Max Level Newbie

47.The Devil's Assault (2)


Upon hearing Harang's words, Vulcan was greatly surprised and opened his mouth wide.

Now he's hiding his identity with Balok, but originally he's the god who manages the Helkium dimension.

It was very hard for him to keep his mind like water even after hearing the news of the invasion of the horse industry.

But Harang didn't think such a bull's-eye look strange at all.

Because I thought anyone would be surprised.

He continued.

"Hoo-hoo, you look very surprised.”

"......frankly so."

After figuring out what he was doing, Vulcan took a deep breath to calm his feelings and asked Harang again.

"I don't know well because I'm short-sighted, the Grand Duke said, there is a great danger to invading humanity...….”

"Yes. As I said, the moment we invade the human world, the powerful demons are all restricted from power. "Fan ID"......and maybe me too. It will only be possible to move on to the handover after paying quite a price."

"Then in what way...Do you have a plan?”

It's a very curious and desperate look.

It was inevitable that every word of Harang would be considered important for the Vulcan.

Unintentionally, acting as a spy to reach the heart of the enemy and steal information, he looked at Harang's face with a burning gaze.

And facing his hot gaze, Harang uttered exclamations of admiration and praised the Vulcan.

"Ho...... that look on your face, it's full of enthusiasm. It's a pure look that's different from the previous lepers who are only enthusiastic about self-preservation. Haha, this is a lucky break before we hit the jackpot!"

'Stop talking nonsense and get the information out quickly!'

"No. How dare I dare to...….”

"No, demons starving to battle like you are not common these days. It's lamentable, huh?... Oh, where was I?"

"Do you have a plan for a human invasion...…”

"Oh, yes. Actually, there's not much of a plan. But I'm confident of success with a very high probability. 'Cause......'

a blank stare at the pit of a pause

Harang, who smiled slowly as if enjoying his eyes, slowly opened his mouth, and Vulcan was able to see why Himuro and Harang were so confident of success.

"God is leaving his seat a lot."


"I didn't know that was the reason...….”

The Vulcan that sits alone in his assigned residence.

It was a makeshift tent, not a fancy, spacious building he thought, but he didn't have any particular complaints.

They did not want to be treated by themselves and the demons, which can be called Cheolcheon jiwonsu, and there was no reason to want such a thing beyond living here.

Well, it's much more pleasant than the other marzol tents....No, it's not the right time to think about this.'

Vulcan shook his head to blow away his ever-intending jumble and recalled what Harang had just said to him.

About a year ago...... Circumstances have been captured that the Helkium-level god regularly leaves his dimension alone and leaves for another world. It's only a day or two for a short time, but there were times when I was away for more than 10 days. The gods have never stopped paying attention to their world for more than half a day.... this Polkan guy didn't care about anything like he was going to another level.’

'That means......'

'Yes, Mr. Heimuro, who saw it, set out to create a portal for's not long before it's finished. If all of us, including the Devil, enter the handover, it will be possible to change the handover to the Magic within a day...….’

'Okay, so the date of the handover...….’

"After the portal to humanity was completed, it was immediately after Helkium's god stopped by the handover and left. We know he'll never come back for at least 24 hours once he leaves....Hah, by the time he gets back, he'll be seeing the human world turn into a horse. Hahahaha!'

"Ha...... I was doing something very dangerous...….”

With a sigh, Bulkan poured out words of remorse for his actions with his voice.

Until now, it was the Vulcan who had lived half-heartedly ignoring the words of the old gods.

Every time they say, 'Don't always leave the summer empty, watch out for demons!' they pretend to hear, "Yes, I see!" But it's true that they've lived for the past year, rather than summer management, to invade the Magye.

As a result, the demons at the Helkium level were even looking for the handover they ruled, so there was nothing to say.

'Which handover will he take? the most confusing Hoffo land? Or Romeroom? I don't care where it is, but...….’

Still, the good thing about the misfortune is that we were able to find out in advance about their invasion.

With less than 15 days left before the fire and invasion, it was really fortunate to have fallen to the Helkium level by a miraculous coincidence that the supreme god cared for him.

'And if only the devil hadn't come to my sight in wouldn't have even thought of visiting the Devil after seeing the B+ rating, and I would have left without knowing anything about it....and in the meantime, the handover must have been a wreck.….’

a thrilling situation at the mere thought of it

Besides, there was one more thing he didn't consider.

I forgot that time passes differently on each dimension.

"I've never spent more than 48 hours in the horse market before, but I was wondering why they left for more than 10 days."

After a moment of thought, he was able to come up with a time scale at each level, and realized that if he had no luck, the 48 hours he had thought of could be multiplied by that ten.

It's my level of control, the same time scale as Asgard, but......there's a place where time goes by much faster. Hoo, if Ma Wang-gun had invaded us when we were spending time in a place like that, we could have gone over two or three, not one handover.’

Vulcan shook his head, shaking the body of the haggard Balok.

It was because when I thought of the terrible situation, I automatically frowned and felt chills all over my body.

But after thinking about it, he soon tore his mouth to each side and smiled a big smile.

Now that I know all this, I can prevent the worst that I've ever thought of.

All the bad things we've done so far are just assumptions.

Now that they found out about their invasion, it was a blister that they no longer had to worry about much.

They thought of launching a takeover attack because they often left their posts.

Then, everything would have been solved if from now on, without leaving, and put a little more effort into summer management.

Although it was regrettable that we would not be able to shoot another level of horseback riding in the future, we cannot abandon hundreds of millions of summerers.

Thinking so far, Vulcan confirmed how many hours were left before returning to the summer.

Four hours... Whoo. After I get back, I'll just keep looking down at summer in Asgard...….’

Four hours later, a blister full of thoughts to go back to your world and do your duty faithfully.

But that's only for a moment.

When I thought my happy life would be over in a moment, I felt very depressed and felt my body drooping.

Destroy the world without any qualms, knock down the devil's rivals against him, and gain experience through the quest reward of the system to reach a higher level.

I had no choice but to lose my energy because I thought I couldn't do all this.

While lying in his bed and preoccupied with such negative thoughts, Vulcan eventually began to pour out his unsatisfactory feelings toward Helkium's king, Haimuro.

"Oh, because of him...He's class D...... no, I would have had a fight if I had been in grade C...You can't fight in his hand-in- You can're not even worth a damn.….’


The blanks that had been filling my head with curses about Himuro for a long time.

He jumped up from his seat at the thought that suddenly came to his mind.

Then, he expressed his admiration.

"Ah! Take over!"

"What's going on?"

"Oh, nothing."

The Vulcan sent back a mazol, who was startled by his loud voice.

He breathed in, exhaled, and breathed out slowly to calm his agitated chest slowly.

A minute to do so.

With a serious look on his face, the Vulcan, quite calmer than before, echoed in his head the thought he had just thought of.

"If I join you in the Mawangun and move on to the handover through the portal created by the Mawang......and if the Devil and the Grand Duke fight with them after the handover...….’

If so, they will be weakened by the penalty, and they will be able to use the power they could not use.

After clapping his hands to make the sound of a match, the Bulk, who thought so far, corrected his thought of leaving the world after 24 hours.

A bulkan in a large chair prepared for him rolled his head with a serious look on his face.

You said you were watching my progress after the portal was completed....I've dropped in on the hand-me-down once. I'm looking for a minute after I leave. But what if I could spend some time here from now on without stopping by the handover......can we wait even if we do that?’

He had no way of knowing how much patience he would have had.

But there was one obvious fact.

Unless Haemuro, the king of the Hellkium level, takes over and invades, it doesn't matter how long the Vulcan himself is away.

After all, the Vulcan had to wait for a month, a year, and a year, until Himuro invaded the human race.

And waiting, holding out, was one of the things Vulcan was quite confident about.

'Of course it's no match for the old gods who rule the summer for over 10,000 years, but......but I'd rather have information than a hymuro whose eyes are open to invade the human race.’

Before I knew it, I had a relaxed expression, and I lay down on my seat with my hands supported by my hands.

A thin smile spread over his face.

So Vulcan spent about a week in the stable of the horse-riding, and soon heard that the portal to Inherit had been completed.

All the demons could not hide their excitement as if they were going to plunge into the handmaiden, and waited for the Helkium god to return to the handmaiden as soon as possible, and to leave again.

So a day, two days, a week...….

At last a month passed.

And over that long period of time, the Helkium-level God was not seen.


"A god, a god!

"To the level of the magazine!"

"Why don't you take care of it! The king of a failing country wouldn't do this!"

Heimuro the devil who breaks down the furniture around him.

Harang, a loyal servant who saw his face distorted by anger, could not say anything.

According to the pattern of Helkium-level gods so far, it was he who claimed that the best day to invade was right after he left after visiting the human body.

His remarks, however, have been overshadowed by the fact that he has never stopped by the summer of his reign since then, which is why the Hellkium-level Ma Wang-gun wasted a month of precious time.

'I shouldn't have stopped you when you said you were going to invade a week ago.….’

It was Ha-rang who insisted that we should wait a little longer because there was a chance that he might run into God at a bad timing, but as you can see, the result failed.

As if he had abandoned his own world, he was sick of the Helkium-level god who did not show his face.

'No, you wouldn't be so indifferent if your dog got into trouble, but why don't you think about coming when all kinds of accidents are happening in the lower world?’

It was a ha-lang who never dreamed that the irresponsible god was in his closest place.

Then, the eyes of the devil and the high mooro poured on him.


If you could kill someone with your eyes, a sharp gaze that would not be strange if you had already torn your body with a thousand thousand branches.

Having received it head-on, Harang dared not think to make eye contact and bowed his head.

Haimuro, who was staring at Harang with such a disapproving look, breathed a deep.

Of course he knew. That this is not Harang's fault.

On the contrary, he knew that he needed to be a little more generous about this mistake, as he helped himself, who was usually hasty, and successfully carried out various tasks.

But... ...

However, it was inevitable for him to think that it was time to paint two, not one, not the other, the whole thing, and that all the accidents were stopped and that he was angry enough to burn his whole body.

'! I can't wait any longer! It's already a limit! I've been waiting for over 200 years! I can't wait any longer!’

Heimuro, who made a firm decision in his heart.

It was a very emotional idea, but it was a decision that could not be completely absurd.

The scene has already been out of touch with the summer for nearly 40 days.

Most of the world, including the king, think that it is safe to say that there is little chance that he will return in time for the invasion.

Even the prudent Harang was gradually leaning toward invasion, so it was certainly too much to postpone the invasion any longer.

King Heimuro, said as he declared.

"In the next two hours, I'll hand over."

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