifference, just a little basic game skills, used to frighten the following young people enough.

Shen ruohai puffed up his hands and said with a smile, "the king of gamblers is the king of gamblers. He really deserves his reputation! It's amazing

"Young master Shen flatters me. It's just a few tricks!" Gao Sheng Wang calm smile way.

Shen ruohai is trying to make this Gao Sheng Wang perform more powerful card playing skills, but this is still his eyes. Yu Guangchao puts his hands in his pocket. Qin Tian, who is leisurely and carefree, looks at it, and his mouth can't help but evoke a cruel arc!

"Qin, what are you laughing at? Do you look down on our king of gamblers Shen ruohai said provocatively.

"The least useful person here is you, a poor guy with southern accent. When you see the performance of the king of gamblers, you don't have to clap your hands. Are you still smiling scornfully? Who are you making fun of? " Shen ruohai said unhappily.

With Shen ruohai's words, people can't help but look at Qin Tian, who is on the edge of Huazuo. Seeing Qin Tian still has a satirical smile and disdainful expression, Gao Shengwang is also displeased.

Just now this boy has been standing on the side to appreciate, because it is too ordinary, he didn't care, and even frowned for Shen ruohai scolding Qin Tian. Now, does his expression seem to be aimed at himself?

It seems that there is nothing to make this ordinary dressed man show such a mocking and ironic expression, except that his performance is not in place!

"I'm not ridiculing the king of gamblers. I'm mocking you. A little trick will make you jump happily. I've never seen the world before." Qin Tian said with a slow smile.

"What! Trick Shen Ruo Haydn was also a little angry, and almost rushed to fight directly. However, he thought that Qin Tian was an expert and couldn't fight himself, so he could only suppress him from other places.

"Shen Shao, you seem to know this young man?" Gao Sheng Wang asked indifferently.

"Hum, I only know today. We came from the imperial capital together. This boy has been standing in front of this picture and pretending to be forced. He is just a small follower beside a rich woman who does not know the height of heaven and earth."

"He wants to pursue the eldest lady of the Lin family in the capital of the emperor. He simply doesn't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, so cute and forced!" Zhang Nan also disdains to say.

"It's not that I love pretending to be forced, that's the strength. You can't understand it!" Qin Tian shook his head.

Are you kidding? Do you still need to play with you on his strength?

How many brothers and followers do you have? They are all strong. Do you still need to dress up with you?

In the imperial capital, several cities he has his admirers, which is not willing to do things for him? Dealing with you a Shen ruohai is just a small favor. The eldest lady of Shen family in your family is helpless to me. What kind of thing are you?

Of course, Qin Tian's mood is different now. He just doesn't want to bully these rich and young people, or he is too lazy to pay attention to them, otherwise his style is too low!If the people who know Qin Tian is despised by shenruohai, he must go up and shoot the master of Shen family directly. Is it not good or evil for you?

"You say that trick, is to look down on the high gambler, since he is here, is my friend!" Shenruohai said, "Qin Tian, you'd better apologize to him immediately!"

"I'm telling you the truth. It's a trick. Why should I apologize to him?" Qin days also have time, not anxious slow and leisurely smile way.

In fact, he also saw that Shen ruohai was just taking the opportunity to make him difficult. He wanted to kill his face and let him lose his face. Qin Tian could not succeed even if he was low-key.

If not his own now boring, has already slapped past, let him full of teeth, give you so much nonsense here?

Seeing everyone also come to join in the lively, Qin Tian said lightly: "honestly, this flying card performance is not very good, I can also!"

When this is said, the king of Gao Sheng on one side is even more gloomy!

This year is his most contented year, originally just want to show one hand, but do not want to be despised by this young man, this makes proud of him, some can not bear!

Other audiences also can not help but cast a scorn on Qin Tian, this guy even means he can?

"Ha ha, I will wait for you to say this, you boy, pretend to be true to the home!" Shen ruohai laughed.

"The king of Gao Sheng also said in a positive way:" young man, your playing skill is very strong? "

"I haven't practiced playing, I haven't gambled!" Qin Tian answered truthfully.

"Ha ha ha!"

Shenruohai laughed again on the second floor. Qin Tian was like a funny clown at this time. He liked to speak loudly and feel ashamed, but he was not really capable.

But Gao Sheng Wang said with a sneer: "I thought I had met some gambling masters. I wanted to bet with you. Now you really only talk about hi!"

"You want to bet with me, OK!" Qin Tian said at will.

Hearing this, the whole scene was quiet. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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