Max Level Newbie

42. Departure Devil Man (3)

Riding on the ever-growing web novel market in Korea, he decided to write genre novels.

In fact, I kept thinking about it even after I came out on my last-year vacation.

Writing seems easy and easy to start with, but when you actually write it, you know that it is not.

Moreover, it was a more burdensome job to think of unstable profits, countless competitors, and a market that might fail at any time.

'Of course it's like, I don't care if you make a lot of money or not. There's still a lot.’

The latter, or profit, was not a major concern.

Vulcan pondered whether he would be able to enjoy this work.

He focused only on whether he could entertain, but the more he thought, the more positive the accident occurred.

It seemed to be fun and rewarding in its own way, which was completely different from when I was cutting and using magic.

It was also good that people were less worried about getting stressed out.

And most importantly, the material range he had was close to infinity.

Every story I heard from Act 1's Six Zones, Jake, and Dokgofu, and every rumor I picked up in Act 2, was like an exciting fantasy story.

No, I didn't even have to go that far.

It was a story full of excitement and novelty to the point where even the stories that he had experienced were easy to write.

'And if I keep these stories to myself, I might be frustrated.’

He opened a file with a smile.

When the somewhat provocative title of "99 Level Newbie" was opened, quite a large amount of writing spread out yesterday to say it was written for a day.

Since he didn't have to worry about the story, he wrote at a rapid pace.

Vulcan worked with minimal adaptations as if writing an essay, and after the volume had accumulated, he began to publish a series of web novels.

He's been so dynamic and aggressive before, he's been incredibly static.

But it was quite a favorite blanks.

"Oh, crazy! I've been to the real army and I've been home all day! Go out and play!"

There was nothing disturbing about his writing except his younger sister, who was angry that her symptoms got worse even though she was already a huge homebody.

There was no objection from parents who thought it would be the biggest problem. Seeing your father and mother cheering for you, Vulcan did not hide his gratitude.

I was hundreds of times happier than I was in Asgard.

So Vulcan's new life began.


Ten years have passed.

In the meantime, Vulcan has established its own position in the genre novel industry.

It was also due to the fact that writing was not bad, but it benefited greatly from the endless material.

There was no work that hit the jackpot completely.

However, the steady flow of material and material has gradually gained recognition, and can earn enough money to live by writing.

Every time he wrote, some of the always-on malicious comments went against him, but that didn't matter.

They're not really coming for their own throats, and that's what I could bear.

And in the meantime, there was something really important in the life of the Vulcan.

He was finally married.

He had not had much contact with a woman for more than 290 years.

For him, who had always lived in the midst of men, or alone, dating was so hard, and spent most of his time as a soloist before marriage.

Of course, it wasn't that I never had a relationship.

Even Vulcan, a huge love interest, could quickly turn into a love expert with the help of the enhanced system's scanning ability.

However, after a few short meetings, Vulcan, who was skeptical about developing a relationship by relying only on the power of the system, was reluctant to use his scanning ability and lived a life of fiction writing again.

It was his sister, Kim Ha-young, who saved him.

She gave all kinds of tips along with her blind date rush because she couldn't see her brother who was getting old day by day.

Eventually, thanks to her sister's tearful efforts, Vulcan managed to socialize with a woman she liked, and after two years of dating, she ended up getting married.

It's been three hundred years since I got married.

The fire at the wedding hall caused many people, especially Kim Ha-young, to burst into tears, but it didn't matter.

Like that, Vulcan lived a happy daily life like ordinary people.

But he wasn't always normal.

On the day of Ma Wang-gun's invasion, he became a Devil-defeating Devils from a genre literature novelist and displayed his power without regret.

The Ma Wang army's air strikes continued intermittently even after the Duke of Belserom's second attack.

The peacock-like demons that invade the earth once every 10 to 15 years.

And the superhero, Devil Man, who stops that evil pack.

Now the earthlings had learned some of his purpose.

It was because the Vulcan was not able to respond quickly to the floodgate held in the U.S., not in Korea.

"Hahaha! Humans, despair! I want to hear your cry, Duke Mohawk!"

Of course, the devil's Duke Mohawk, who uttered that line, was turned into a handful of ashes by the belated bulkans, but in that short time there were over a hundred victims.

But rather than focusing on the dead, the media showed greater interest in the demon, whose identity was first revealed, and the Devil Man, who stopped him.

"Shock! The Devil Man's journey so far, it turns out, is for humanity."

'Unidentified demons, and demons who stop demons, Devil Man.'

"Where are they from?"

Secretary of Defense, I don't want to leave it to the Devil Man alone, so I'll be fully prepared from now on.

'Devilman is actually Korean? his nationality guessing the time of arrival in the area where the incident occurred.

The Devil Man's Fever that took over the whole world in a flash.

While people were terrified by unknown beings seeking their own lives, they appeared to be enthusiastic about the unidentified hero who kept the evil crowd at bay.

Various contents related to Devil Man flooded.

Movies, novels, animations, and games came out, and various products such as toys and figures were sold like hot cakes.

I had no choice but to.

With even heroes who do not exist in reality receiving infinite love, it was only natural that the reaction to the real hero of "Devil Man" was explosive.

Men and women of all ages were equal. Everyone loved and liked Devil Man.

I can say that the era of Devil Man has come.

But Vulcan, the center of the craze, had no idea.

I just live my life as a normal novelist, husband, and father.

And then again, time passes.

Vulcan is 75 years old.


"Oh, my back.”

Vulcan got up from his chair and knocked on his back.

Of course, my back wasn't hurting.

It became a habit because I did it once or twice just to pretend to be old.

Vulcan, shaped like an old man through magic, walked slowly and sat on the sofa on the floor, and turned on the TV.

When he saw the "Devilman 6, Metatron's counterattack," which he had been watching tirelessly, he turned the channel with a frown.

"When are you going to finish filming that series?”

When the movie first came out, he was amazed and went to the theater, but now his interest has cooled down.

Regardless of his preference, however, the world still loved Devillman, and the market was dominated by related content that poured out every year.

And there was one of the most talked about contents.

It was "Devils War," a virtual reality game that appeared like a comet three years ago and captured the hearts of people around the world.

Vulcan looked at the host who was enthusiastic about Devils War's update on the game channel and frowned again.

Because that was also a game about Devil Man.

He grumbled that he had nothing to see, and left the front door with a bang on his tongue-tied.

"Where are you?"

"Chul-hwan is coming to meet you!"

"That gentleman, why don't you close the door nicely and go out!"

I heard his wife grumbling, but he didn't care.

Soon out of the apartment, Vulcan sat on a bench in the complex and conceived the story of the novel, feeling the cool breeze.

Although the web serial market was considerably smaller than before, Vulcan, who had no regrets about its profits, continued to write.

It wasn't as good as before, but it was still fun to write novels, and it was ambiguous to start another job from a position of being an old man.

'I don't know what will happen to the people around me one by one.'

At that time, he may live a second life after hiding his tracks.

However, considering his wife, his younger sister, and other acquaintances, he seemed to have 20 years to go before that time.

Of course I wasn't hoping for that.

He wanted to maintain a peaceful life as long as possible as he is now.

Later on, the current monotonous and static life may become boring and seek another life, but at least not now.

His sentimental eyes reminded him of the last 55 years of earthly life on Earth.

It wasn't a bad life.

'It would have been better except for one thing.’

His second son and daughter-in-law, who died early in a car accident.

The heartbreaking accident kept Vulcan's mind heavy, but it was inevitable.

He has a powerful force like God himself.

He was never as omnipotent as God.

'This would not have happened to my children if I had continued my power like any other gods.'

Is it because it is the power gained by the system?

The children were nothing but ordinary human beings who had not inherited their power, and he could not stop his son's death.

At one time, they were long depressed with remorse for failing to stop their accident.

But you can't do that forever.

He shook off most of the pain at that time.

And he was taking care of his grandson, Kim Chul-hwan, whom they left behind, and making every effort to fill their vacancy.

Coming to meet him as it is was part of that effort.

So that Kim Chul-hwan, who is only 12 years old now, can be loved and kept as much as possible, so that he won't be darkened by his nonexistent parents.

He did his best in a clumsy way, and thanks to this, Kim Chul-hwan was growing as active and upright as his peers.

He didn't have a hard time hanging out with his friends, and he showed a bright side in the house, laughing and chatting.

Even at that young age, looking at his grandson's personality, who was considerate of him, saying, "Isn't it hard for Grandpa?" made me reflect on my childhood when he was only grumpy.

But, ·····.

"No, what is this! Chul-hwan, who did this!"


"Nothing! Who is it? What kind of a jerk did that?"

The face of a grandson who is sure to have been hit by someone.

The face of the Vulcan who saw it was horribly wrinkled.

His grandfather, who was furious and yelled at the apartment complex to leave, hurriedly covered his mouth.

"Oh! Okay! A little quiet!"

"Tell me quickly, don't try to fool me! I'll take care of it."

"How can he do that?"

Although his grandson hesitated to speak with hesitation, Chul-hwan was forced to open his mouth due to the continued collection of the blanks.

The story from his grandson's mouth was very obvious.

A few kids who found out about Cheol-hwan's situation without parents made fun of him and beat him up in anger.

Upon hearing the story, Vulcan plucked up his sleeves and said,

"Okay, I'll go and call all the parents of those bastards right now."


A grandson who suddenly raises the volume and dissuades the blanks.

Looking at him with a puzzled look on his face, Chul-hwan spoke in a crawling voice.

"They're dads, ··· 엄청, they're very famous. I've just heard it's true for a big business president, a politician, ···."."."."


speechless blanks

He looked at his grandson with a little teary expression.

The 12-year-old boy became emotional when he listened to the words he had brought out of fear that his grandfather might be in trouble.

Kim Chul-hwan, who grew up too young.

And he was angry at himself for not being a reliable support for him.

He closed his eyes quietly to collect his feelings.

Chul-hwan was staring at the blanks with a melancholy look.

He spoke to the Vulcan in a much smaller voice than before.

"Can't you just transfer to another school?" What? They're always bullying each other, and I think they'll be like that to me starting tomorrow.

That's it.

The patience of the Vulcan was completely shattered, and could no longer be listening to such melancholy words from his grandson.

He straightened his waist, which was usually slightly bent, and went into the house, holding Chul-hwan's hand without a word.

Then he immediately opened the front door and tried to go outside.

Chul-hwan grabbed the blanks with a frightened look.

"Grandpa? Are you going to school? If you just don't go, then you won't go."

"Who did they say their fathers, Chul-hwan?"

In an incredibly soft tone that came from an angry look, Chul-hwan shivered slightly.

Then he spoke slowly.

"사······ 삼영기업? 사장? 회장? 그리고 국회의원······."

"That's all right."

Shortly before closing the door, Vulcan said reliably after a slight pat on Chul-hwan's head.

"Grandpas are stronger."

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