But don't want this black bodyguard to dress up on the phone, Qin Tian opened the door again, lit a cigarette and said slowly: "sorry, I don't want a bodyguard standing in front of the door!"

"Boy, you've offended people. We need to watch your every move!" Said the bodyguard in black.

"Oh, watch me? Is it up to you? " Qin Tian said faintly, "whose people are you?"

"Want to know? You'll be afraid if you know that! " Sunglasses bodyguard face serious smile way.

"Well, let me be afraid of it!" Other slow smoke said.

"We are the biggest underground organization in Salt Lake City. The most powerful big man, boss Jiang, if you don't want to die, you'd better go back and wait inside. Our boss said that he would not embarrass you or hurt you, as long as you cooperate!" The other sunglasses are not bad, said Zheng.

"Mm-hmm, I see." Qin Tian said calmly.

"Why, are you not afraid now?" The two bodyguards said grimly.

"I'm not afraid. Do you want to come to this hotel?"

"You don't need to know about this. Anyway, you just need to cooperate. I feel funny when you pretend to smoke calmly!"

The two bodyguards couldn't help laughing. The boy is very reckless. Isn't it more flustered to inquire about so much?

"Wait a minute. I don't want to see you in the room, boss." Qin Tian said directly.

Hearing Qin Tian say so, two people are direct smile, this boy is really crazy? It's shameless to even want to see their boss!

I don't know how high and low the sky is!

This boy is really disgusting. He wants to see their boss. He wants to die!

"Let's break him, don't affect the enjoyment of the boss!" One of the bodyguards said positively to the people around him.

Another bodyguard said with a smile: "now Yancheng is the territory of our boss Jiang, and those ancient martial organizations hardly participate in the underground. No one dares to offend you. You will send it to the door by yourself. When we arrive, we will start first. Then we will take the people directly. The boss will surely praise us for our excellent pen! "

"Yes, yes, I don't understand. The boy is already blocked at the door of the hotel. What are we waiting for? Can't we do it directly?"

The two said, as if they did not understand why the river breeze let them look at it instead of letting them do it directly. In an instant, Qin Tian was a plaything, trampling at will.

Seeing the two bodyguards clenching their fists like this, Qin Tian didn't care at all, nor did he have a look of panic in his eyes. On the contrary, he drew a sneer at the corners of his mouth and said, "then please lead the way. I really want to see your boss!"

Smell speech, two bodyguards, this is not young people, this is the threat of red fruit!

They are the private bodyguards of Jiangfeng. They are all very strong. They have the ancient martial arts foundation. They have won the provincial level martial arts champion. They earn a million yuan a year. Can't they deal with a stupid youth?

"Boy, I wanted to take you back safe and sound. Now it seems that I have to give you some color to see, otherwise you really don't know the terrible place of the world!"

The two men said fiercely, and then pretended to raise his fist to fight Qin Tian.

But Qin Tian turned a blind eye to this, as if he was scared to be silly, watching their fists toward their own fists how to hit their shoulders.

The two of them often work together, and it's not a problem to beat a living person into meat sauce!

Their fists can hit Qin Tian's shoulder directly. When they thought Qin Tian was going to die, an incredible scene appeared!

Qin Tian's shoulder is as hard as iron. He doesn't move at all, and his body has nothing to do. He just stands there looking at it with a smile, not to mention the collapse of his shoulder. It is meaningless to hurt him at all!

The two bodyguards showed an incredible look in an instant. The boy in front of him could easily stop their heavy fists. This is totally impossible!

"Have you finished? If that's all you can do, don't waste your time in front of me Qin Tian coldly smile, still did not move next.

"I don't believe it!" The two bodyguards looked at each other, jumped up directly, and then hit Qin Tian's shoulder with heavy fist!

However, Qin Tian only had a slight shock on his shoulder, so he added them up. The bodyguard with 400 Jin immediately flew out directly.

With a loud crash, they hit the wall of the corridor and fell to the ground. They screamed and couldn't get up again!

Not long!

Jiang Feng, sitting in the presidential suite, suddenly heard the sound of being smashed at the door. He was stunned. The hostess was shocked and directly shook the wine on him.

The river wind suddenly scared a jump, looked at the place of the door, angry voice scolded: "who the hell knocked on the door like this?"Half of his scolding, he turned pale, because the door couldn't be stopped. Two bodyguards flew in from outside and kicked in the presidential suite!

Jiang Feng looked at the young man in front of him. He was shocked and couldn't help seeing a trace of fear.

Qin Tian looked at the river breeze with a smile: "is that you want to find me?"

Gao Shengwang came out from the toilet and saw that it was Qin Tian. His face was gloomy. "How did you come?"

He is a very hypocritical person. At this time, how can he admit that he wants to harm him, and even points to the sofa and says, "please sit down, do you want to discuss gambling?"

Qin Tian saw that Gao Sheng Wang was also there, and he saw that this was an underground big man in Yancheng. In a moment, he understood that Gao Sheng Wang was not a gambler for Lei qianjue?

"Stop pretending. You want 50 million, right?" Qin Tian asked coldly.

"Yes, I think it's Gu Wu who won me. It's not gambling. I admitted that I lost in front of Shen ruohai at that time. I just didn't let the audience have more public opinions and give myself a good step. After all, there was no ever victorious general!" Gao Sheng Wang said coldly.

"Very well, you are quite honest!" Qin Tian zhengse said, "at the beginning, I thought you were the one invited by Lei qianjue, and even very polite to you. Moreover, I thought you were willing to accept defeat, but I didn't expect you to find someone to deal with me!"

"Yes, I just won't admit defeat. If you give me 50 million yuan now, I won't pursue you winning me with Gu Wu!"

"Is it? What if I don't? " Qin Tian asked.

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