It seems that this guy is rich, but he really likes to pretend to be forced, and he is very stupid!

"Let's use the card skill you just performed. It's a game for sure. It's not a waste of time!" Qin Tian put forward the method of gambling and fighting.

Gao Sheng Wang's mouth can not help but across a trace of potential in must get smile, originally thought this guy is nothing to rely on, did not expect that he should deal with his best card skills!

This flying card bet itself is the most proud magic weapon of victory, never lost, absolutely impossible to lose!

Therefore, Gao Sheng Wang agreed without hesitation: "very good, we take out five cards from this flying card. According to the rules of gambling, the flush is the biggest. Do you have any opinion?"

This is 20 million. Who is polite to whom?

"Of course, there's no problem. It's just that I'm going to pay 50 million for this game." Qin Tian zhengse said.

"Isn't your car 20 million?" Gao Sheng Wang could not help frowning, "how much do you want to bet?"

Qin Tian explained in a leisurely manner: "my car is a global limited edition, and I got 20 million yuan. If I took it to auction, I would at least double it, so that's 50 million yuan."

"It's impossible to double it to 40 million!" Gao Sheng Wang said speechless.

Qin Tian continued: "I can afford such a super sports car. Do you think I can't afford the rest of the gambling money? It's you. Do you dare to double it and take out 50 million yuan to bet with me? "

Smell speech, the audience was shocked again, Qin Tian, this is the vegetable market to buy vegetables? It's better not to discount, but to raise the price directly. I really haven't seen such bargaining!

"Hum, I don't believe it. Will Gaosheng Wang be afraid of you? This year's king of gamblers competition, I easily won 100 million, you think I can not get 50 million? I dare not? It's a joke Said Gao Sheng Wang Zhiji took out the black gold card of World War I, "there are 50 million yuan in it. If you win, the password will tell you and take it directly!"

"That's good. Let's get started." Qin Tian smiles, his tone is very calm, in the face of the upcoming gamble, he is not too excited, or nervous, and excited color, some just want to show his strength.

"Wait, and you? Who knows if you'd like to give 50 million? " Gao Shengwang felt that the sincerity of the other side was not enough.

"This is the private customized card of the first bank of China. The minimum amount in it is 1 billion yuan. If I lose, I will go to the bank to handle business with you." Qin Tian also took out a most representative bank card.

See this bank card, Shen ruohai and others are completely shocked, so much money?

Chaopao can afford to say that he is a billionaire. It is not surprising that the terrible fact is that this guy has a worth of more than 1 billion!

Is this the poor young man they laughed at before? This card is private custom-made, and he is willing to go to the bank to handle business, indicating that it is his card, which is undoubtedly the matter!

Shen ruohai felt a sense of frustration. He was not as proud of the money as Qin Tian. He didn't know how to twitch. He was not reconciled. He said, "wait a minute. Since you are so rich, I want to raise it!"

"Eh? How do you want to add it? " Qin Tianyi, you has the final say, anyway, it doesn't matter what it looks like.

Shen ruohai looked at Qin Tian provocatively and said, "I'm going to raise 10 million yuan to Gao Sheng Hai gambling king. Dare you take it?"

Ten million, Qin Tian always feels too stingy, but with Shen ruohai such a person, can't master the Shen family's financial resources, perhaps he has only so much!

"Yes, that's 60 million. I'll take it!" Qin Tian didn't blink his eyes and agreed directly. There's nothing to say!

Shen Ruo Haydn also looked at Zhang Nan and others on one side: "how do you want to add? This is the king of gamblers. It's a sure bet deal

It's not easy for Zhang Nan, a girl of ordinary stature, to take part in the gamble. But when I think that it's Gao Sheng Wang who is gambling, and Qin Tian has never gambled, this is the business of making sure that you can't lose. Their three sisters are also eager to try!

"Three of us, three hundred and thirty thousand each, add up to one million!" Zhang Nan's representative said.

One million is enough to buy a flat in an ordinary city, which is almost the most money they can take out. After all, their families are just small companies, and they only have hundreds of thousands of spare funds on hand.

It can be said that for the sake of this gamble, they are really willing to throw away their money directly. Although there are hundreds of thousands of people who have laid down their blood, they are not worth mentioning, but if they earn it back, it will be very exciting!

The key is to see what Qin Tian will do after losing. If he repents, it will be more serious!

"Well, get ready to start. I'll all follow." Qin Tian continued to say calmly.

Because of the sense of participation, Shen ruohai and Zhang Nan can't help but look at Gao Shengwang's playing card. When they know that this is a sure win, their expressions are all a little excited!Shen ruohai, in particular, is already quite a lot for him. If he loses, he will certainly be scolded. After all, giving you money is to let you think about doing some small business after you come out, not for gambling!

At this time, Gao Shengwang was calm, adjusted the feeling of his hands to the best state, and then suddenly said, "it's started!"

I saw his palm so shocked, a deck of playing cards was all shocked by him in the middle of the air, like the goddess of heaven, in fact, this hand is more advanced than before, this is his specialty, unique skill!

When these playing cards are in the air, his eyes can scan up, and by virtue of his memory, he can clearly remember the position of each of these cards, so as to occupy the first opportunity in taking cards. This is a talent that others simply can't compare with him!

This is what the king of gamblers should have!

Seeing an's 54 playing cards floating in the air, Gao Shengwang's eyes were focused and looked very nervous, while Qin Tian's face was indifferent. His eyes were like looking at the scenery. He couldn't see what he was doing. He was very casual.

Kao Sheng Wang's own memory is almost, almost no problem, and then put his hand in!

Looking at these cards floating in the air, Kao Sheng Wang looks at Qin Tian with arrogant eyes. Such eyes are full of provocation and awe. In general, you can get into a short-circuit in your opponent's mind, and you will be in chaos!

It's a pity that Qin Tian has a smile on his mouth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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