Max Level Newbie

38. Don't you dare (2)

'Is it a little too much for a side income?'

However, it was hard to say that it was not a side income.

It was a blanks that matched all the items that could be worn to the maximum.

Since no more equipment was needed, all the items in the Vulcan inventory were like a bonus.

In short, things that don't have to be sold for money.

The corners of the Vulcan's mouth were slightly raised.

'I've become rich without knowing.’

It wasn't just rich.

It was because the value of the items that the Vulcan had was beyond imagination.

When converted into money, most Act2 residents can hardly collect it even if they earn a thousand years.

With the exception of some geeks who specialize in Act 2, it was safe to say that they were the richest men.

I didn't worry about not selling.

The god of blacksmith, who manages blacksmiths, is famous for being lazy and lazy.

Because of this, many people were always hungry for quality weapons, and Bulkan was showing an explosive response to items registered at auction houses.

He sat on the bench and looked at the people heading toward the auction house.

Now they have heard the story of the auction house, and those who hasten their steps with faces mixed with suspicion and anticipation.

Vulcan smiled calculatingly as if he had become a Jake in Belong City.

'Let's sweep the money from Espo City while the blue wind is up.'

And let's spend all the money we've saved up to do all the specs we can.

Let's do the so-called Donjiral properly!

This was the ambitious plan of the current Vulcan.

'First of all, we'll get the ingredients for the body modification.'

Vulcan sprang up from the bench and began to walk down the street.

In any case, there is nothing that can be attached to the auction house.

He moved his steps toward the fountain in the square to enjoy the relaxation of the bay.


"Is that him?"

"Yes, the hero of this auction house scandal."

"How the hell did you get all those equipment together?"

"Didn't you hear me? He's called a player."

"What? Pl 플···· 뭐 뭐 뭐 뭐?"

The muscular prosecutor, who heard the answer from the skeleton-thin wizard, tilted his head.

Because there was not a single player in Act 1's city.

The wizard, who saw the prosecutor's reaction, kicked his tongue as if he didn't know.

"Well, you live with your ears closed so much that it's a problem."

"Oh, whatever. So what's the play, ··· 플 플 플 플 플 플?"


"Yes, that."

The magician, who shook his head once as if he had given up, explained Chan-chan to the prosecutor.

Knowing that he was a very deaf man, the wizard spoke in detail and intelligently enough to be understood by a seven-year-old child.

The prosecutor, who was listening attentively to his words, exclaimed, "Huh, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo."

"What is this? It's a blessed species, isn't it?”

"The race is human. There's a player among humans. Like a forester."

"You're different from me anyway, aren't you?" Isn't that another species? It's not like humans are going to lose their items just because they're catching monsters.”

"Yes. Just take it at your convenience."

a muted accent

But the thick test didn't care at all.

Instead, he was very curious about the existence of the first player he encountered, and the wizard gave him a reasonable answer to the test's intellectual level.

a prosecutor who soon solved most of the questions

He looked very envious when he saw the blanks putting a huge amount of Asgard gold in the open space.

"정말 굉장하군······ 자네 말대로라면, 저 사람은 수련하다가 벽에 가로막힐 걱정도 없고, 지금 쓰고 있는 무기가 망가지면 어쩌나 하는 걱정도 하지 않고 편하게 살 거 아냐? I've had a headache all day long,· 하 하 하 하 하. It's a really easy-going race. I envy you! I envy you!"

"You're the one who lives in the comfort of the world without thinking."

The sorcerer looked down on the examination in his mind.

The word "player" also had his own hardships, and if not, he would live a hundred times more complicated life than you, but he didn't bother to bring it out of his mouth and cause a quarrel.

He whistled and glanced gently at the back of the blanks disappearing toward the mall.

Of course, he was envious of the Vulcan.

How much did he earn? 20 million? 30 million? Whoo. I can't even dream of it.’

He opened the space expansion pocket and checked the money he had.

A little over 840,000 ounces.

It was a small sum of money compared to Vulcan's earnings over the past few days.

'With two million, ····· 백만, a million more, you won't have to worry about buying research materials for a while.'

"I envy you. I really envy you."

A wizard who unconsciously brought out his thoughts.

The warrior nodded assent when he heard it next to him.

"And so do you, too?" What an enviable species."

These were not the only two who envied the Vulcan.

Two out of five people walking around Espoo City were people who knew about the Vulcan auction house case, and one of them even knew the face of the Vulcan.

Volcano naturally caught the attention of many people.

He reflected on the past, when he was very burdened by the attention of his surroundings and did not think about covering his face.

But such worries were brief.

After receiving the proceeds from the auction house manager for 200 items registered over the past four days, the Vulcan felt no matter what.

The tail of the mouth rises high in the sky, and around the eyes there are thick wrinkles from laughter.

The look of a half-failured man wandering around like a half-failured man is the look of a nerd who was hit by money.

He opened the system window and checked the amount in his hand once again.

I couldn't get enough of it.

'97,061,930 hours.'

A whopping amount close to 100 million acres.

The amount was well above the initial estimate of the Vulcan.

This happened not only because rumors about the auction house spread widely throughout the entire area of Act 2, as well as Espoo City.

By the first and second days, items were sold at prices similar to Vulcan's expectations.

But after the third day, countless people who had been in urgent contact with their acquaintances flocked to Espo City, and the competition intensified beyond description.

On the fourth day of the last day, so many people came to the point that the space inside the auction house alone could not accommodate all the people, and the situation eventually grew to the point where they had no choice but to magically display videos of goods outside the building and proceed with the auction.

Eventually, the Vulcan tripling its initial estimate of 30 million won, instantly joining the ranks of Act2's chaebol.

'Now it's not about body modification.’

Vulcan made an estimate in his head as he walked along the shopping street, and soon quit and giggled.

It was because I realized that I didn't have to.

'I have 100 million won, what the hell are you worried about?'

Actually, I was a little worried.

He knew that his items were worth a lot of money, but there were other places that needed money besides buying materials for body modification.

But the work went much better than Vulcan thought, and it was only a waste of time, a waste of heart, to worry any more.

'It was a useless worry ·······.' It's easy enough to go around the grocery store and the blacksmith's shop.'


to not need

When the opponent calls the price, he only pays the price silently.

I didn't have to do it unless I was being cheated or something like bargaining.

He stood in front of a building with a confident look on his face.

A sign that says" Linen & Pao's General Store".

"I told you this is the best place since the Forwar closed down.’

He stepped into the interior of the grocery store with an unstoppable gait.

All of a sudden.

Very clean inside.

Various miscellaneous goods were neatly arranged on a neatly arranged display, and a dragon, who appeared to be its owner, was looking at the books on the counter, wearing glasses.

Unlike Cheongpung, he is working in his original state, not as a human being.

'That must be the owner. Your eyes must be nice, why are you wearing glasses?’

As the bulkans approached him, they said in a dignified voice.

"I heard you can buy raw materials here, not processed goods, if you pay well. Is that right?"

"······맞습니다만. It's going to be more expensive than asking the union to buy it."

"I don't care. I'll buy all the ingredients written here."

A paper spread long enough to cover the upper body of the bulcan.

Looking at it, frowning at the corner of his eyes, Pao picked up the paper with his small forefoot and looked at the Vulcan.

'What is this guy?'

I heard there was a monster in the auction house, but I didn't know it was a man in front of me.

Therefore, he was suspicious of the blanks that mentioned expensive materials as if he had bought a potion.

"You must have spent your entire life doing magic research without any money.’

He looked around the blanks and said bluntly.

"I'm terribly sorry, but all the ingredients written here are rare. Each and every price is beyond imagination. You seem to be doing some great research, and if you want to buy all of these, you're going to have to at least, ···."."."."."."

"At least?

"······삼백만 아스 정도는 필요합니다."

After finishing talking, Pao put his slipped glasses on his front foot and looked at the face of the blanks.

If there is a case, I was wrong. I'll save money and come back next time. I'll leave the store after saying good-bye to you, ·······.

In the case of a real customer, he could have been angry and asked why it was so expensive or if it was a rip-off.

'If it's the latter, it's a real headache.'

Pao waited for the Vulcan's mouth to open with impatience.

Vulcan answered him with an expressionless face.


"Yes, ······. What?"

"Okay. Three million ass, right?”

"Huh? Uh, 어· 네 네, yes. Three million ass is enough, ····· 아니 아니 아니, no, 2.88 million as precisely."

"Here you are."


all round and round

The bulky box where the heavy gold boxes and money pockets are taken out before Pao's words are finished.

Toward Pao, who was looking at it blankly, the Vulcan said with a serene face.

"What's wrong? Count fast."

"Oh, yes!"

Pao changes his attitude rapidly and counts the amount in a friendly manner.

An inescapable curiosity came to his face.

Three million arses were enough money to buy two or three masterpieces made by Act2's most outstanding craftsmen.

The vast sum that most Act2 people can't make in hundreds of years.

Looking at the man who threw such a large sum of money in front of him as if nothing had happened, even his own sense of money was strange.

'Who the hell is that? I don't know any rich guy like him. There's no such thing as a silver beggar coming out of nowhere, and the silver jaebeol comes out of nowhere, .'.'··.'.'.'.'.'

Pao quickly counted the money, frowning his brows as if he could not understand.

그가 조금만 더 깊이 생각했더라면 최근의 경매장 사태와 불칸을 연관 지을 수 있었겠지만, 이미 불칸의 압도적인 금력에서 나오는 페이스에 휘말려 버린 상태였기 때문에 거기까지 생각이 미치지 못했다.

결국 불칸의 정체를 파악하지 못한 채로 선금을 받은 파오는 잠시 기다려 달라는 말과 함께 가게의 지하로 내려간 뒤, 작은 주머니를 들고 나왔다.

그가 주머니를 열어 보이며 말했다.

“공간 확장 마법이 걸려 있는 주머니입니다. 확인해 보시죠.”


뒷짐을 진 채 여유로운 눈빛으로 파오가 허둥지둥 하는 모습을 지켜보던 불칸은 평소보다 거만한 말투로 그에게 말했다.

“굳이 확인하지 않아도, 알아서 잘 줬겠죠. 그럼 가보겠습니다.”

"Oh, yes. Goodbye. If you need anything else next time, ·····."."."

All of a sudden.

"There you go."

Something urgent seems to be going on. Shinsu Pao was looking at the back of the rapidly disappearing bulkan.

He sobbed up to the counter and flopped down.

It was a queer moment, a curious man, as if possessed by a ghost.

Far from haggling over a price for this large number of deals, such a grandeur.

He slapped himself on the cheek with his small forefoot and muttered.

"This isn't a dream, is it?"

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