Max Level Newbie

41. Returning

Soon they stopped at the center of Espo City Square and rose to a slightly higher position.

It was a consideration for those who couldn't enter the square due to the narrow space.

So ready for the ceremony to begin, and Honus, who exchanged glances with Hokulus, stroked his beard and cleared his throat.

"A lot. Hmm."

Honus, who confirmed that the tumultuous intestinal tract had calmed down.

He took a thick document out of his arms and began to proceed.

"From now on, Vulcan, who graduated from Asgard's Act II, will hold an appointment ceremony for his glorious existence. First of all, the order...….”

Constant sentences flowed from his mouth.

Like the thick rain that poured down in the rainy season, Honus' words continued for a long time.

Those who knew him were okay because they had expected it to some extent, but many people who were not immune to his tedious speech grumbled inside.

But I didn't dare to put it out there.

Isn't that God?

You can't make it obvious even if you have a complaint.

They waited silently for Honus's words to end, and the appointment ceremony went on without much trouble.

However, the mood is getting dreary, limp, and less interesting.

Hokulus, who felt it badly, glared at his younger brother Honus with a puffy look.

Honus felt a pinch.

We've only done a third of it.….’

Still, I couldn't disobey my brother.

He skipped a lot of content with a smack in his mouth, and many in the hall breathed a sigh of relief.

So most of the procedures go over in a flash.

Finally, the climax of the appointment came.

Vulcan that came to the front of the Hoculus, as if walking on an invisible transparent floor.

He fell on one knee.

Hokulus, who was watching the scene, reached out to the Vulcan and said solemnly.

"Act2 of Asgard. Brave beings who have survived the ordeal of the rugged land and have passed the final test of me, Hokulus, are entitled to God." If you wish, you can come up to Act3 at any time, and you can also be authorized to rule the summer."

a simple declaration unlike Honus

The public who heard it gave thunderous shouts and applause.

a violent cheer, as if tapping the whole body

Through that thrill a ray of light came out of Hokulus' hand.

the sacred light that warmly embraces the body of the Vulcan

The sound of the system was heard in the ear of the Vulcan who accepted it with his whole body.

[Main Quest Act 2 General Manager, Hokulus' Accreditation, Done!]

[Additional rewards given to shortest-term clippers!]

[Use the system to check for additional rewards.]

[Please tell me your main reward wish.]


It's all over at last.

It was only at last that I thought so.

In fact, from the time I came out of the dark light, the claire was almost fixed, but the feeling was different from that when I was officially recognized.

The numerous people who have gathered to see themselves, and the various eyes they show.

Two powerful gods staring at themselves proudly in front of their eyes.

Finally, I realized it only after seeing the system's notification that the main quest was officially completed.

'I... ... saved my family, the world.’

a rather dazed feeling

But it gradually turned into a passionate joy, and it seemed like it was about to burst into tears at something that was raging.

Already a slightly blurred vision was representing his exasperated state of emotion.

But Vulcan managed to hold back his tears.

I didn't like it to look like that in front of so many people, but there were other reasons that were more important.

'Until I see my family......I'd rather bear it.’

It just crossed my mind.

Vulcan looked down and greeted the huge crowd gathered to see him.

Feeling his ears tingling at the sound of another cheer, he looked at Hoculus.

If there were no further procedures to proceed, I would return to the temple, tell them my wishes, and freely check for additional compensation.

'Hokulus is the type who doesn't care much about bluffing, so he'll let him go.’

a blanks which do not make eye contact with Honus

Such a quiet voice of Hokulus resounded in his head.

You're going right away?

Isn't it about done? Now I have to get ready to leave.

Yes, but if we just leave like this, the people who have gathered to see you will be disappointed. I'll show you something.

Hokulus' speech, which has changed to half-respect.

Once again realizing that he had cleared Act 2, he smiled back to Hoculus.

What can I show you? Do you want me to pull out a brain scan?

That's good, but I'd rather show you a more dynamic show.

After speaking, Hokulus pointed his index finger into the air.

Then a black square door appeared from the space where there was nothing, and five demons rushed out.

They scream of joy as if they had escaped from the prison where they had locked themselves up.

Vulcan, who confirmed that they were the highest demons to be seen from the source of evil, told Hoculus.

"Are we supposed to catch that?”

"Yes, please."

Vulcan nodded and quickly glanced over the crowd watching the demons.

The majority of those who gathered here are not very good enough to reach the root of evil.

Therefore, he looked tired of the terrible flesh and magi of high-ranking demons.

Looking at those black dead faces, the Vulcan grinned.


With the sound of air bursting out, the energy of epilepsy and flames rose simultaneously from the whole body of the Vulcan.

Five demons turning their heads at the same time in a sudden burst of powerful energy.

The Vulcan radiated powerful magic toward them.

Like firecrackers celebrating the clearing of Act 2, the demons burst out without even using their strength.

The long-lasting appointment ceremony was concluded in the memory of so many.


"That's great."

"Yes. It was great. I couldn't breathe, but the graduate killed me like he was blowing goblins. I don't know how.….”

"Someday we'll be able to. Now, let's stop thinking and go back."

"Will it be possible...….”

A great number of people exiting Espo City.

They were all excited to see if they had any lingering imagery of the status shown by the Vulcan.

While some of the dogs looked dispirited by the overwhelming gap with the Vulcan, most were returning to where they were with a look of enthusiasm, as Hokulus intended.

Numerous human beings, Suin people, Yongin people, half-sin, and other people who are anxious to resume training immediately.

And the heterogeneous being caught in between.

An ancient predator, whose face was hidden with a black robe, Poiard had a slightly different idea from them.


Poirot's eyes glared at Espo City.

While relieved that the absolute powerhouse seeking his own life was leaving, the gloom of having to keep his eyes open and watch the player's ability that he had so long wanted to leave was complicating his mind.

In fact, until I came to Espo City, I felt much more on the electronic side.

No matter how much you want to play, you didn't risk your life.

How can I be glad that the person who has made him hide for more than 100 years is leaving this place?

But Foward is a predator.

He was greedy in his birth, and had a strong tendency not to let go of what he had in his hand.

As the situation moved toward securing his own safety, greed began to rise again, and he was angry that he could not get his hands on him as he is now.

"Fuck it! It's mine! Mine, mine!"


As soon as the people around me find out they're missing, Poiard takes out his anger on the trees.

Repeating the same words as if he were disabled, he suddenly grabbed his chest.

Then, he poured out a cough mixed with blood on the floor.


After seeing the blood dripping on the floor, Poiard got angry again and tried to break down the trees around him, but he couldn't because of the constant pain in his chest.

Eventually, he had no choice but to sit on the floor with his chest clenched, suppressing his rising anger.

From his mouth came a voice like the cry of a wounded beast.

"The Holy Sword... ...when does that goddamn scar heal...….”

I've been hiding for the past 100 years and tried every possible means, but the wounds I suffered at that time have not been cured.

No, it's rather a situation that eats up one's body like a cancer cell and collapses the body.

Because he ate too much of the devil's peacock's boots, he became more vulnerable to the energy emitted by the sword.

Foward, too, guessed the fact to some extent and tried to improve himself by producing various poses accordingly, but things didn't go so easily.

After all, all he can do is curse the Vulcan with such profanity.

He glared at Espo City once again with his bloodshot eyes.


Of course, that didn't change the situation.

He endured the pain and stood up and thought.

'Still...... you don't have to hide anymore, so you'll be able to use more advanced materials. I can make enough medicine......let's live and see for now.’

Foward slowly calms his anger and thinks rationally.

When I felt this pain, I could feel my mind returning to some extent.

It means that if you get out of pain, you may be in a bad state of mind.

I didn't have time to lose my mind like this to solve the problem perfectly.

He hit his shark-like teeth a couple of times before moving on.

It was then.



a grotesque sound from afar

It was faint at first, but Poir solidified his impression as he heard the growing sound.

To live with hostility and animosity that seemed so pronounced that even a fool could know, he threw off his cumbersome lobes and took off his combat readiness.

Regardless of his shrewd response, however, his expression was full of questions.

This was just an ordinary forest, not a hunting ground.

It is by no means a place where such a grotesque noise can be heard.

What the hell is that? Did something change while I was in hiding?’

I didn't know.

Foward looked at the monsters that came close to his eyes, leaving his useless worries behind.

He looks sick just by looking at it.

Poirot's eyes were wide open at the exotic appearance of the monsters in the landscape, which seemed to have been torn into pieces and then reassembled without permission.

'You bastards...' Kimera!'

He had spent a long time in Espo City alone, so I never met him in person, but I was familiar with the rumor.

There is a lunatic mad scientist who kidnaps unusual species, powerful individuals, conducts biological research, and creates bizarre creatures.

And the fact that the madohist has enormous power chimeras.

Thinking so far, Poiard was able to feel intuition.

It was none other than himself who became the target this time.

He smiled a little.


A sound so small that you can't hear it well even when you listen.

But the sound grew louder and louder, and then it reached out to the surrounding area, making a noise so loud that the atmosphere around it was poking.

Some of the weak chimera showed signs of faltering, as if they had been hit by a voice full of mana.

But still, more than 50 chimera were staring at Poirot with pride, and the one at the center of it was even smiling with his shoulders up and down.

Foward, who stopped laughing at the sight.

He said, with his sharp shining teeth.

"Does your little bastard covet my body?"


As soon as the horse was finished, Poiar ran toward the giant chimera at a terrifying speed.

In front of him was a hard protective wall that had driven the Vulcan into a corner, and Kimera flew far and wide without even responding properly.



Other chimeras who responded late went wild to capture Po와r.

So the battle began, and a terrible noise stirred through the forest.

The sound of something breaking, the sound of tearing. The screams of pain and the sound of something exploding.

All kinds of grotesque sounds that made listeners have ominous and terrible imaginations unfolded like a joint orchestra performance, and at the same time, a disgusting smell spread everywhere that paralyzed their sense of smell.

After such two hours of intense fighting.

Again in the midst of the forest, who found silence, someone sprang up.

An old man of slender build who replaced part of his head with iron plates and inserted red lenses into his face instead of eyeballs.

He smiled contentedly.

"I like it very much."

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