Max Level Newbie

51. Santa Claus

After spending about 10 minutes in contemplation, the blanks slowly opened their eyes.

The word 'true hell' that somehow made your heart beat.

The excitement it gave wasn't completely gone, but I couldn't just spend my time here.

This quest was different from the usual beating of the devil.

Due to the nature of the hidden quest, it was highly likely that the "Entrance of Hell" was also hidden, and it was not known what additional conditions would have to be achieved to enter.

Furthermore, the general quest, the "Magye Jungle," could not have started without a thought.

Currently, the level of B is comparable to that can be compared to his current level of power.

However, the difficulty level of the quest given to him is as high as A.

In this situation, it is clear that the king will lose his life or suffer great damage if he moves without countermeasures.

'First of all, we need information!’

It was not just general information, but it also needed high-quality information that only high-ranking officials in the world could know.

Ordinary people could not have known the place even named "true hell."

'And... ...because the system didn't throw me into a class A quest without any countermeasures.’

Perhaps there is a way to attack the quest in a different way, instead of advancing to the orthodoxy through force.

The supply and demand of quality information was extremely important to find out how.

In the midst of such thoughts, I could feel a very powerful spirit of evil from afar.

In the D-class horse world, he is called the devil.

However, it was quite difficult to say that he was the devil of the horse-riding class A.

"Helkium-level anti-aircraft...... Are you in the same position as Harang?'

As expected, it was a blanks with the sound of Grade A.

He really thought that this quest would not be easy, and he wore a set of small demons instead of the one he was wearing.


A small devil with an arrow-shaped tail instantly turned into a bulkan.

He was already in a state of suppressing his energy, but when he changed the equipment to a set of demons, it became almost nonexistent.

Vulcan, who liked his condition, smiled and approached him secretly.

Then, as the target approached the point of view, he used his scanning ability to look at his information.

[The Grand Duke's right-hand man Al Farum]


[Farrel: Evil; Loyal]

[potential: best]

* No. 2 man at the Nurhark level, the strongest man to assist the Great Lassium.

* We are currently moving on the order of the Grand Duke.

* I'm very nervous.

'Crazy, not the Devil, not the Grand Duke, not the Grand Duke, but the Grand Duke's subject of 1186 levels?'

The Vulcan was astounded.

How high is the horse-riding level, the second-in-command has such a high level?

From the standpoint of Vulcan, who had to conquer the world of horse racing, it was a very painful situation.

However, he immediately started a positive thinking circuit, calming his surprised heart.

''s not because one power is so high that it's A-level, but because the average level of demons is even, it could be A-level A. That's in my favor. We can break through each other.’

Although no one had confirmed it, Vulcan decided to think so with the desire to eat comfortably at least for now.

And here I was determined to capture him, steal the high-end information, and then deal with it.

Kidnapping was essential to reduce the enemy's power and to facilitate his quest.

There were many demons nearby that seemed to be his men, but the Vulcan didn't care.

They're below 1,000 levels anyway.

It was never the level to respond to his surprise attack.

The determined Vulcan immediately wore the Devil's Set.


a sudden surge of electricity

Vulcan, in ecstasy as if he had been doping, rushed into Al Farum at an astonishing speed.

It is no man who responded to his movements while the Vulcan reached the target's close range!

Not to mention his men, even the right-hand man of the Grand Duke, who was the party concerned, had felt his presence only after Vulcan occupied his rear.

Turning back in a hurry, feeling chills, the Bulk flew the left field with all his might.

A powerful blow with super-hot firepower fired into his abdomen, adding additional magic to the blow.



By the magic of showing more terrifying power as it was linked to strong firepower, al-Farum flew far away, feeling the whole abdomen being torn apart.


Al Farum can't even groan properly and flies like a star in the sky.

The Vulcan, who made good use of the tomb of surprise, smiled slightly as things went well, and rolled his feet to make a big leap forward.

Once again approaching him at a tremendous speed, the Vulcan pulled out the lightning sword of the brain cavity and in no time operated the brain-spirited sword to make Al Farum unwarranted, and took him by the collar and disappeared somewhere.

"What the hell is this?"!”

"Is it the work of the Devil?"

The subordinates, who lost their heads in an instant, were forced to watch the direction of Al Farum and Vulcan's disappearance with a puzzled look on their faces.


After searching for the naturally formed cave, the Vulcan sealed off the entrance thoroughly and began work to extract information.

I didn't think it would be easy.

Because when I scanned the information about him, there was an entry called 'loyalty.'

"Maybe one or two hours of torture would be enough...….’

If it had been handed over, it would have instilled spiritual energy into the body and caused extreme pain, but unfortunately, this place was a devil.

Eventually, Vulcan brought up the torture method he had learned from Lee Jung-yeop after a long time.


Al Farum, who feels great pain while poking his limbs.

Vulcan smiled, satisfied with Lee Jung-yup's torture method, which works well for the high devil.

The Vulcan mana injected through the top of his head had ruffled through his whole body, and he screamed horribly as if even breathing was painful.

At this point, it might be possible to stop torturing and dig up information, but the mana of the Vulcan continued to pour in and torment Al Farum.

First of all, I was going to make sure that I had to control the starting line.

He had no intention of stopping torture until he was told to spare or kill him.

But it's over three hours, over five hours.

Despite more than 24 hours in the bay, the blanks were completely exhausted as he showed no signs of giving in.

What kind of mental power is that?….’

Vulcan recalled a long time ago when he first arrived on Earth after breaking Act 1.

At that time, he couldn't stand a few seconds of torture and lost his mind, and as soon as he woke up, he blew up all the information.

He was not even releasing a single piece of information while the internal organs were dying.

Plus, the words that you pour out in between.

"You! There was still the Devil's Bannapult!”

"No matter how hard you try, it's in vain! I'll never go your way!"

Listening to those words with a grim look, like ethnic fighters who fought against the torture of the Japanese colonial eras, it was a blister that made me feel like I was doing something very wrong.


Al Farum, who ended up losing his life after 48 hours of marathon-like torture.

He died with his eyes wide open with a noble and solemn expression, and after a while he was transformed into experience, he was left alone in the cave.

"What the hell?"

a confounded bulkan

He had been dazed for a long time in the cave, then came to his senses and went out in a moderate set of demons.

Something seemed to be going on in the horse market.

'I'll pretend to be a new born devil, and I'll join the army and gather information from the bottom up.’

redesigned blanks

He moved at a rapid pace as if he had no time to waste.


Fortunately, this attempt was quite profitable compared to the beginning.

No information related to the entrance to the real hell could be obtained, but it was possible to get a proper grasp of the current situation of horseback riding.


But a sigh came from the mouth of the Vulcan.

As if he had invested heavily in stocks at the lower end of the day, he was beating himself up by tearing his head off.

I had no choice but to.

Al Farum, the right-hand man of the Grand Duke whom he killed.

He was a key figure in the "Anti-Mawang Alliance," which was created under the leadership of the Satanic Grand Duke Rashium, who was fighting against King Atilhu, the king of the Nurhachian level.

'It was because of this......because it was a chaotic situation in which we were bickering, even if I had demons who were strong enough to be punished by my own power, I could see a chance of success. The system didn't lead me here for nothing!’

Upon learning of this fact, Vulcan was flushed and shot the entire world, and had time to learn more about the forces of the Ma and the anti-Ma Wang alliance.

He needs to know how much power each has so that he can set a direction for his future actions.

And after investigating the information related to this, Vulcan's self-criticism began.

Based on the information gathered, it seemed difficult to defeat the king no matter how hard the anti-Mahwang coalition fought.

The number itself was much higher on the anti-Mawang coalition side.

This is because all demons, who failed to see the tyranny of the king, who harassed the people much more wickedly than ordinary demons, sided with the Grand Duke.

In the end, it is safe to say that he is not on his side except for the troops directly under the king and the king.

"But... a world as big as a horse, numbers are no use...….’

If this was a war of human nations without a single competence, the amount of troops would have been an important factor.

No matter how many times a long man cuts down his soldiers, he won't be able to kill 1,000 people.

However, this is a place where a strong man like the devil can easily overwhelm millions of small demons.

In the end, it was highly likely that the fight would be concluded with the strong men of the Mahwang vs. Van Mahwang alliance.

'1,300-level anti-aircraft, 1,200-second peacocks, 1100-second henchmen...... seven in all. I haven't seen the Devil's side,'s class A, so it's over 1400. It was supposed to be a one-on-seven fight, but one of them died because of my surprise.….’

Vulcan lowered his head and sighed again.

a one-on-six fight

No, in the meantime, he will side with the anti-Mawang coalition to balance it, so a one-on-seven fight will continue.

Nevertheless, the Vulcan could not erase the feeling that the anti-Mahwang coalition was losing ground.

Familiar with the system, he knew best how big the difference in level 100 was.

Fortunately, assuming that the level of the devil was only 1,400, it seemed that the winning rate of the anti-Wang alliance he joined would not exceed half.

'Uh...... no. If the anti-Mawang alliance wins, we can think of each of the possible defeats, but if the devil wins...... this quest is going nowhere.’

And Vulcan conjectures that if you don't carry out the A-class general quest, the Hidden Quest was also very likely to fail.

When he came to think of it, Vulcan came to the idea of increasing the strength of the anti-Wang alliance at all costs.

'The system has highlighted the Nurhark-level quest...'... moreover, the reward is a stepping stone to growth. It's abstract, but the rewards I need......I don't want to miss it!’

He has about a month left.

Since the union was formed while King Attilhu was away for a while, fighting was likely to begin immediately after a month when the king was expected to return.

Within that time, measures were needed to boost the coalition's strength.

The Vulcan, which racked its brains for it, had been agonizing over it.


Shu Wuowook.

Soon after, the determined Bulkan used the harness to escape the horse.

Then he quickly called Powell using communication magic.

What? He's busy with his research, why don't you do it later if it's not urgent?

Oh, thank God you're here. I was hoping you'd go to Magyea.….

Yeah, I guess it's urgent. What do you need?

I'll go over there first.

Vulcan moved to Powell's place with breathtaking speed.

He opened the inventory in front of Powell, who looked at him with a half-tired, half-interested look.

And I poured out a lot of items.

said Vulcan.

"Why don't you take these to Perkus and reinforce them?"

"This is... ...a set of demonic duke? I told you I didn't need it.... are you planning on spraying the other gods with madogu? Yeah, that's a good idea! There's six sets. When did he get so many?"

Powell holding the Vulcan's hand with a mischievous look.

Then the blanks shook their heads at him.

"I'm sorry, but it's not for the young gods. There's a place I need."

"Well, I shouldn't have liked it. Well, that's good. There's an amazing hand I gave you last time, so I'll do it right away.”

The work will be done by Percuss anyway, but it was Powell, who was full of color.

Then Vulcan greeted him with a smiling face, and Powell went to Perkus with a set of six devil peacocks in front of his eyes.

He asked Vulcan.

"But why are you strengthening those when you're not giving them to anyone? Well, players rarely do things that make sense to themselves, but I really don't understand this time."

"It's for someone else."

"Really? There must be some kind of student in Act 2?”

"Well... ...about that."

Vulcan, who was at a loss to give a proper explanation, roughly glossed over Powell's words.

He thought.

If I can't do it, I'll have to pull up the gear....I will be your Santa Claus.'

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