Max Level Newbie

53. Stationary (2)

a refreshing face from a man who has moved moderately moving body

And a cheerful tone.

The dark horse, bright and slightly frivolous as a teenager enjoying a virtual reality game, caught the eye of Vulcan.

Others might have been somewhat careless about his appearance, but it was not the case for Vulcan, who had the ability to scan from the system.

[Jinma Gaojinta]


[Psychological: Evil, cheerful, confident]

[potential: best]

* Baumta-level horse.

* We're growing rapidly with tremendous physical talent.

* We're delighted to find our first hidden quest location.

You're stronger than King Attilhu!’

The Vulcan sighed.

Of course, the level was not an indicator of everything.

This is because there were many things that could not be translated into figures such as experience, skill, and improvisation resulting from numerous battles.

In fact, the 999 level Yeo Dong-bin showed a stronger performance than Lex Lubro, who doped a thousand times through a cursed spell in Act 2.

But it didn't occur to me that Gao Chin-ta, who had easily penetrated his desperate monster control, was such a mighty idiot.

He looked much lighter than the other kings he had met in the horse industry.

But the hidden enormous power that is visible in his eyes.

The blanks that confirmed it forced each cell of the body to enter a state of tension.

Then Gao Chin-ta said to him,

"Hidden Dungeon, the average monster, seems to be better at artificial intelligence....Boss Monster looks a little different than the others. Well, I don't think there's much difference in power, but......and a much more natural expression. Can't you say anything, can you?

Rather than talking to Vulcan, it was almost talking to itself, but Vulcan answered back.

It was because I intended to buy a little more time, and I also had questions about Naraka.

"Of course I can talk."


"Can't the other Bosmonsters talk?"

"Uh! Again!"

Gao Chin-ta pointing his finger at the Vulcan with his mouth wide open.

Indeed, he was very surprised, and his round eyes stared at the face of the bulkan.

Having been speechless for such a long time, he smiled slightly and spoke to the Vulcan a moment later to see if his confused mind had been recovered.

"Wow, I never thought I'd really talk. Is it because it's the first update in 30,000 years? Something's different."

30,000 years? Updates? What the hell does that mean?"

Bullcahn immediately asked questions as he saw players using system skills or Gao Chin-ta speaking words that he might know.

This is because he was curious about his knowledge, which is clearly different from the simple demons.

Gao Chin-ta, however, did not answer to Vulcan's words without a hitch.

A man who exudes energy by wearing a horse that was raised in a flash.

The defenses around his body were overlaid with black luster.

The cheerfulness of the moment was still not lost, but in the meantime, there was a glimpse of life, speculation, and malice that could not be hidden.



At last, he is so powerful that the entire temple is shaken.

Gao Chin-ta, who held a horse in his fist as if holding a black flame in his hand, grinned and said.

"I'd like to talk to you more, but I'm feeling a lot hotter. Let's talk about it next time in Regency!"

"Come on, hold on... ....”

"Let me get my first clear achievement!"


Gaozinta, hidden as if it had evaporated.

Vulcan, who was trying to carry on the conversation, momentarily missed his move, blames himself for being absent-minded and spreads flames and lightning everywhere.


Fortunately, a few magic tricks passed by Gao Chin-ta, allowing him to identify his whereabouts.

He tried to concentrate on the battle, leaving aside the questions that were disturbing his head for a moment.

Interest in Gao Jinta, who spits out words that ordinary demons would not use at all, such as "update" and "public value," was rising, but now there was no room to distract attention from such things.

It's a completely different situation than before when you chose the horse-riding machine for level-up.

I couldn't afford to be so relaxed in my position to deal with someone who had a much higher level than I was.

'And also... ...this feeling of simply treating me as an experience. I feel dirty.’

Of course, he didn't treat monsters personally either, but when he actually became a monster and went through the opposite situation, he felt very unpleasant.

Of course, that didn't mean to go head-to-head without acknowledging the power difference, but at least he needed to show that he wasn't a green man to be ignored.

"After raising awareness by showing the best technology from the beginning, let's avoid a head-on collision as much as possible and endure half a day."’

Having thought in a flash, Vulcan raised the energy of the stingray sword to his own pet disease, the lightning sword of the brain cavity.

Although he was interrupted by Gao Jinta from gaining enlightenment in the middle, he was able to gather his energy much easier than before because he was not without achievement at all.

in a blaze of anger


Two forces fighting power over the lightning sword of the brain cavity as if not to lose to each other.

Before the energy dissipated, the Vulcan swung the sword at Gao Chin-ta, who had come to his own near distance.


A fast-paced sword, as of debris blown away by a massive explosion.

A slight surprise passed through Gao Chin-ta's eye at the sight of the brilliant move.

But that's all.

He responded to the sword of the Vulcan with smiling eyes bent like a crescent moon, and then clenched his fist.




Fu Hua Aak.

a crash loud enough to tear one's eardrum

And the blanks could not hide their bewildered look at the enormous amount of current and sparks that spread everywhere shortly thereafter.

No matter how high a level of 1428, how could he destroy his best skills with bare fists!

He looked at Gao Chin-ta's face, smiling wickedly, amid the energy of the lightning rod that was scattering in all directions like firecrackers.

It's as if endless despair has been embodied in the form.

Feeling appalled by him, Vulcan hurriedly lifted his left foot and kicked it up toward Gao Chin-ta's abdomen, but it didn't work.



The blanks groaned at the enormous counter-elastic force, as if they had kicked up a mountain, or something bigger and harder than that.

Of course, Gao Chin-ta, who was kicked in the stomach, also looked teary with a round mouth, but it didn't seem to have much effect.

What a big difference in power!

As a result, he was able to open up the street again while blocking his dash, but Vulcan could never open his face.

Because it was done not by his own power, but by Gao Chin-ta's simple whim.

"I thought you were going to lose your strength because you're small, but you're pretty strong. Speed is what I expected.”


Bull-cahn, who listened to Gao Chin-ta, who spoke as if to judge him, and made an angry face, thought things wouldn't go well, and raised his mana again.




Five ruins floating around themselves like a satellite.

And the energy of the sword rising by the sword.

Gao Chin-ta saw it and rushed quickly with a bright smile, as if he had found the most interesting toy.

When the fight resumed again, about three minutes later.

Vulcan spat out curses in his mind, feeling Gao Chin-ta's hard fist all over his sight.

'Damnever mind!


The head of a blister that bursts like a water balloon.

Vulcan laid himself on the floor, losing his head, experiencing the first death in his life.



Bulkans screaming like they woke up from a long nightmare.

What caught his eye was a square room full of white.

While looking around with a blank look on his face as if he were half asleep, he only sighed after a few seconds to figure out the situation.


a long exhalation of mixed emotions

Vulcan muttered to himself.

"I thought you wouldn't think much."

Like other Bosmonsters, Regency was possible, so it was a blanks that I thought would not feel much if I died.

Just getting hurt hunting, a little more unpleasant than that?

I had only guessed at that level.

But it was completely different from his own idea.

Even if one could revive, death was literally death.

It's painful, it's terrible, it's scary.

More than anything, it feels so lonely that I's making me shudder.

'I don't want to feel it again.’

Vulcan shook his arms with a sudden chill.

So as he was taking care of his feelings in the shock of death, a message of the system popped up before his eyes.

[You're dead.]

[This is the room of revival, the place where the dead monster waits.]

[After exactly a week, automatically move to the existing zone, 'The Temple of Fire and Lightning'.]

'This is how the Bosmonsters I've been catching are resened. Ha... ...dying, incredibly annoying......I feel dirty.'

The blanks that make you feel sorry for the monsters you've killed.

The most sorry of all, of course, was Belseram.

After more than 100 years of terror and cursing, he overcame the fear of death and later realized.

A thin smile spread over Vulcan's face when he came to mind in a long time, dressed in an unbecoming new line.

'Ha......Belgeram was really great.’

The Vulcan who for a moment praised the greatness of Belseram.

He sat on the floor, folded his arms, and after a deep accident, murmured quietly.

"I'm going to go to Devil mode.”

Of course, it was disappointing.

I was also curious about the amount of experience I would get after a year, and I was very excited about what kind of quest would occur after the activity area was expanded.

But the risk was too great.

The cost of achieving the quest was great, but if it failed, it was just a waste of time.

Indeed, he hasn't gained a single experience in the last year's time.

'And there's one more problem.’

"The Temple of Fire and Lightning" and the one who figured out who he was.

That meant that the exposure and risk of this place had increased that much, and it was also in line with the fact that it was harder to clear the quest.

After all, it seemed impossible to maintain the new mode any longer.

'Yes, after a year of waiting, you'll be able to enter the Devil mode, and then you'll be able to hunt in a normal manner, gain experience, and level up....I'll have to build up my strength there for a while and then go back to the new mode, or get my revenge on Rock Seager before that. All right, let's do that.’

The blanks that I thought were reasonably concluded.

He spent his time venturing on the fight against Gao Chin-ta, the one who informed him that it was "death."

Although there wasn't much to point out because he lost so quickly, the confrontation with the master over himself always teaches a great lesson.

Vulcan waited in the room of resurrection, feeling even a little gratitude to Gao Chin-ta, and at one point he felt his soul lifted up and moved somewhere.


The blanks that moved to the boss room of the temple of fire and lightning, where they were in the blink of an eye.

He looked around with a curious look on his face, nodded, and turned on the system window to leave Naraka.

But Vulcan could not achieve his will.

[There are currently intruders in the temple of fire and lightning.]

[If intruders exist, they cannot escape Naraka.]



At that moment, as long as the boss room's door is kicked in.

The Vulcan unconsciously turned his gaze towards it, and hardened like a stone statue.

"Hello? I'll see you often for a while."

Gao Jinta waving at himself like a naughty boy.

Vulcan had to look at him with a stunned look on his face.


So came the second death.

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